Chapter 62: After Marriage

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The morning rays of the sun hit my face, taking me off the realm of dreams. I groaned as I stretched my arms overhead. I slowly sat down and rubbed my eyes. Victor is nowhere to be seen.

It doesn't feel comfortable for me to sleep wearing regular clothes. I prefer wearing sleepwear but due to Victor sleeping on top of me, forbidding me to stand and the strong sleepiness that came over my body, I wasn't able to change.

I stood up and walked out of the room. The unit is dead quiet, I don't feel like the others are here. I walked over to Yuuri's room. I knocked on the door and called Yuuri a couple of times but there was no answer. I slowly opened the door to peek in. Well, nobody was there. Not even Minako.

I went back to our room and turned on my phone. Maybe they went on ahead of me, and I was right. Victor left a message telling me they went ahead because I wouldn't wake up. Just like what happened yesterday. Though this time, I was the one who didn't wake up.

Time to get ready, I guess. I went into the bathroom to take a quick bath. After it, I wore my bra and panty and kept my bathrobe on. I'd get dressed later.

Suddenly, my stomach grumbled. "Oh, I hope they saved some pork cutlet for me," I thought. I made my way outside, to the kitchen. By the way, this unit we booked is fully furnished

I went on to wear my outfit for today. I wore a black long sleeve button up blouse and tucked it in khaki pants. I'm also wearing my black pumps from yesterday.

There was a microwave in this unit, so they probably placed the food there, if they did leave some for me. I walked outside and there it is, sitting above the counter.

I carefully opened the microwave and thank heavens, there is pork cutlet in there! I almost did a victory dance right there and then but no, I don't want to sweat.

Closing the microwave, I turned the timer to a few minutes so it will heat up the food. Like what some people say, the hotter the food, the better.

A few minutes have passed and the click sound of the microwave echoed through the silence of this room. I took the oven mitt hanging on the wall and used it to carefully take the plate of pork cutlet out. Quickly but carefully, I placed it on the table. I returned the oven mitt in place and turned the microwave off.

I pulled a chair out and sat. The delicious smell of pork cutlet tingles my nose and I hummed in delight. I placed a spoonful of it inside my mouth. Minako isn't bad at cooking, that's a fact.

Minutes passed as I continue to indulge in Yuuri's favorite. I see why he loves it so much. It would be more pleasant to eat this together with the others. I'm pretty sure this plate of pork cutlet is only for me since I know they all ate their parts last night so I've let myself eat all of it.

After having my meal, I quickly washed the plate as well as the spoon and fork and placed them back to where they belong. The toothbrushes we brought were placed inside a cup beside the sink. I grabbed mine and brushed my teeth.

Once done, I went to our room to get my hair fixed and all the other cosmetics stuff. As I apply some light makeup, I began to wonder what's happening in the rink right now. Is Yuuri doing good on his preparations? How does he feel? I hope he doesn't get all nervous.

I finished in an instant. I walked towards my suitcase to get my pouch. It was a pouch big enough to fit my phone in it so I decided to use it. I checked my phone if there are any messages before putting it in the pouch together with some money, and also the keys.

Finally, I can now go to the rink. I checked if all the appliances are unplugged before leaving. We wouldn't want to burn up this fancy hotel and pay for it, heck no.

I've reached the main door and turned the doorknob, pulling the door open. I expected to see the door of the unit across us as I opened the door but to my surprise, Victor and Yuuri are standing in front of me.

Perhaps they came back to get me? Is it too late? What time is it?

"O-oh, I'm sorry," I said as I moved aside to let those two inside. I stared at Yuuri as he walked past me. He doesn't look so good. He doesn't look okay at all. His hair is messy and there are bags underneath his eyes. "Y-yuuri!" I managed to say out, shocked at his appearance.

Victor looked back at me and gave a closed-eyes smile. "Sorry, but our little pig needs to get some nap. I'll be right back," he said as he guided Yuuri to his room.

Closing the main door afterward, I followed the boys to Yuuri's bedroom. Yuuri is seating on the edge of the bed, Victor standing in front of him. Victor's hand was on his hips, "Nap until this evening's event starts. It'll be fine. I always slept in until the last minute before competitions, too."

He ruffled Yuuri's hair and made his way out, towards me. He placed his hand on my waist, taking me with him as we get out of Yuuri's room. He gently closed the door once we got out.

"Mind explaining what's happening?" I asked as I walk towards our room. Victor is following closely behind me.

"Our little pig only had a little amount of sleep last night," he answered closing the door behind him. We sat on the edge of our bed, our hands entwined.

"Perhaps he is nervous, or something is bugging him?" I asked worriedly.

Instead of an answer, I've received a hum. I may or may not have taken that as a yes. "But why? He landed first yesterday," I pouted.

A hand was placed on my cheek, turning my head sidewards. "You shouldn't worry much, it might make you get old fast," Victor said. "Anyway, I'd still love you as much even when your hair's gray, or your face already got wrinkles and you couldn't hear me anymore."

A blush adorned my cheek and my heart felt warm. Victor leaned in closer, kissing the corner of my lips. He slowly moved down to my neck, leaving a trail of soft kisses. He gets to that spot at the base of my neck and gently bit it causing me to let out a small moan.

But before things get so heated, he stopped. He pressed his forehead on mine and looked into my eyes. He gave an innocent smile and said, "I love you so much, and I gave a promise to your parents to only do 'it' after marriage. So for now, we'll settle with kisses and cuddles."

My lips curved up into a smile as well. "Thank you," was all I managed to say. I leaned forward and placed my head on his chest. I can hear the beating of his heart that gave mine the reason to beat as well. "I love you too," I whispered.

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