Chapter 68: Husband Material

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"Rise and shine, sweetheart," Victor said as he wakes me up. I let out a soft groan as my eyes slowly fluttered open. "Good morning," I greeted while rubbing my eyes.

"Good morning to you too, beautiful," he replied. I yawned and stretched before pushing myself up into a sitting position. "I'll go get breakfast ready while you prepare," Victor said as he walked towards the door. "It's our date today, don't forget," he added before leaving the room.

Oh yea, we'll be going souvenir shopping today. I immediately stood up and made my way towards the vanity. I sat in front of the mirror and began combing my hair. As I was doing so, I grabbed my phone and sent a message to Sandra asking her about what should I get for her.

Once done with my hair, I made my way towards the bathroom and quickly took a bath. We don't want Victor waiting long for us downstairs, do we? After the bath, I went on to wear the outfit for today. I first wore an off black pantyhose. Next is a black mini skirt then a white blouse with a ribbon for a collar. Since it's a little cold outside, I decided to wear a black single breast trench coat and to top it off, I am going to wear a blue fedora. For the shoes, I'll be wearing black thigh-high boots. 

I went to the closet to get my black backpack purse before going downstairs. I wonder what Victor has made for breakfast. As I was walking downstairs, the smell of fried fish draws me into the kitchen. I went there to see Victor with Hiroko standing in front of the stove.

"Good morning!" I said as I walked in. "Oh, (y/n)-chan, good morning!" Hiroko greeted back. I walked towards Victor and gave him a quick hug before looking at the stove. "What're you up to today?" I asked.

Hiroko gave a soft laugh and then answered, "Victor here wants to make you breakfast and he asked me for help."

"Wow, that's so sweet of you, Victor. What did you make for me?" I asked after kissing his cheek. "I wanted to try making a Japanese meal that's why I called Hiroko-san to teach me how," he replied. "This salmon is about to get done, just wait for me in the dining room."

"Hmm okay then," I said before waving goodbye to Hiroko and walking towards the dining room. I sat on one of the seat pillows in front of the table and waited for Victor. The smell of the fried salmon seeps into this room making my stomach grumble.

I can hear Hiroko talking to Victor, "The natto is very very sticky so you gotta be careful. You don't want it getting into your hands."

I gave out a content sigh. I live for mornings like this. The sunshine from outside seeps in through the window giving the room golden vibes. When I was young, on mornings like this, my mom would prepare our breakfast with the help of dad. Dad's playlist fills the air as Donik and I would play in the living room. 

I smiled at the small flashback that appeared in my mind. "I miss them so much, I can't wait to see them," I told myself. I was taken back into reality when Victor entered the room. carrying trays on both of his hands. "Need help?" I asked.

"Nah, I got this," he said as he walked closer. He placed the two trays on the table, one in front of me and on in front of him before sitting down. "Itadakimasu!" He said as he clapped his hands together. I did the same before picking up the chopsticks and looking through the meal.

"Would you mind giving me an intro to what you've made?" I asked.

"Oh I don't mind," he replied. "Let's see, let's start with the natto."

On the tray placed in front of me, there is a bowl of miso soup on the lower left part. To it's right is a bowl of rice, and to the right of the rice is a small bowl of some soybeans, I guess. Above the soybeans is a small plate of cucumber salad, and to its left is the salmon placed on a rectangular fish plate.

"Okay, natto. Which of these is  the natto?" I asked.

"The natto is those soybeans over there on the lower right part of your tray," Victor answered.

"Oh, so this is the natto," I said as I examined it with my chopsticks. 

"So, according to Hiroko-san, those are soybeans that are first steamed, then fermented with a healthy bacteria called..." Victor started. "I forgot what they're called," he said and chuckled.

I gave out a soft chuckle as well. "So what about it?" I asked. 

"It essentially has no flavor but it comes with a seasoned soy sauce and light mustard which gives it the flavor," Victor answered.

"Where is the soy sauce?" I asked, looking for it on the tray. 

"I've already added the soy sauce and mustard before serving," Victor answered and gave a wink. "Hiroko told me to add some green onions to give it more color. She also went in to add a few seaweed flakes to it."

"I see," I said. I noticed an orange bean looking thing on the rice. "Now I'm curious, what's this on the rice?" I asked.

"Ahh yes. That is a plum that was added with salt so they would shrivel up. Those plums are good for drinks but it is also a good addition to rice," he answered and took his chopsticks and began poking the plum.

I feel like I should do the same so I went on to do what he was doing. "This plum is very salty so you got to break it apart like this," Victor said as he breaks apart the plum with his chopsticks.  "And then you mix it around.

Once my plum is broken into tiny little pieces, I went on to mix it around the rice as told. I looked at Victor asking what to do next. "You have to try the natto with the rice," he said so I scooped up some of the natto and placed it on my rice. Since the natto is super sticky, it leaves a strand of what looks like honey between it and the chopstick.

"You gotta move your chopsticks around in like a tornado motion in order to get rid of that cobweb-like thing," Victor said. I did as told and ate the natto together with the rice. 

"Hmm, I actually like it. The soybeans are firm enough so it's not mushy so has still a little bit of a chew," I said. "And then that soy sauce and... is there wasabi on this?"

"Yes, there's light wasabi added to it," Victor answered as he ate his natto.

"The soy sauce and light wasabi on the back makes it perfect! I'm pleasantly surprised," I said.

Victor gave a bright smile and I swear I could see sparkles in his eyes. "I'm glad you liked it!"

"Next is the salmon," Victor said. "It's just an ordinary salmon, nothing much." He gave a small laugh and went on to squeeze some lemon into the salmon. I did the same. "Also, we made this sauce for the salmon, try it," he said as he gave me a small bowl of the sauce.

I did as told and poured a little amount of it on the salmon. I took a small part of it using the chopsticks and ate it. "Hmm, amazing," I said.

"Now we can cleanse our palette with this nice cucumber salad," Victor said as he popped some into his mouth. "It also has dried seaweeds added to it."

I placed some in my mouth as well and it the texture of the seaweed with the salad is great. "This is perfect!" I said. "I'm in a loss for words."

We carried on eating until we finished the meal. Then I told Victor "Breakfast today is very delicious, it deserves a slow clap." I slowly clapped my hands together and smiled at Victor. I carefully pushed myself a little upward on my seat and moved closer to Victor to give him a kiss on the cheek. "Thank you. You had my day starting well."

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