Chapter 32: Own Choice

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The morning went by as usual. Wake up, breakfast, bath, then jog. Victor is still sleeping, as usual. Yuuri is, as well. The only thing different today is that the clouds seem dark. It looks like it would rain anytime soon.

I was sitting on the bench outside Yu-Topia, and I decided to go inside. I came across Victor as I walk up the stairs. "Morning!" I greeted.

"Morning," he greeted back while rubbing his eyes. I proceeded in making my way back up to the room. I grabbed my ponytail over the vanity and tied my hair up making sure it's not in the way.

I waited for Victor's return which did not take a while since he pretty much moves fast. He eats fast and takes a bath fast. He's in here now, changing his clothes... fast.

I went to the closet to grab my bag and my skates. I placed my skates in my bag and went out. Victor went inside as well to get his stuff.

Once we're all done, Victor head outside to get our bikes ready while I went to Yuuri's room to wake him up. I walked past the wall clock on my way to my destination and realized that we're a bit earlier than usual today. Well maybe because we don't want to be outside when the rain pours.

I knocked on Yuuri's door, "Yuuri, wake up! Victor and I would go to the rink now! Be there shortly." I heard a groan in response, and that's enough to signify that Yuuri is now awake.

I headed downstairs and outside to meet up with Victor. When I got outside, Victor was already on his bike. I grabbed mine and pulled it alongside me towards the gate. I quickly got on it and the two of us were off.

Victor and I were made our way to Hasetsu in silence. We parked our bikes. I noticed a banner on top saying 'Welcome, Victor and (y/n)! Welcome back, Yuuri!'. That's nice. We made our way inside. Yuuko was behind the counter getting ready for the day, "Good morning, (y/n)-san, Victor-san. You seem a little early today,"

Victor smiled and nodded. "Morning, Yuuko-san. We just don't want to be out there when the rain pours," I said.

"Ahh, yes. It seems to me that the skies are very dark," Yuuko replied.

I smiled and walked towards the rink. Victor is sitting on a bench, already putting his skates on. I sat beside him and did the same.

I was already tying my laces when Victor spoke, "I talked to Yuuri's former coach last night." I finished tying my laces and looked at Victor. "Oh, you mean Ce..." I started but forgot who Yuuri's previous coach was.

"Celestino," Victor finished. "Ahh yes, Celestino," I said, rubbing the back of my head. I stood and made my way to the rink. "What did you talk about?" I asked. I set my right foot on the ice, then my left one.

I skated out to the center of the rink. I turned around to see Victor doing the same. "I asked him why he wouldn't let Yuuri choose his program music," Victor replied. We skated around the rink, doing warm-ups as we talk.

"Yuuri doesn't choose his music?" I asked, a little bit surprised. Throughout my skating career, I was always the one who chose my program music, "Why?"

"He said he usually select music for his skaters, but he also lets them choose if they want," Victor said.

"Well, that's sad. Yakov would always tell me to choose my music."

"He said Yuuri only brought him one piece and it was composed by an acquaintance. He said it wasn't bad but he asked Yuuri if he thinks he'd win with that."

"What did Yuuri say?"

"Yuuri told Celestino to just pick up music for him."

"He must be lacking confidence."

"Right, that's what Celestino said. Do you think you could give him some talk with that?"

"Uhh, sure! I'd try my best."

I stopped and did forward and then backward crossovers in both directions. "Yuuri's quite indecisive," I said and hummed.

Victor skated towards me and held his hands out, asking me to skate. I smiled and took his hand. "Skate with me," I said.

We did some of our routines from before but not with the same intensity as back then. We wouldn't want to get myself in another accident here.

It wasn't long before Yuuri arrived. Victor and I stopped and made our way out of the rink. Yuuri sat and wore his skates then he got in the rink and practiced.

Victor and I stood beside the rink to watch. "Yuuri!" I called out. He looked at me then quickly skated towards us. He gripped the rink in front of us while catching his breath.

"Where's your music, Yuuri?" I asked.

"I... uhh... haven't chosen my music yet," he answered.

"What? You still haven't chosen the music?" Victor asked in disbelief. "Why can't you trust your own decisions? Just try to remember something, like when a girlfriend loved you."

"Huh?!" Yuuri asked in a high tone. Victor and I stared blankly at him. Yuuri then realized what he had done and waved his hands frantically in the air.

"S-s-sorry! Right now, it's just that I-" he stopped and placed both of his hands on his head.

"Oh, right. You've never had a girlfriend." I said.

"Let's call this a day for now," Victor said.

Yuuri and I looked at him with confused eyes. He just smiled and wrapped his arm around me.

Yuuri got out of the rink then the three of us fixed our stuff. Practice ended unbelievably very early today. I think I know what Victor has in mind.

The three of us walked out into the lobby. "Yuuri, let's go somewhere today," I said. "No, it's okay," Yuuri declined.

We made our way out of Hasetsu. I let Yuuri use my bike. I rode with Victor then we all made our way back home. Victor is giving Yuuri this day off so he could relax and come up with his music. And also, talk to me.

Once we've reached Yu-Topia, Victor asked Yuuri to the springs. "Yuuri, let's go take a bath," he said. "I'm going to sleep," Yuuri declined.

It is a pretty rainy day today. The perfect weather for sleeping in. We went inside and I followed Yuuri to his room. He doesn't seem to know I'm trailing behind him. He reached his room and was about to close his door when he noticed me.

"(Y-y/n!) He said. I smiled at him, "Hello, Yuuri! May I come in?" Yuuri hesitated for a while but opened his door wider for me to get in.

I gladly went inside and took in the surrounding. There was a study table to the left, then his closet and a bookshelf behind his bed. Some figure skating posters are on his wall.

I pulled the chair from his study table and sat on it. Yuuri sat on his bed.

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