Chapter 16: Trail of Insecurities

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Katsuki took Yuri to the hot springs while Victor and I went to the dining room and ate. "How could you forget that promise, Victor?" I chuckled. "A lot of work," He replied and sighed. I moved beside him and hugged him. "Isn't it nice that Yuri is here too?" I asked. Victor wrapped his arm around me, "It kind'a is."

"He's like a rude younger brother to me," I chuckled, pulling away from Victor."He wasn't like that before when we were in Moscow," I sighed and leaned my head on my hand. Victor did the same.

Suddenly, the doors flew open and Yuri got in. "Where's my food?" He asked. He sat down and Katsuki placed a pork cutlet bowl in front of him. He scooped some and tasted it. His eyes widened as soon as he put it in his mouth. He carried the bowl and ate fast.

"This is great!" He said with his mouth full of pork cutlet. "The pork cutlet bowl is good, isn't it?" Victor asked, looking at Yuri. Katsuki also looked at Yuri as he ate his pork cutlet bowl. Katsuki's mom looked happy as she watched Yuri eat.

The door opened revealing a woman with short brown hair tied with a purple headband. She wears a red robe uniform, red pants, and a dark red apron. There was a name tag on it. I squinted so I will be able to read it. "Mari." Yuuri's older sister. About 30 years old.

You have another visitor, Yuuri?" She asked looking at Yuri. "Huh? Huh?!" Yuri looked behind to see who was talking. Mari's eyes widened and her jaw dropped. "No way!" She said and placed her hands on her cheeks. "His name is also Yuri," Katsuki's mom said. Mari placed her hands near her chest and turned to her mom.

"What? That's confusing," she said. "Indeed," I thought, "I feel uncomfortable calling Yuuri by his last name." 

"Okay, you're Yurio!" Mari said as she pointed at Yuri. Yuri's eyes widened, "What?!" I giggled at his reaction. "Yurio sounds nice," I said. Yuri glared at me and I just smiled at him.

"Where will Yurio stay?" Mari asked. Yurio's attention went back to her.

"Upstairs in-" Yuuri tried to answer but was cut off by Mari, "The storage room?!" She places her hands on her cheeks, "Oh, no! I need to clean it up!" She walked away but peeked her head back, "Yuuri, come help."

"Eh?" Yuuri stood and walked outside. He stopped before completely walking out. He looked back at us. I noticed it but did not look at him.

"Good for you, Yurio," Victor said. "Shut up! That's not my name!" Yuri shouted at Victor. Victor laughed. I just smiled. I was still observing Yuuri. Looking at him from the side of my eye.

Yuuri's eyes widened a bit and he sighed. He continued to walk and disappeared. "Yuuri," I thought. I looked down, feeling a bit sad.

Victor noticed me and asked what's wrong. Yuri's attention also turned to me. "I-I'll just get something," I said and stood. I walked out without looking back.

I walked towards the stairs when I saw Yuuri, wearing his jacket and a backpack on his back, running. "Yuuri, where are you going?" Mari asked, carrying a box of stuff.

Yuuri opened the door and ran out. I walked towards the open door. I didn't run after him because I believe he needs some time alone. Could it be? Could Yuuri feel sad because Yuri is here?

I sighed and closed the door. I walked towards where Mari went. "Let me help you," I said. Her jaw dropped. "(Y/n)(l/n) helping me clean the storage room?" She asked in disbelief.

I smiled at her and nodded. "I can do this. Thanks," she said. "It's okay! I really wanna help," I replied. She smiled and nodded. I followed her and helped her clean up.

Once we were done, Mari and I walked back to the room where we ate. Victor was laying on his stomach and Yuri had his head on the table. He must be really tired. Victor smiled at me so I smiled back.

"Huh? Where's Yuuri?" Victor asked. "He left a while ago. At a time like this, he'd be at Minako-san's place or Ice Castle. He's always been that way," Mari answered as she picks up the plates on the table.

When she was finished taking the plates, she went out. "I think we should find Yuuri," I said and sat in front of Victor. He moved closer and lay his head on my lap. I ran my hand through his hair.

"I think so too," he said as he looks up at me. Knowing about what Mari said, it will be easier for me to talk to him. I have always been the person my friends run to when they're down. They have my shoulder to cry on and I would talk to them and give them advice.

Victor stood and offered me his hand. I took it and stood. Victor started walking out. "I'll go get my coat. Should I get yours too?" He asked. I shook my head. "No, this is fine," I answered and pointed to my clothes.

"Should I wake Yuri up?" I asked myself. I think it'll be better not to. He'll wake up on his own and Mari would assist him.

I walked out and head towards the stairs. I sat on the bottom step and waited for Victor. I remembered Yuuri saying Minako is working at Kachu Snack Bar.

I suddenly hear footsteps behind me. I stood and turned around. It was Victor. When he got down, he flung his arm on my shoulder and we walked outside.

"I remembered Yuuri saying Minako is at Kachu Snack Bar. We should check that place," I said. Victor nodded and pulled me closer.

"Do you know where is it?" He asked. I shook my head, "But we can always ask some people."

We asked some people and found out that it is located inside a small building. We went to where they said and there it was.

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