Chapter 5: The Calling

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Skating with Sandra made me so happy. We've bonded and talked about a lot of things. After skating, we went to a nearby park and drank hot chocolates. It's been so long and I missed spending time with her like this.

We were walking home when her phone rang. "Oh, one second," she said and answered the call. "Oh is that so? You're early today? Okay, I'm coming," she said then ended the call.

"Look, I gotta go fetch my sister from our grandparents' house and take her to school. I'm sorry," she told me. "No, it's okay. I hope we can spend time together again," I answered. "Oh, we will. I promise," she said. I smiled at her. We hugged each other then she went in the opposite direction.

Our house only steps away now. I can already see it. I opened the door and brushed my shoes on the mat. I closed the door then I took out my phone before removing my coat. I hung it on the stand beside. I dropped my bag which contained my skates beside.

I walked towards the living room and saw Victor. He didn't seem to notice me. "Hey," I said. Victor turned around. His eyes widened when he saw me. "Y-you're..." he tried to speak. "I know," I said and sighed. I placed my phone on top of the small table beside the couch and sat.

"I skated with Sandra," I said. He smiled and sat beside me. "You look as amazing as the days you were still skating," he said. I blushed and looked away.

I turned to my side and stretched my legs behind Victor. I placed my head on the armrest and my feet on the other armrest. He looked at me and did the same. The couch was a bit small for the two of us to fit in so I turned and laid on my side.

Victor wrapped his arms around me. I laid my head on his shoulder and placed my palm on his chest. Makkachin laid on the floor beside the couch.

I closed my eyes and enjoyed the moment. I was about to drift to sleep when my phone rang. I pat the side of my hips, looking for my phone when Victor reached for it above our head. He gave it to me.

I turned it on and saw that Sandra messaged me. "Hey, watch this!" There was a link below it so I clicked it. The link directed to a site where a video became viral. [Katsuki Yuuri] Tried to Skate Victor's FS Program [Stay Close to Me]. My eyes widened and I quickly gave it to Victor.

He raised the phone, but it was enough for me to see. He played the video. My jaw dropped. It was an exact copy of Victor! I was amazed. I looked up at Victor and there was a serious look on his face.

I looked back at the video. Once it was finished, he quickly stood. I sat and looked at him. "Pack your things," he said. My eyes widened. I stood and walked in front of him. "Why?" I asked. "We'll coach Yuri," he answered. My jaw dropped.

He walked towards the room to pack. "Wait, right now?" I asked. "Tonight," he answered. My jaw dropped again. I gotta go tell this to Sandra.

I ran towards the door. I grabbed my coat and ran outside. Maybe Sandra's home now. I ran towards her house which is also just a few streets away.

Once I got there, I repeatedly pressed the doorbell. The door opened and Sandra looked at me. "Sandra!" I said and shook her shoulders.

"Whoa whoa. Chill, man," she said. I removed my hands from her shoulders. "What's wrong?" She asked. "T-the video. W-we're..." I tried to speak. "Okay okay, let's get inside," she said.

She walked in and I followed. I sat on the couch and looked at her. She sat beside me. "Okay, tell me what happened," she said.

"I-I, I mean we. T-the video you sent. Victor and I watched it and then he told me to pack up and we're going to Japan to coach Yuuri!" I said. Her jaw dropped.

We stared at each other's eyes for a while. She screamed then I screamed. "Oh my gosh!" She said. "I know!" I replied.

"I'm gonna frikkin miss you! You take care of yourself, okay? When is your flight?" She said. "Tonight," I answered.

She grabbed my hand and pulled me towards her room. When we got there, she let go of my hand and looked for something.

She looked in her drawer, in her closet, under her bed then she seems to found what she was looking for in her jewelry box. She grabbed something and walked back to me. "Here, take this. I want you to hold it until you return. Take care of it. Promise me you'll return it. Promise me you'll come back!" She said and wrapped a bracelet around my wrist.

My jaw dropped. It's like I'll be away for a long time. And it does feel like that! I hugged her. She hugged me back. I'm gonna miss her. Once we let go, I put my hands in my pocket and tried to see if I brought something.

There was nothing but my phone. I remembered my earrings. I removed them and gave them to her. "Take this as well. Take care of it. I promise to come back," I said. We hugged each other again.

After the hug, she quickly pushed me to the exit. "Okay, go pack up now. Text me and call me!" She said. "W-wait-" I said but then she cut me off. "Go or you'll lose time! I love you, girl!" She said and pushed me. "I love you too!" I replied and ran back to the house.

"Where did you go?" Victor asked. "Sandra's," I answered. He nodded and went back to the room to pack up. I packed up as well.

It isn't shocking to know that Victor would be amazed. Yuuri looked like he was creating music as he skates! But being his coach is quite surprising.

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