Chapter 15: Agressor's Arrival

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"H-hey!" Yuri said as he tried to break free from my hug. "Yuri, I've missed you!" I said. I finally let go and looked at him. "I was supposed to buy you that sweater when Victor, Yuuri and I were walking around Hasetsu but I forgot my wallet. I knew you'd like it," I said. Yuri pouted and looked away.

"So what brings you here?" I asked. "Your frikkin boyfriend forgot a promise," Yuri answered.

Yuri placed his hands on the side of the rink, inhaled deeply and shouted: "You look like you're doing great, Victor!" Victor turned around and waved. "Yuri, you're here? I'm surprised Yakov let you come. What do you want?" he said. Yuri started shaking in anger then he lifted his face to Victor.

"Judging from that look, I'm guessing I forgot some promise I made," Victor said and smiled widely. I laughed at them. They're adorable! Victor forgot some big promise for Yuri and he just smiled at him.

Victor stepped out of the rink. I got his black yeti jacket and gave it to him. "Thanks!" He said and wore it. I stood beside him. "What was that again?" Victor asked. "You told me you will choreograph a program just for me if I win without quads!" Yuri said. He was annoyed. As always.

Victor laughed and apologized, "Sorry, sorry. I forgot. But you knew I was the forgetful type, right?" Victor said as he rubbed the back of his head. He wrapped his arms around my shoulder. "Yeah, I'm painfully aware of that," Yuri said, looking down and shaking with anger. "But a promise is a promise! You'll choreograph my new program, Victor!" Yuri replied as he placed an arm in front of Katsuki. "Let's go back to Russia!" he said.

I looked at Yuuri as he looked back at us. I can see the worry in his eyes. The worry that Victor might choose Yuri Plisetsky instead of him. Victor pulled me closer and held his chin. "Okay, I've decided!" he said after a few seconds. "That was fast," I thought.

"Tomorrow, I'll choreograph a program for both of you to the same music I'm using in my short program," Victor said. Yuri and Katsuki's eyes widened and they shouted, "Huh?! What?! With the same choreography?! The same music as him?!" in unison as they pointed each other.

"No, this piece has several different arrangements. I was trying to decide which one to use. I'll think of a different program for each of you, of course," Victor replied. "I'll reveal the programs in one week! You'll compete to see who can surprise the audience more!" He added as he pointed towards them.

Katsuki looked scared and waved his hands towards us. "Whoa! Let's take a step back here. I don't want to be punished for losing..." He said but was cut off by Yuri, "Victor will do whatever the winner says! If those are the terms, I'm in!" Yuri seems so confident! I like that. But Katsuki, I feel bad for him. "Don't worry, Katsuki! I'll help you," I thought.

Victor's eyes sparkled and then he hugged me. "Great! I love that kind of thing!" He said. "Wait just a minute!" Axel, Loop, and Lutz shouted in unison. Victor and I turned around. "Will you let us organize the event? A face-off between Yuri of Russia and Yuuri of Japan!" Lutz said. "Let's throw a huge party!" She said as her twins and Victor raised their fists in the air. I chuckled at them. They look adorable!

We walked back to Yu-Topia. Once we got there, the four of us went to Victor and I's room. I sat beside Victor on the white couch and placed my head on his shoulder. I took my phone out and surfed the net. News about the upcoming contest spread around Hasetsu. The triplets had already posted them on the net. Several newspapers and TV reports came out.

"Talk about a hovel. Where's my room?" Yuri asked and gripped his suitcase. "You're staying here?!" Katsuki asked in shock. Yuri turned around and answered, "If you get Victor and (y/n) to yourself all the time, it won't be a fair match! I'll stay here, too! All right?" Annoyance was visible in his words.

Katsuki raised his hands beside him and answered, "It's not like you care about what I think." I chuckled at his answer. "The hot spring is great," Victor said as he laid his head on mine. Yuri opened our storage room and answered, "I can't take a bath with other people! I'm going to sleep!" before getting in and slamming the door.

Suddenly, a loud growl cam from where Yuri went. He opened the door and said, "Give me food! And a bath!" I chuckled at how rude he is. The public may not see it but, he has a soft side. Especially on his grandfather since he was raised chiefly by him. He was also from Moscow. I was from Moscow.

I met him when I returned home from St. Petersburg because of the accident. I was 14 and Yuri was 2. Yuri's grandfather and my dad know each other. One day, he visited and took Yuri with him. Yuri was so cute and innocent. A year after I recovered and decided to switch to individual skating, there were times were I taught Yuri. But when he became competitive, he moved to St. Petersburg to be coached by Yakov.

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