Chapter 93: The Best Accessory

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Sitting on the bed, I distracted myself by scrolling through my accounts as I wait for the two boys to disappear. Together with Sandra, they're in the kitchen doing the dishes. For the first time tonight, they talked to me to ask me if I wanted to join them but I politely declined. Well, I tried my best to decline them as politely as I can. 

The fact that the kitchen is not that far from the where I am and only a thin wall is standing in between, the sounds of their laughter reaches my ears. In normal circumstances, I'd be happy hearing them laugh and get together well, but today is just different. Today, their laughter that used to sound like a melody playing on the darkest of nights now sounds like the scratching of chalk on blackboard and a fork on a plate.

Realizing that their small get together that I'm not invited in won't end soon, I rushed towards the bathroom to quickly change into my sleepwear. I changed into my pink silk pajamas that have floral designs as quickly as I can so that I wouldn't run into them when I get out. I slowly opened the door to check if they've come out of the kitchen. Luckily they haven't yet; they haven't still.

I made my way out, throwing my dirty clothes into the hamper before getting on the bed. I lay awake as the only sound I can hear was their laughter. I groaned as I shifted uncomfortably in bed. I tried covering my ears with my hands but it was no use. I tried covering it with the pillow next but it still wasn't enough. I placed the pillow back under my head and pulled the blanket up to cover my whole body. 

"I don't have to see them leave," I thought. Just as I thought that I heard their voices become louder, meaning that they're now out of the kitchen. I remained under my covers and stayed still, listening to them. 

I heard the door open. "Well then, see you tomorrow!" Yuuri said.

"Good night," Victor said.

"Yes, yes, let's continue this tomorrow!" Sandra said, and with that, I heard her lock the door. For the first time tonight, the room was filled with silence. I can hear her footsteps walking around as she does her routines before getting to bed.

The fact that the three of them didn't speak to me while we were eating and only talked to me after when they were about to wash the dishes as if I magically appeared there already pisses me, the fact that Victor didn't even greet me goodnight before leaving adds fuel to the fire! Even if I'm all covered up, he should've at least walked towards me and at least kissed me goodnight or something! 

That's enough for tonight! I'm going to sleep!


"Today is going to be a good day!" Sandra said as she bumped her hips into mine while we were getting ready for today's sightseeing. My body got swayed by her bump stronger than she expected since I didn't put the effort into staying still. "Oh really?" I asked. "What makes you say so?"

She placed her hands on my shoulder and gave me a little shake. "(Y/n) why so glum today? My gut instinct tells me today's going to be one of the bests!" She said enthusiastically. "And you know my gut instincts never lie, right?" She gave me a wink before strutting away to get herself dressed. 

After changing in the bathroom, Sandra strode out feeling happy with her outfit. She even posed in front of me showing it off. She's wearing a white cashmere sweater and black drop flare jeans under a stylish blanket wrap. And her brown leather boots! Oh gosh, they were perfect! I looked up at her face and wow. Those hoop earrings fit well!

I didn't realize I was staring until she spoke, "Um, (y/n)?" I shook my head as I was pulled back to reality. I averted my gaze and went into the bathroom, locking the door once I got in. I'd be lying if I said I got a little jealous of how Sandra is dressed today. My choice of clothes for today was no match for that. But anyhow, this feeling must still be a result of last night's event, nothing too personal.

I changed into a black cashmere sweater. This one looks exactly the same as the one Sandra was wearing. The only difference is that it's black. Black's like my big mood for today. I folded the leaves about 4 inches up my wrist so that it wouldn't look identical to Sandra's. Next, I put on black skinny jeans, then black boots.

Once done, I immediately opened the door. I took a step outside and my heart almost jumped out of my chest when Sandra shrieked the moment she saw me. "(Y/n) what is that?!" She exclaimed. I raised my eyebrows at her and asked, "What is what?"

"What are you wearing?! Oh my gosh, no!" She said dramatically. I was filled in confusion as I stared at her. I didn't know my best friend can be the drama queen. She shook her hair before grabbing my hand and pulling me towards my suitcase.

"You gotta dress better than that!" She said. She stood in from of me, hands crossed in front of her chest as I sat by the edge of my bed. "There's nothing wrong with what I'm wearing," I said. Is she perhaps annoyed that I'm wearing the same sweater?

"Nothing wrong? Your whole outfit is wrong!" She replied. "Where are you going? To some funeral? Oh come one, trust me when I say today is going to be a great day so wear something happy!" She sat beside me and placed both of her hands on my cheeks. Her thumbs went to the side of my lips and she pulled them up into a smile.

"You haven't smiled since last night," She said. "All your frowns last night will be turned into a smile today!" She removed her hands from my cheeks and the smile she drew upon it remained. "Fine," I said as I let out a chuckle. "I'm gonna change." Her eyes glimmered at the sight of my smile.

I took out a trench coat from my suitcase and headed towards the bathroom to once again change. Staring in the mirror, my outfit looks okay. It just needed a little more spice. I rolled my sleeves before tucking in my shirt, and then I put on the brown trench coat in hand. I also changed my previous boots into knee-high heeled boots. It's also black, though.

To change the atmosphere of my look, I went on to place my hair up in a half-bun. I stared at myself in the mirror before getting satisfied and walking out the door. Sandra who's sitting on the bed looked up at me when I got out. She smiled. "That's a lot better," she said. "You didn't change much. But you look so much better. Y'know why?"


"Because you're smiling now! You look best when you do. I promise to keep that smile there until the end of today."

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