Chapter 20: Pork Cutlet Bowl

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"Stop, stop!" Victor shouted. Yurio stopped in front of Victor, his hands on his knees, breathing heavily. "Hmm, something isn't right there."

"I'm doing it as you showed me, aren't I?"

"The way you currently are, your greed is too obvious. There's no sense of agape, unconditional love, in your performance. It's good to have confidence, but this program isn't where you should show it off."

"Huh? You're the one who's skated with complete confidence this whole time! Well, what's agape to you, then, Victor?!"

"It's a feeling, of course, so I could never explain it in words. Do you bother thinking about that when you skate? You're funny, Yurio. Well, maybe we need a temple."

"A temple?"

I skated towards them. Victor noticed me and smiled. "(Y/n) would be going with you."

I nodded. "Let's go, Yurio!" I grabbed his arm and pulled him.

"You've got to be kidding me," Yurio said and pulled his arm away from my grasp.

"We are serious," I said and turned to him. In skating, you must show emotion. No matter how perfect the way you skate is, it's not beautiful if there's no emotion."

*In the temple...

Yurio was sitting on a zabuton in front of an old man. The old man hit him with a stick on both shoulders.

"I don't think this helps at all," I thought and sighed.

After a few minutes of what seemed like torture to Yurio's shoulders, I've decided to call this a day.

"Yurio, let's go," I said. Yurio sighed with relief and stood. I thanked the old man before leaving.

Yurio and I were walking back to Ice Castle when my phone vibrated. I took it out and checked who texted me.

😙💗 Victor 💗😘

"We're going back to Yu-Topia. Let's meet there."

"Okay, we're OTW."

I placed my phone back in my pocket. "Who was that?" Yurio asked.

"It's Victor. We're heading back to Yu-Topia."

As soon as we reached Yu-Topia, Yurio quickly changed and jumped to the hot springs with Yuuri.

"It's quite a long day!" I said as I walked towards Victor. I am so tired. Maybe it's because it's been long since I've skated and stayed in the rink for a day.

I yawned and rubbed my eyes. This caused me to trip over the small step in front of me that I forgot it existed.

My eyes widened. I was getting ready for the fall when Victor caught me. He helped me stand.

"Whoa, are you okay?" He asked. "I'm fine. Just sleepy," I replied.

"Do you want to go to the hot springs?" He asked.

I shook my head. I'm too tired. Or should I say, I feel lazy?

"You go, I'll take a nap. Call me when dinner's ready," I said.

I quickly went to our bedroom and threw myself on our bed. I reminisce about the events today before my eyelids fell.

After thirty minutes or so, I woke up by Victor. "Dinner's ready, (y/n)."

I sat up and rubbed my eyes. I want to continue my sleep. "I'll continue to sleep," I said and lay back down. I closed my eyes and got ready to sleep.

I felt strong arms wrap around me and sat me up. "Hey," I groaned. Victor pulled me into a hug. "Skipping meals is bad, (y/n)."

I did not move for about a minute before finally giving up. I sighed and leaned back. I looked at Victor and stared at his eyes. My (e/c) orbs meeting his light blue-green ones.

Without a word, he pressed his lips against mine. The kiss was gentle and short but it was still loving. "We'll sleep after dinner," he said and placed his forehead against mine.

I nodded and we went down. Yurio and Yuuri we're eating and they look exhausted. Poor angels. I too felt exhausted but I have to eat.

I only ate one bowl of pork cutlet bowl. Victor seems to be so hungry. He ate with enthusiasm. On the other hand, Yuuri and Yurio's head were on the table.

It was all quiet. Only the sound of Victor's chopsticks hitting the bowl can be heard. Suddenly, Yuuri shouted, "I get it now! Pork cutlet bowls! That's what eros is to me!"

Yuuri's screaming was followed by silence. Victor and I looking at him. "Oh, sorry. It's not..." Yuuri started.

I was too tired to laugh out loud so I did it mentally. "Okay, let's go with that. It's nice and unique," Victor said. Yurio smirked, "Seriously?"

Yuuri stood and ran away. "Go follow him, Makkachin," I said and nudged him. Makkachin barked and ran after Yuuri.

"Yuuri will be fine. He just needs time alone. Why don't we sleep?" I said then my head fell on Victor's shoulder. My eyelids felt very very heavy.

"(Y/n)? Oy, (y/n)!" I hear my name being called. But I'm so tired. My eyes shut and I drifted to sleep.

*Kriing! Kriing! Kriing!!!

I groaned and turned my alarm clock off. I tried to sit up but I felt arms around my waist. I looked to my side and saw Victor sleeping. I tried to remove his arm but his grip tightened.

"Five more minutes," he murmured and pulled me closer. "Oh no no no no. I know you. That five minutes will turn into 2 hours."

He did not say anything. I sighed and laid down beside him.

*Time skip...

"Yuuri! Try to imagine entangling more of the egg. Think of the pork cutlet bowl!" Victor said.

"Your emotions are very important!" I added.

Once Yuuri finished, I quickly called Yurio. Yurio skated. Graceful but there's no feeling to it.

"Maybe the temple," Victor said.

"Just tell me if I'm not up to par!" Yurio screamed.

Both Yuuri and Yurio practiced harder and harder every day. They jogged together and worked out together. I often go with them.

"Your free leg is sloppy!" I said and skated towards Yuuri, fixing his leg.

I always go with them. From workouts to practices. I'm a little bit of a perfectionist. I notice their mistakes and correct them.

Every day is very tiring. Especially for the two Yuris. I'm beside them to cheer them on and keep them motivated.

Yurio's performance lack feelings. He doesn't seem to find his Agape. Yuuri's eros was quite different but I can see a tiny bit of emotion in his skating.

"Yurio, a waterfall would help," I suggested.

"A waterfall?!" Yurio screamed in horror.

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