Chapter 10: Glimpse of the Past

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Victor and I went to the center of the rink, hand in hand. "Do you still know how to skate?" He asked. "Of course, silly," I answered then we started to just skate around enjoying each other's presence. "Let's do a quadruple flip," I told him. "As you wish, love," he replied. We let go of each other and moved a bit farther then executed the quadruple flip. Clean as always.

"Wow! A quadruple flip!" The woman exclaimed. "I've got this, mama!" One of the girls said. "I'll take the video!" The girl in the middle said. I smiled at them before skating back to Victor and holding his hand.

"They seem to be happy," I told him. "Of course, who wouldn't be? The skating legends coaching Yuuri. It's such a wonderful opportunity for him," he said. He held my waist and lifted me in the air.

"You became a bit heavier," he said and chuckled. I blushed and rolled my eyes. He laughed and lifted me again. When Victor placed me down, I suddenly felt a pain on my right leg. I stopped and looked down. Victor noticed it and asked, "Is something wrong?" "Let's stop for now," I answered and smiled at him.

We got out of the rink. I removed my skates and sat on the bench. Victor sat beside me. Yuuri and the others walked closer. "Are you okay?" Yuuri asked. I nodded and gave him a reassuring smile.

"Go back to practice," I told Victor. "Will you be okay?" He asked. Before I could answer, the three girls said, "We'll take care of her!" Victor and I looked at them and smiled. Victor walked towards them. "Alright, take good care of her for me," he said and went back to the rink.

The three girls sat beside me. Two on my right side and one on the other.

They looked at me with sparkling eyes. "(F/n)(L/n)!" They said. I chuckled and said hi.

"My name is Lutz!" The girl beside the girl on my right side said. She is wearing a lilac jacket and her hair was on pigtails.

"I'm Axel!" The one on my right side said. She is wearing a light blue jacket and her hair was tied up in a ballet bun.

"The name's Loop!" The one on my left said. Her jacket is pink and her hair is set in a single ponytail.

"Whoa, you all look alike! Are there any facial differences between you three?" I asked them.

"None really," they replied in unison.

"Okay, so the blue one is Axel. The pink one is Loop and the lilac one is Lutz. I'll keep that in mind," I said. "I like that your names were after a type of jump," I added.

"Yes. Our parents were big fans of skating!" Loop said. Lutz pointed towards the man and the woman in front of us. They looked at us and smiled.

"Mama, introduce yourself!" Axel exclaimed.

"Okay, okay," her mother replied. She moved towards me and slightly pushed Loop aside so she has space. She sat beside me.

"My name's Yuuko Nishigori and that is my husband, Takeshi Nishigori," she said. I smiled at her.

"Pleased to meet all of you. Thank you for giving us a warm welcome," I said.

"How much do you know about Yuuri?" I asked.

"Yuuri, Takeshi and I are childhood friends. Yuuri is like a younger brother to me," she answered.

I nodded, signaling her to continue. She looked up, reminiscing the past. "When I was ten, my parents were watching a skating competition. I saw you skate with Victor. I was amazed. Since then, I had an interest in skating. When I was thirteen, the news about you and Victor switching to individual skating spread. By the time I was fourteen, Victor was already number one in the world and you were making your way to the top. Yuuri and I imitated you and Victor's skating. Victor mostly became Yuuri's idol and he imitated him for years, trying to catch up to him. Then we saw in a magazine that Victor had a poodle. Later on, Yuuri bought one and named him Victor," she said.

"Whoa," I said, "Yuuri is a big fan of Victor." I looked at Yuri.

"Oh, I need to go manage the files," she said and stood. I felt a little bored. "Can I come with you?" I asked. She looked at me with sparkling eyes. "Sure!" She answered.

I stood and followed her towards the counter. She pulled out two chairs below it and gave the other one to me. I thanked her. She also got some files. We sat in front of each other. She signed the papers and stuff like that.

"I wanna ask something," she said as she signed a paper. "What is it?" I answered. She looked at me and asked, "If you don't mind, may I know why you and Victor quit pair skating?"

I sighed then looked at her. "I got in an accident when we were practicing for our next performance. We will execute throws. We did throws before and I was able to land properly but there came a time when I didn't," I said.

She gasped and covered her mouth. I continued to tell her and as I tell her, I reminisce about the past.

"Okay, time for the triple twist! You ready?" Victor asked. I nodded in response. He held my waist and threw me up in the air perfectly. I rotated thrice.

"Sis!" Someone exclaimed. Victor and I's attention shifted to the owner of the voice. That is when we lost focus. Victor was not able to catch me. I tried to land the jump. But instead of my foot landing on the ice, it was my ankle that landed.

I felt an agonizing pain. My ankle slipped and my body fell flat on the ice. Tears flowed out of my eyes because of the pain I am feeling. I tried to move but it only caused more pain.

"(Y/n)!" I heard Victor scream my name. Everything is blurred. My eyes were filled with tears and it was hard to breathe.

Then something blocked the light. It was Victor looking down at me. "(Y/n)," he looks at my eyes. His expression is filled with worry.

"(Y/n)!" Another voice called my name. It was from our coach. I felt my self being lifted off the ice and placed on a stretcher.

The stretcher was being pushed out of the rink. "Sis!" I heard my younger brother cry my name. So it was him. He called me then Victor and I got distracted. How pathetic. Surely, this will become a big issue for the media. And it will spread like wildfire.

I can still feel the pain. I can still hear voices calling my name. Slowly, I closed my eyes.
*End of flashback

"I underwent surgery. I was not able to walk for months. And during those times, my coach visited me and said that Victor is now switching to individual skating. He was traumatized and he got afraid of putting me in danger again," I finished and sighed.

I looked at Yuuko and she looked back at me with apologetic eyes. "I'm so sorry. I must have opened past wounds," she said.

"It's okay," I replied and smiled at her.

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