Chapter 63: Third Event

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"We're at the third event of the Grand Prix Series, the Cup of China. The men's singles free skate is about to start!"

The three of us were in the lounge. I stood beside Victor as we watch Yuuri from a short distance. Yuuri is obviously shaking the hell out, and he couldn't even open his water bottle.

"We should forbid him from doing jumps in the warm-up," I said.

We walked towards Yuuri. Victor placed his hands on Yuuri's shoulders, scaring him. "Yuuri, were you unable to take a nap?"

"Huh?" Yuuri replied. "I did nap! I did!" He shook his head frantically trying to convince us but miserably failing to do so.

I went inside Victor's arms so I am standing between them. "We forbid you from doing jumps in the six-minute warm-up," I said.

"Huh?!" Yuuri asks in disbelief.

"That's an order from your coaches, Yuuri," Victor said.

A while later we were all called to go to the rink because group 2, the group where Yuuri is, is now taking the ice. We quickly made our way inside. The couches stayed on one side while the skaters went on the ice.

"I really hope Yuuri would listen, please, even just this once," I said to no one in particular.

"If he flubs a jump during the warm-up, he may lose even more confidence, and it'd negatively impact his free skate," Victor stated.

"Yuuri gets nervous easily. Yesterday he was just so okay like bam, he even landed first place!" I replied.

My gaze turned to Yuuri. The moment I looked at him, he was already up high from the ground and not a moment later, he fell. I closed my eyes and my brows twitched.

Soon after, the warm-up came to an end and Yuuri is now getting out of the ice. "Let's hope skater Katsuki is all right. He looks rather glum after the warm-up," the host said.

He's probably losing every bit of self-confidence he has. We told him not to do any jumps but he disobeyed. My head's starting to ache now as well because I can feel stress crawling up my body.

Scolding Yuuri wouldn't do any good. We are now walking back into the lounge, Yuuri walks in between Victor and I. "Well, it's common for skaters to nail something they flubbed during practice!" Victor tries to lighten the atmosphere up.

"I'm sorry..." Yuuri apologized.

"We'll just continue warming up, nice and easy," I went along Victor.

Yuuri together with me watched Guang-Hong's performance on the television together with two other random guys. Guang Hong has nailed all of his jumps in the first half. All of a sudden, Yuuri turned the tv off. The two guys looked at him in a mixture of confusion and annoyance.

Yuuri then began walking away. I apologized to the boys and turned the tv on before going after Yuuri. I walked closely behind him.

We came across another television. It is hung high near the ceiling so a lot of people can watch, and there are lots of people in this area right now.

Yuuri stood right below the tv and was about to click the power button when I pulled his hand down and gently pushed him away. My eyes looked around for a place Yuuri can continue stretching without a lot of eyes watching.

I saw some vacant chairs in the corner. I took Yuuri over there and made him sit on the chair. He buries his face in his hands and tapped his shoe repeatedly on the floor.

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