Chapter 42: Grand Prix Assignment

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It has been a very productive day today. We finished a lot later than usual. Yuuri was able to execute the program completely although there is some space for polishing. We are now making our way back to Hasetsu. As usual, I rode with Victor. I scroll through some news on my phone all the way. I haven't used this since we started training. I left it in my bag so it wouldn't distract me.

In the middle of our small trip, a very shocking notification popped out. It was a message from Sandra saying that the assignments are out now. My eyes went wide, "Yo wait, look at this!" I said out of the blue which made Victor and Yuuri stop in their tracks. I've noticed that we stopped in the middle of the street. "Wait, let's move aside first so we won't get hit by some vehicle before I tell this news."

We moved to the side. Victor let go of one of the handlebars so I could get off from the bike. The two boys did the same and got off their bikes and moved closer to me. "What seems to be this news that even made us stop?" Victor asked.

Excitement bubbled inside me as I turned around to face the two men. "The Grand Prix assignments were announced!" I said, excitement very evident in my voice.

"What?!" Victor asked out of shock.

"Crap!" Yuuri said out of shock as well.

"When was it announced?" Victor asked.

"Umm, I guess a few hours ago," I answered.

The two walked closer to me to look at my phone and see where Yuuri is assigned. I scrolled down slowly to make sure I wouldn't miss Yuuri's name on the list. After a short while of scrolling, I finally saw his name.

"There it is!" I said as I used my thumb to point the location of Yuuri's name on the screen. The two leaned in closer to see.

"You're assigned to the Cup of China!" I half screamed. I can feel the adrenaline run through my body.

I can't help jumping up and down in joy and excitement. This is going to be thrilling and fun! I threw my arms around Victor and hugged him tightly.

"Whoa, easy. You seem to be more excited than Yuuri," Victor said. I eventually let go to turn around and look at Yuuri who doesn't seem to have any trail of excitement at all.

I moved closer to Yuuri and pat his back. "Come on, let's go back. I'm pretty sure the rest also received this news."

Victor and I joyfully hopped back on our bike while Yuuri looked like all of the spirits have been drained away from his body. "Oh come on, Yuuri, you got this!" I told him and gave him a wink.

We got back to Yu-Topia in no time. The three of us headed to our rooms to get changed. I changed into a cream-colored shirt and denim shorts. Victor changed into a maroon shirt. We were fixing our stuff and placing them back to where they belong when someone knocked on our door.

Victor and I looked at each other as if waiting to see who would go first and answer the door. "I'll go get it," I said. I dropped my dirty clothes down and walked towards the door. I slid it open to reveal Minako holding some banner up.

"Hey there, Minako. What brings you here?" I asked.

"You see, we've heard about the news around this afternoon and we decided to do some surprise for Yuuri. Mari is inside Yuuri's room right now, keeping him there while we set things up."

"That sounds great! Count us in! Victor and I will head downstairs after a few minutes."

"Thank you!" Minako thanked us before she made her way downstairs. I slid the door closed and walked back inside. The clothes I dropped were now placed in the hamper, thanks to Victor.

Victor is sitting on the edge of our bed, waiting for me. "Heard that?" I asked as I walked closer to sit beside him. As soon as I did, he placed his hand on my waist and pulled me closer. He kissed my temple before asking, "What was that?"

My hand found its way on his lap and it stayed there. My head rests on his shoulder, "Minako and the others are planning to have some surprise for Yuuri for his Grand Prix assignment."

Victor's other hand held mine that was on top of his lap. "Is that necessary?" He asked, not wanting to join and just stay here with me.

"Yuuri's family is happy for him. We should be too. We're his coaches," I replied.

Victor let go of me and lay down on the bed, his arms stretched sidewards. "We're a lot more excited than him. Isn't that enough?"

"Let's just go, babe. We can do all the cuddling stuff later," I said and stood. I looked back at Victor and he just stared back at me. It was as if we are having a small staring contest wherein whoever blinks first will do what the other wants.

Luckily, Victor sat down and stood. I offered him my hand and of course, he gladly took it. He entwined his fingers with mine. We headed downstairs and there was a bunch of people.

Yuuri's parents are preparing some meals for Yuuri. His mom cooked while his dad is the one placing the dishes on the center table. Yuuko also helped in the preparation of the table, while her husband and triplets were taking care of some confetti.

"Hi, (y/n), I could use a hand," Minako called. I looked sidewards to see her pinning the banner she was holding a while ago on the wall above the television set. "Ahh, sure," I said. I took the other end of the banner. Minako gave me some pins and I used them to hold the banner up in place.

Now that I can see the banner closer, it has pink and blue paper roses on the sides and it says "Congrats on Your Assignment in the GP Series, Yuuri!" It looks cute! Lovely, I may say.

Once everything is in place, Minako went upstairs to call Yuuri. The rest of us down here positioned ourselves. Yuuri's parents were on the left side of the television while the Nishigori family, Victor and I, stood on the right side.

After a while, a blindfolded Yuuri came down the stairs with the help of Minako and Mari. They made him sit in front of the table, facing us. "Now, don't remove the blindfold unless I say so," Minako ordered. Minako and Mari stood with Yuuri's family.

"Okay, Yuuri, remove the blindfold!" Minako ordered. Yuuri slowly removed the blindfold. The confetti popped out as soon as the blindfold fell on the ground.

"Congrats!" All of us greeted in unison and clapped our hands.

"Thanks," Yuuri thanked us. His eyes were squinted and he kinda looks like he isn't as excited as all of us here.

"Okay, I'll explain which events you'll be competing in," Victor said. Before he could begin though, the triplets ran to the center and cut him off.

"But first!" Axel started.

"Since the Katsuki family still doesn't know much about figure skating, we'll give a simple explanation!" Lutz continued.

I looked at Yuuri's family. His parents looked so happy while Mari had a cigarette on her mouth and she looked like she isn't interested in such sports but listened anyway.

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