Chapter 89: 4 Hours and 15 Minutes

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An hour and a half before noon, Sandra and I ate our lunch together with the family. This is going to once again be my last meal with them in a while so I made sure it's worthwhile. After the lovely lunch I had with them, Sandra made our way to my room to get dressed. Our luggage and everything else we need were already prepared ahead of time. It's as if our luggage themselves were just waiting for us.

I want to keep things simple for today. I'm wearing a black fitted tee that is tucked in black knee ripped jeans. I topped it with a beige trench coat that I left open. And lastly, I wrapped a gray scarf around my neck.

While fixing my hair, Sandra rummaged through the separate suitcase she brought here in Moscow. One was for her stay here since she lives in St. Petersburg and the other one is for the clothes she'll bring to Spain. All of a sudden, she let out a huge groan. Turning around I saw her sitting at the edge of my bed with her arms crossed in front of her chest.

"What's wrong?" I asked. She rubbed her hair in annoyance and looked at me. "I don't know what to wear!" She said. Her answer made me laugh. She rolled her eyes at me. "It's not funny," she said with a pout. I sat beside her to wear white sneakers and then looked through the items in her suitcase, "Let's see."

I took out a beige turtleneck shirt, denim ripped knee jeans, and a white blazer. I placed the clothes on her lap, "Try these on, it's a nice combination," I said. "I'd go out for a while and speak to my parents. We'd live once I return."

I stood off and went outside. It was a coincidence that Donik got out of his room the same time I did. I playfully rolled my eyes at him, "When will you stop being a copycat?" I asked. He playfully clicked his tongue before answering, "Says the real copycat."

We went upstairs together to our parents' room. We bid our farewells with each other. My heart aches every time I leave the house for international competitions. Through the years, I never really got to shake off that feeling. It always clings to my heart whenever I'm about to fly off.

They wished me well before giving me kisses on the cheeks. I embraced both of my parents before leaving their room. Their last reminder before we left was for Donik to drive carefully and have Sandra and I reach the airport safely.

We jogged down the stairs. Donik headed outside to get his car ready while I went into my room to get Sandra. The moment I barged in, I saw Sandra standing across, her back facing me. "Let's go," I said as I walked in to get my suitcase.

Slowly, she turned around. There was a sunglass resting atop the bridge of her nose. I took in her appearance as she stood in front of me. "Well well, look who's looking fantastic," I said. She took her glasses off and winked at me. "I learn from the best," she replied.

Without further ado, we found ourselves in Donik's car making our way to the airport. I sat in the back seat with Sandra. "Our flight leaves at noon, how long til we get to Barcelona?" I asked. Sandra checked her phone before answering, "The flight itself takes four hours and fifteen minutes. I believe will arrive at around five o'clock."

Soon, we were at the airport and I am bidding my goodbyes to my younger brother. "I can't wait for you to return back here," he said. His statement took me by surprise. Donik may not always act like it but he's a really soft guy. He has this big soft spot for his family members. "I haven't even left yet and you're missing me already," I said with a smirk.

"I can't wait to be best m-" he whispered but I didn't quite hear the last part. "You were saying?" I asked. "Nothing, nothing!" He said, waving his hands in the air. "Take care always, sis." He wrapped one hand around me and pulled me closer.

I must've given off the brightest smile as I returned Donik's embrace. I rest my head on his chest taking in his scent. Donik grew a lot and he is a man now. I should've cherished the moments before when he was shorter than me. I should've hugged him often back when I was literally the big sister.


Sitting at the airplane got me really bored. Sandra was snoozing beside me, her head leaning against my shoulder. As much as I tried to sleep, I couldn't. The excitement of seeing Victor again prevented me from taking a nap. Before boarding the plane, I sent him a message saying Sandra and I are on our way.

I shifted my gaze towards the window where it showed me a good view of the clouds. My best friend was kind enough to give me the window seat since she knew herself that she wouldn't be able to enjoy it because she'll spend the whole plain ride sleeping.

I knew well that Victor and Yuuri are more or less in Spain right now since they left at 9 PM last night and they would've arrived at Barcelona around noon today. The flight from Japan to Barcelona takes around fifteen hours according to Victor. We were on a phone call yesterday before they left for Spain. Poor Yuuri, I'm pretty sure he'll get jetlagged.

I agreed with Victor fetching me at the airport. Although at first, I insisted. I told him to stay at the hotel and just wait for me to arrive there but Victor was so persistent that I knew he wouldn't stop until I agree with him getting me from the airport so, in the end, I allowed him to.


We finally arrived in Barcelona after a while. We got off the plane and immediately went our way into the airport. It wasn't surprising that we got eyes glued to us as we walked. I mean, it's not every day that you get to see a (y/n) (l/n) striding her way around.

We walked beside a massive glass pane that allows you to look into the lobby. I continued to walk but kept my eyes looking through to find Victor. "There he is!" Sandra pointed out. I looked towards the direction of her finger and spotted Victor sitting by the benches.

"Oh!" I squealed in surprise as my pace became faster. Not long after, Victor turned his head and saw me as well. He immediately stood and fast-walked towards the entrance. He kept his eyes on me as he walked, only avoiding bumping into people using his peripheral vision. Soon after, I find myself running and dragging my suitcase behind me like a child as I made my way to the entrance fast.

Victor got out even before I reached the glass doors. He stood outside waiting for me to get to him. A few big strides and I fell completely into his arms. He hugged me tightly and even lifted me off my feet. "I missed you!" We said in unison.

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