Chapter 91: Swiss Meadows

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"I thought, other than me, only two Russians would be stupid enough to get in the pool this time of the year," a voice from behind me said. Breaking the kiss, I turned around to find out the owner of the voice. "I guess I was right."

Well, if it isn't the embodiment of mature eros, the oozing sex appeal himself, Cristophe. "Chris!" I exclaimed. My arms left Victor's shoulders as I try to push myself away but instead, his hands on my waist held me in place. 

Chris is covered in a dark gray robe. His eyes hide behind his sunglasses. It's nighttime, though. On his right hand, he held a wine glass and a bottle of wine. On the other was his phone.

"Hi, Coach (Y/n), Coach Victor!" He greeted. "And here I was hoping to go skinny dipping."

"I would've gladly permitted and even take photos for you," Victor said. "But we have my lady (y/n) here."

"I would've joined you and we could all allow ourselves to be touched naked by the water if only I wore a two-piece bikini," I told Chris. "Undressing in it will be easier."

Victor squeezed my waist. "I would've appreciated it more if we'd do that alone," he said. His statement was followed by a laugh.

Before jealous Victor takes over, Chris immediately brushed off the topic. "I can always do that another time," he said as he takes his robe off, and jumping in the water afterward. Once back to the surface, he swam towards the pool edge to pour himself some wine. "Sorry I wasn't able to get you glasses. I didn't really think you'll be here," he said.

Victor moved me to the side so we would be floating side by side, facing Chris who turned around to face us as well. He stayed on the opposite edge across, drinking from his glass. "It's no big deal," Victor said. Chris stared at us as he sipped once more before speaking, "You two looked hot a while ago. It would make a good kissing scene for a romance movie."

A little flustered by his comment, I playfully splashed him with some water using my leg. His eyes widened a little as he raised his wineglass so as the water wouldn't get in it. Instead of getting annoyed, he chuckled, bringing his glass down as the water around him calmed.

Taking another sip, he asked, "So when will the two of you..." He didn't continue and left the question hanging. My dumb ass wasn't able to catch on what he is saying so I asked, "When will we what?"

Chris once again chuckled. "Get married, dummy!" He answered. "It's been long, are you starting to plan about settling down?" His question managed to shut me up. A lot of people have been asking us about those lately, and all I do is either brush the question off or shrug.

I don't really know, to be honest. I want to leave the planning of this stuff to Victor. Although I want to leave the planning to him, the fact that he hasn't talked to me about it makes me a little anxious. He hasn't even asked me my thoughts about marriage. I wonder if he ever will.

Knowing that I wouldn't answer, Victor took over. "It'll all happen before you know it," he said. The hand that held my waist moved upwards to my shoulder, squeezing it gently before pulling me closer.

There was a smirk evident on Chris's lips. The rim of the wine glass once again pressed on his lips as he replied, "Should I be looking forward from now, then?" With that, he drank the last contents of the glass. "Oh you should," Victor answered. 

I wondered if his answer's also meant for me. Should I look forward to it too? Is he dropping hints? Are we going to get—

My thoughts were cut off by Chris's chuckle. "Very well," he said. He turned around to reach for his phone that was placed on top of the pool edge. "Take pictures of me, Victor." He got out of the water and sat on the floor.

Without hesitation, Victor swam away from me towards where Chris was. Helping himself by grabbing hold of the edge, he pushed his way out of the water. I couldn't care less about their little photoshoot that I decided to dive underwater and make most of my stay here. I swam to my heart's content as the two boys were taking pictures.

There was a time wherein I rose off to the surface and the moment I did, I heard the snap of the camera. Looking towards Victor, he took another photo of me as soon as my eyes met the cam. "Perfect!" He exclaimed.

"Oy Victor! I was the one who asked you to take pictures of me, not (y/n)!" Chris pouted. I chuckled before diving down again. I can hear the voices of Chris and Victor as they spoke with each other although muffled because of the water.

Once satisfied with the dips I've made, I went up to the pool edge opposite of where Victor is and sat there. Little did I know that Chris was also sitting there. "Since you left, I'm one of the oldest..."Chris said, sipping the last contents of his previously refilled glass. "And I'm only 25."

He placed his glass down and once again jumped into the water. Victor continued to take pictures of him. I decided to start drying my body since I've swum for a good length of time now and we'd have to leave soon enough for tonight's practice. I stood and walked around the edge til I reach Victor who is sitting on one of the beach chairs as he took photos.

Noticing me, he turned sidewards to take a picture of me as I walk closer. I gave a small smile then afterward heard the camera click. Before I could reach his side, Victor faced forward again to take more pictures of Chris. Beside Victor is another bench chair where my robe and a towel are placed.

I took the towel and started wiping my body. As I did, I watched Chris do different poses for the camera. "Nowadays, Chris is sexy both on and off the ice, but when I first met him at the European Championships, he was like a little boy running through the Swiss meadows," Victor said.

 "Nowadays, Chris is sexy both on and off the ice, but when I first met him at the European Championships, he was like a little boy running through the Swiss meadows," Victor said

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"I've shared the podium with Chris at many a Grand Prix Final, European Championship, and World Championship," Victor added. "I can't even imagine a skating season without him, and he has said that he wouldn't be motivated in a season without me, either."

"Despite all that, he was savvy enough to make it to the Grand Prix Final," I said.

"Oy oy, now ain't it bad to talk about others behind their backs," Chris cut off as he got out of the water. He walked towards us since his belongings are also here. Grabbing a towel, he started wiping himself dry as well.

"We weren't badmouthing you, Chris," Victor said. Chris hummed in response as he carried on what he is doing.

"Hey guys, why don't we check on Yuuri before going back?" I asked. "Come with us, Chris." Chris brightened up at the statement I made. He gave a nod and agreed with going to Victor and Yuuri's room. Before going, he asked me to take a photo of him and Victor, and a groufie with Victor and me so he'll have something to upload to his accounts later.

Soon, we found ourselves making our way towards Yuuri's room. The two boys are talking with each other so I decided to walk a step or two ahead of them. "What about you, (y/n)?" Chris asked behind me.

"What about me?" I asked back, craning my head sidewards to glance at him. "When will you take back the ice, your majesty?" He replied, making it clear that he's referring to my skating career. 

Mimicking Victor's answer earlier, "It'll all happen before you know it," I replied. 

"Oh come on, you two! Y'all like two leave me hanging," Chris complained earning him a laugh from Victor and me.

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