Chapter 27: First Stone

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Yuuri, Victor and I were standing together on a platform. I gave Yuuri the flowers that served as the prize for this event and pat his back. Victor held my hands as we all looked up and smiled at the crowd.

"Katsuki Yuuri has won the Hot Springs on Ice event. A word, please, " the commentator said as he moved the mic towards Yuuri. "O-oh, um..." Yuuri started but is unsure of what to say next. I gently removed my hand from Victor's and placed it on Yuuri's back. Yuuri glanced at me and I gave him a reassuring smile.

"I'm going to try to and win the next Grand Prix Final with (Y/n) and Victor! Thank you for your continued support!" Yuuri said. The audience once again cheered. I spotted Minako crying as I was looking around. I'm sure those are tears of joy because she has seen Yuuri grow this much.

I tried to look around again for Sandra. But she was nowhere to be seen. Once the program was finally over and a lot of people have gone away, I walked around Hasetsu to look for Sandra. I went around the rink, the main hall, the changing rooms, but she was not there.

I stayed in the changing rooms for a while to contact Sandra. "Come on, come on, please answer," I muttered.


"Sandra, where are you?"

"Hey, I'm sorry, I'm at the airport right now. Yurio called me while Yuuri was performing and I have to go and take him back to Russia."

"When is the flight?"

"An hour from now."

"An hour from now?!"

"Yes, apparently Yakov already booked this flight since he found out about the competition and when he saw me going here."

"Oh, Xandra. Wait for me, I'll see the two of you off."

"Okay, okay we'll wait for you here."

"I'll be on my way, goodbye."


I placed my phone back in my pocket. I also checked my other pocket to see if I had money, and gladly I did. I ran towards the main hall but was suddenly blocked by Victor. "Where are you going? And you're in such a hurry," he said.

"I-I need to meet Sandra," I answered. "Where is she?" He asked.

"Somewhere," I said, "I'll be back after an hour, I guess. I'll tell you later."

Victor gave me a hug before letting me go. "Be careful, okay?" He said. "Of course, I will," I replied and gave him a reassuring smile.

I nodded and he moved out of the way. I ran for the exit as soon as he moved. I waited for a few minutes for a taxi. One passed and stopped in front of me. I opened the door towards the passenger's seat and ask, "Umm, to the airport, please?" The driver nodded and I got in.

The ride was quiet. The driver doesn't seem to know who I am. Unlike the others who would ask for a picture or something. My mind was noisy, though. I am a little bit bothered. But I'm glad I can talk to Yurio and Sandra if I'm gonna make it.

Minutes passed by and I'm finally at the airport now. I paid the driver before going out and slamming the door shut. I ran towards the entrance in which a security guard greeted me. I gave a smile and a nod in return.

I looked around to find them. After a minute or so of walking around, I finally spotted them sitting in front of the big glass window.

Sandra is looking down at her phone. Yurio's elbow rested on his knees and has his headphones on.

"Sandra!" I called. Sandra's facelifted up and she stood as soon as she saw me. I ran towards her and captured her in a big hug.

"I'm gonna miss you again, girl," I said before letting go.

"Yea. I will miss you too. It happened so fast," she replied as she held my hands.

"Promise me, you'll be there at the finals," I said.

"Of course, I will! I'd even visit the country where you're at," she replied.

"Aww. Thank you, Sandra."

"No problem, (y/n)"

I looked at Yurio who was staring at us. I let go of Sandra's hands and sat beside Yurio.

"(Y/n)," he said as he took off his headphones and covered his face. "I can't believe I lost to that... that..."

"Shh, it's okay," I said as I rubbed his back.

"It's such a shame. I feel so bad."

"It's okay Yuri. Don't act like that. Don't hate it. Instead, use it as a stepping stone. That's the Yuri I know."

Yurio sat straight and placed his hands down. His eyes remained close for a few seconds before opening them and looking at me.

"I promise I'll win the finals. Be there."

"Of course, I will be there. But you should keep in mind that I will not let my student lose," I replied and gave a smirk.

"We'll see about that," Yurio said before standing up walking away.

"That kid," I thought as I chuckled.

Sandra sat on the chair that Yurio was sitting on before. "Here goes the sisterly figure to a lot of people (y/n)," she said.

"I push them to continue. Go on skating so they will not feel what I felt."

Sandra patted my back, "It's okay."

"Okay it is, sisterly figure to me Sandra," I replied.

We laughed a bit and caught more on each other. Cherishing the time we still have.

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