Chapter 102: Grand Prix Final Pressure

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In no time, we've reached the top of the bleachers where Sandra saved us a seat. Fortunately, besides our seats were Emil, Michele, and Sala. We were greeted by the three when they saw us approaching. Sandra left a chair vacant between her and Sala for me. I didn't hesitate to sit there and having a nice talk with Sala was worth it. We've competed together a number of times before so we know each other a bit well.

After a small talk, I turned to Sandra. "Have you talked with the program committee?" I whispered. She turned to reply, "Yea, I did," in a low voice. My eyes brightened at her reply. "What did they say?"

"No problem at all and it would be their honor," Sandra replied. "Besides, they also thought that this was the perfect opportunity to execute your plan."

"You know, thinking about it," she added. "This whole thing sounds so you. You live up to your motto until the very end, don't ya? You're not just the Queen of the Rink but you're also the Queen of Surprises, I may say."

The reply didn't fail in making me smile. It gave me a feeling of relief since I was worried they might reject my proposal. The only thing left that worries me is what Yuuri would say about it.

Sandra squeezed my hand. The worry might've been evident on my face. I glanced at her and was greeted by her smile. It told me everything's going to be alright, and I have to believe it. To take my mind away, I looked ahead to the next skater on ice: Christophe Giacometti.

The audience is still awestruck by Yuri's new world record, but the arena is filling with Swiss flags. It wasn't long until Chris's program began. He changed the mood 180 degrees from agape to adult sex appeal. 

He planned a quad for his first jump: a quadruple lutz. He did it with great flow. Next was a combination spin.

Though Chris has advanced to the Final each year, he has never won the event. I wonder how Victor, his longtime rival feel as he watches Chris. I wouldn't know for I sit to chairs away from him this time. 

I realized that Yuuri is not the only skater who's watched Victor climb the podium until now as I watched Chris. Given his age, he won't be able to qualify for the Final much longer. So do Victor and me, that's why I have to give my everything to my last shot.

Chris did a triple axel next; with flawless height and distance. Next was his last jump. It was supposed to be a quad but unfortunately, it was a bit under-rotated. His last jump had a flaw, but of course, it's still Chris. Everything in his program has great execution. He may outscore Yuuri. Chris's score was 102.37. He's passed Yuuri so he is now in second place. "Chris!" I cheered.

All of a sudden, a foot was placed in between Sandra and Yuuri. Sandra was so shocked, she subconsciously held on my arm. Craning my head, the foot belonged to Yuri who sat beside us. "Davai!" He said as he cheered for the next skater: Otabek Altin.

This is Otabek's very first Final, after finishing the Grand Prix Series in second. He is a dark horse in this year's Grand Prix Series. His first jumps came in no time: quadruple toe loop, and triple toe loop, both a success. 

"Otabek wasn't very memorable in the past," Sala said. "He's completely different now." 

"He wasn't known at all until the junior division," Michele agreed.

I have to admit I don't know much about this guy. But what surprised me more was the fact that he was able to befriend Yuri within one day. He must have some good charisma to have done that.

Next, he did a triple axel with brilliant height and distance. A triple axel like that might as well be one of his signature moves. Coming up was his last jump. It was a quadruple salchow that had a great flow. His jumps were flawless too. His skating shows no hesitation. That determination is very much his trademark.

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