Chapter 30: Shortcake

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"Let's call this a day!" I said and clapped my hands together. "We shall continue this tomorrow."

I quickly skated back to the side of the rink. I removed my skates and walked towards the bench. I placed my skates back in the bag and pulled out my white sneakers.

I looked to my right to see Victor fixing the speakers. His skates were placed below the table. I walked towards him and grabbed his skates. "I'll take care of this," I said. Victor nodded in return.

I opened his bag, pulled out his shoes, and returned the skates in it. I placed his shoes on the floor beside the table. "There you go," I said.

"Thanks, just wait a minute," he said as he struggles to untie the knots on the cords.

"Let me help you with that," I said and grabbed the other end of the cord and helped him in untying the knots.

"Why is this full of knots?" I asked.

"Last time we practiced here, I forgot to return this back to Yuko. I even forgot to put this back in the box. Her triplets came in and saw this so they decided to put it in the box carelessly," Victor answered.

I chuckled. "At least they didn't forget to make sure that everything is placed back to where it was," I said and playfully pushed my elbow to him.

"Sorry, okay?" He replied and laughed.

I untie the last knots of the cord until the cord was once again straight. "There we go," I said. Victor opened the box and placed the cord and speaker back in it. After he placed it back, he quickly wore his shoes, threw his bag over his shoulder, and went out to return the speaker.

I picked my bag up and walked towards the door. Before going out, I turned around to check if there is something we forgot even though Victor and I bring only two bags; one for him and one for me. Our bags usually just contain our skates, phones, a change of clothes, and sometimes our earphones.

I turned off the lights, went outside, and closed the door. Yuuri is having a small chat with Yuko while Victor handed the speaker back to Takeshi. Yuko noticed me and greeted, "(Y/n)-san! How was today's practice?"

I sighed and smiled at her. "I'm thinking of changing some moves but I need to tell Victor first. Yuuri has some problems executing some but I'm sure he'll be able to execute it properly soon," I replied.

"When Yuuri skates, he tends to lose technical points by missing jumps, but close the gap through the presentation score," I added.

Yuuri gave out a nervous chuckle. "Do your best, Yuuri!" Yuko said cheerfully and patted Yuuri's back rather harshly. I smiled and shook my head.

"Well then, see you tomorrow," I hear Takeshi say behind me. I turned around and saw Victor bid goodbye. He looked at me and smiled sweetly. Oh, that smile. That smile that will melt the hearts of anyone who'll see it. My cheeks turned into a light shade of pink at the thought of Victor's smile.

 My cheeks turned into a light shade of pink at the thought of Victor's smile

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He walked towards me, his smile never leaving his face. I feel my cheeks get hotter the closer he gets to me. He held my hands and looked into my eyes. I probably look like an (h/c) strawberry right now. He chuckled and lightly pinched the bridge of my nose.

I blushed even harder because of what he did. "What was that for?" I asked and punched his arm playfully. Victor laughed at my reaction.

I scrunched up my nose. "What's funny?" I asked and let go of his hand, pretending to be angry even though I know it won't work on Victor. I walked out of Ice Castle with a laughing Victor trailing behind me.

"You... you looked... you were cute... looked like a strawberry!" Victor said between laughs. I turned around and glared at him. "At least I'm cute!" I sais and playfully stuck my tongue out.

I unlocked my bike and gave it to Yuuri. He thanked me and rode the bike. "Come on," Victor said.

I rolled my eyes, "I'm riding with Yuuri."

Yuuri eventually became a fountain of sweat. "N-n-n-no, (y/n), y-you might fall off!" He said as he waves his hands in front of me. I chuckled at his reactions. "Just kidding," I said and sat on Victor's top tube.

"Let's go," I said and leaned on Victor's chest. "Right, shortcake!" Victor replied. I rolled my eyes at the given nickname.

Victor started moving, and so did Yuuri. Only the sounds of the bikes, the flow of the river and occasional cars were heard.

I decided to speak out, "Maybe we should nix having three quads in Yuuri's free program."

Yuuri heard about what I said and quickly answered, "But i-if I want to win the Grand Prix Finals, I need those."

I looked over Victor's shoulder and looked at Yuuri. "Why? Even if there's only one quad, just get a perfect score on the program components!"

"Let's talk about that later," Victor whined like a child, "I want the hot springs." Victor being childish is cute. I leaned back to his chest and he placed his chin on my head. "At any rate, that isn't good enough," I said. Victor hummed in response.

We made our way back to Yu-topia. After putting our bikes back to where it was, we quickly went inside only to be greeted by Makkachin. He barked and jumped towards Victor. Victor carried him and Makkachin licked his face.

"You missed us, buddy?" Victor asked and pressed his nose to Makkachin's. Makkachin barked in response and kept licking Victor's face.

"Okay, that's enough, we miss you too, but I wanna relax in the hot spring now," Victor said and placed Makkachin down.

Makkachin barked and looked at me as if begging to be cuddled. "Aww come here boy," I said and picked him up, "Let's spend time with each other while the boys are away."

On my way towards the stairs, I came across Hiroko. "(Y/n)-chan, good evening!" She said.

"G-good evening, Hiroko-san!" My voice trembled because Makkachin won't stop moving in my arms.

"Have you had dinner yet?"

"Uhh, no, not yet."

"Okay then, I'll go ask Mari to bring the food up to once it's cooked."

"N-no, it's okay, I'll go get it myself," I said and gave a smile.

"Oh, (y/n)-chan, it's okay! I know you guys are tired because of your whole day practice so just sit back and Mari will bring your dinner upstairs," Hiroko said and smiled back at me.

"Th-thank you," I said and made my way upstairs. "Such hospitality," I thought.

I went inside and placed Makkachin and my bag down. I removed my jacket and a tank top then wore a shirt. I also removed my pants and wore shorts. I took my phone out of my bag and jumped on the bed.

Makkachin barked and hopped on the bed beside me. I pulled him towards my chest and hugged him. I nuzzled my face on his fur. I noticed that he smells fresh. "Who washed you?" I asked. Makkachin barked in response.

"As if Makkachin can answer my question," I told myself and sighed.

I feel thankful to whoever gave Makkachin a bath. I thank you from the bottom of my heart. I turned my phone on and just scrolled down Facebook.

My phone beeped and notification from Sandra appeared: "Aleksandra Romanov updated her status." I tapped the notification and it showed me a selfie of Sandra with a grumpy Yurio beside her. I smiled and liked the picture.

"I'm glad they got back safely."

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