Chapter 103: Skate With Me

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A few tears fall one after another down my cheeks. Wrapped in a pink silk robe, Victor held me close. My arms are once again over and around his shoulder as I sit on his lap. Victor sat on my bed at the room Sandra and I share. I'm more than thankful she went out with Mari and Minako tonight, leaving the room completely mine. She made friends with the two women when she brought Victor's costumes to Japan for the face-off between two Yuris.

"I want to skate again." When I said those words, I didn't expect tears to fall from my eyes. For quite a long time, I never admitted it. The feeling of missing the rink and the desire to go back was bottled up inside of me that it felt both good and bad the moment I said it.

The instance Victor saw tears trickle down my cheek despite my face being wet, he immediately carried me out of the water and wrapped me in my robe. Before I knew it, he was carrying me bridal style, and we were on our way to my room coming from the rooftop pool. I clung to him weakly. It felt like every tear that slides down drains my energy.

The room was dark if not for the only light coming from the bedside lamp. Victor ran his hand up and down my back, assuring me all will be well. Breaking the silence, he spoke, "I'm sorry." He said it in a whisper. I might not have even heard it if his lips weren't this close to my ears. I wiped the tears off my cheek as I pushed away a little. 

Victor's eyes met mine. Although the lamp was placed behind him and the lighting was hitting the back of his head, almost creating a silhouette from my point of view, the shadows that fall upon his face were not enough to hide the sadness on his eyes. It sent a pang to my heart. Seeing his light blue eyes looking down made my heartache.

"For what?" I asked even if I almost knew the answer. I placed a hand on his face. My thumb lightly brushed across his cheek a few times.

"It was because of me, wasn't it?" He replied. "You decided not to return to skating because you didn't want to worry me."

After knowing the trauma Victor went through when we were younger because of the accident pained me twice as much as the physical pain the injury has inflicted. I wanted his career to flourish. I know for sure, he wouldn't be able to focus on skating if the worry over me would fog his mind. And so I paused my passion in order for his to grow further.

At first, it was 50/50. I half wanted to continue and half wanted to stop. One year passed and I was able to fully like the decision I made, locking the desire to return away in the deepest drawers of my heart.

"But lately, I realized I was selfish. I was afraid of losing you that I rather see you lose your passion just so you'll be safe," Victor continued. By this time, he's also tearing up. "I never even asked myself if that option would make you happy; if that's what you really wanted. I'm sorry."

He leaned forward and placed his forehead on my shoulder. I could feel it get wet because of his tears. He softly sobbed. His grip on my waist tightened a bit. "During the Rostelecom Cup, and as well as earlier today when I watched Yuri, I saw you. I miss watching you skate. I miss the way you take my heart with you at every breathtaking jump you do. I miss the way your eyes gleamed as you raise a gold medal up in the air to kiss it," he said. 

It was now my turn to gently rub his back. My other hand was on his hair, playing with it. "You were happiest when you skate. It was so selfish of me to take that happiness away from you just because I wanted you all to myself," he continued. "I'm sorry."

Victor's shoulder was also wet with my tears. "Love," I whispered. I felt him tense up a bit at the nickname. "I love skating, I really do. But if there is one thing I loved more than skating, it's you." Victor removed his hands on my waist and instead, he wrapped his arms around me. 

"If giving up my passion meant continuing yours, I'd gladly give it away. I love you enough to make sacrifices for your inner peace. You did nothing wrong so please, stop apologizing," I continued. "Back then, it wasn't really clear to me; why I agreed with your decision. But now, everything's as clear as my love for you. I learned a lot more things the rink could teach me. All my life, the rink became my sun. It was the only thing my life orbited on. But when I took a pause for two years, I saw a world bigger than the ice rink."

Everything happens for a reason. You may not know it now, but someday you'll find out. One day, you'll find yourself smiling at the hardships, regrets, and wrong decisions you've made because all of it lead you to where you should be right now.

I pulled away a bit. Victor had his eyes down. I cupped his cheeks and tilted his head a bit so he would look at me. "And it's all thanks to you," I said. I gently pressed a kiss on his lips. "Given our age, we won't be able to qualify for the Final much longer," Victor replied. "Let's end our career the same way we started it."

"(Y/n)," he said. "Will you give me another chance to skate with you? Will you let me share the podium with you once more?" He leaned in to touch my lips with his.

"Victor!" I said. My eyes were gleaming in both tears and joy. "That would be the perfect way to finish our career!" After another year or so, maybe we can settle. We'd have a family of our own, and who knows, maybe will switch to becoming coaches permanently.

Victor's lips curved up into a smile. "May I have this dance?" He asked.

I wiped the tears off my cheeks before answering, "Skate with me."

The next thing I knew, Victor crashed his lips into mine. His hand that was once behind the small of my back is now on my nape. I felt a shiver down my spine when his hand pressed on it. Now, he is gently holding it, using it as leverage to deepen the kiss. My hands trailed along from his face to his shoulders, down to his chest.

He pushed his back down on the mattress, pulling me as he laid down. I'm now on top of him, responding to his kisses with the same eagerness as him. He runs his hands up and down my waist, and then my back. I felt his large palms sliding over the silk of my robe, starting from my upper back down to the lower part, almost reaching my rear. He made sure he didn't, though.

With a swift move, he rolled over putting me underneath him. He kissed me passionately. Although he did his best to suppress his other desires, I could feel a hint of hunger in the way he dominated my mouth. His body pressed on top of mine. He left the more delicate part untouched. The mattress beneath me sank further by the combined weight of the two of us. 

He moved his lips down to my neck, leaving a trail of kisses at any exposed skin his lips passes by. He bit and sucked on one part, earning a small moan from me. "Victor," I gasped. Before continuing further, he stopped. He pulled away to look at my eyes. He knows his limits. He knows he shouldn't cross the line. Not yet.

The bold look on his eyes softened the more he stared into mine. He brought one hand up to my cheek, caressing it gently. The other went towards my hair, stroking it in a loving manner. He remained like that for a while, admiring my face in the faint glow of the lamp.

I reached a hand up to caress his face as well. "Shouldn't we go tell Yuuri?" I asked. 

"Yea we should," Victor replied. Before standing, he leaned in one more time for another kiss.

Skate With Me (Victor Nikiforov x Reader)Where stories live. Discover now