Chapter 37: Casual Dates

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I've walked through different streets and noticed that there are small stores around. I don't think I've passed by a street that didn't have any store. From what I know, there are these things called bento and bento boxes. Basically, those are convenient lunch boxes. They come in all shapes, sizes, prices, and all appetites. They can be found almost everywhere, on every convenience store, grocery store, and train station shops. One thing you shouldn't miss when you visit Japan is to buy some bento boxes and eat its contents.

I turned around the corner that leads to the main road and saw the local mall nearby. Surely they sell some bento there.

I walked towards the entrance and had the security guard check my bag before going on. This one is a little bit smaller than the other malls I've been through. I pass by shops of different kinds as I walk by.

Finally, I've spotted a promising store that has bento boxes displayed by the window. I pushed the door open and as I did, the sound of chimes above filled the room. I walked towards the counter where a young man stood and waited for my orders.

The counter is made of glass, and inside it, different types of bento boxes are displayed. They look realistic, but I think they are plastic ones for display.

I pointed to the one that is served in a blue tupperware and told the young man I'd buy something like that. The young man asked me if I'm taking it out or I'm going to eat it here. I decided to eat it elsewhere and told that to the man. I gave my payments and thanked him.

He offered me to seat on a nearby chair as he went inside to prepare my bento. I sat on the chair he pointed to and waited. I took my phone out for a while to check if Victor has messaged me or anything.

Minutes later, the young man came walking towards me with a paper bag in hand. "Careful, ma'am. It's a bit hot," he said as he hands me the paper bag. I took the paper bag and thanked him before getting out of the store.

I explored and strolled around the mall a bit more. I entered different stores, mainly clothing boutiques and checked some of the stuff they sell. Some things were interesting but not very worthy to be bought right now. I've finished strolling around the second floor of the mall. This mall only had two floors but those floors were quite big.

I went down to the first floor and walked straight towards the back part of the mall. I've heard there is an indoor garden there with some tables and chairs where I could eat my bento. I reached the garden and looked at it in awe. At the back part of the mall was a glass dome. It wasn't as big but it looks cute. There are even a pond and a little bridge above it.

I spotted an empty table and decided to head over there. I sat on one of the chairs and placed the paper bag on my table. I removed the bento out of it. The food is placed in a black disposable tupperware that has three compartments. One compartment is bigger than the other two, and it has a colorless cover so I can see the food clearly.

I lifted the cover off and looked at my food. Placed on the biggest compartment is the steamed rice that is topped with black sesame and salt. The other compartment contains three pieces of simmered pumpkin, three cherry tomatoes, a Japanese rolled omelet, and two blanched broccoli. The last compartment has simmered beef with ginger. The food in front of me looks very tasty, it's making my stomach grumble.

I reached inside of the paper bag and took a pair of chopsticks. I ripped the plastic open and took the chopsticks out. I threw the plastic back into the paper bag. I started eating my meal and felt satisfied on every bite.

All of a sudden, my phone inside my bag vibrated. It seems like someone is calling. I took my phone out and Victor's name showed on the screen. I clicked on the answer button and brought my phone to my ear.

"Hello, Victor."

"Where are you? Yuuri's mom told me you went out by yourself."

"I'm at the local mall. Do you want to go here too?"

"I'd love to. How do I get there?"

"Just walk on the main road and it leads right here."

"Have you had your lunch?"

"I'm eating right now. You?"

"I ate with Yuuri before going back here."

"I see."

"I'd be there shortly."

"Walk towards the back of the mall. There's an indoor garden there. You'd find me there."

"Oh, okay. I'm on my way."

"Take care, see ya!"

I ended the call and went back to eating my meal. I eat slowly sometimes, by the way. But only when there's plenty of times since I like observing things and thinking about scenarios that may never happen at all.

I imagine Victor walking up in front of me. I pretend I don't notice and just look down on my phone or on my food. Then he sits on the chair in front of mine, asking "Is this seat taken?" I'd look up at him, smile, and shake my head.

Do you ever get moments like this? Like you just think of possible scenarios that would happen. Imagining how the things would go, and adding your own little twists to it? Sometimes, imagining things that might never take place at all, and that thought will just play repeatedly in your mind, in hopes that it might happen. It would—

I was taken back from my thoughts when I felt hands cover my eyes. I placed my hands on the ones that are on top of my eyes, pretending not to know the owner of them.

"I wonder who this is," I spoke and pouted. I moved my hands upward to touch the face of the owner. I tilted my head backward as I ran my hands through the hair of the owner.

"Hmm, this person seems like he's good looking. May you remove your hands so I can admire your handsome face?" I hear Victor chuckled as he took his hands off my eyes. He pecked my lips and sat beside me.

"Babeee," he said and hugged me. I chuckled at his cuteness. He just looks so cute! It's been quite a while since he called me that.

"Hey babe," I said and kissed his cheek before hugging him back. We let go of each other after a while.

"I missed you," Victor said and placed his hand on top of mine. "Already?" I asked. "It's not even a whole day."

"I still missed you," he replied and pouted. Oh my gosh, he's so cute. He can go from sexy to childish in seconds. I laughed mentally at the thought of him being all childish right now.

"How was the talk with Yuuri?" I asked and moved closer to him. He leaned back on the chair and wrapped his arm around my waist. "It was okay. I think I've said some pretty good encouraging words out there," he answered.

"That's good," I said. I placed the chopsticks inside the now empty bento box and placed its cover back. I grabbed the paper bag and placed the bento box inside of it to be disposed of later. For now, all I want is to just sit here and talk about random things with the man I love the most.

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