Chapter 65: Path to Greatness

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I grabbed Victor's hand and pulled him along as I ran towards the exit from the rink. Yuuri rushes towards it as well.

"Victor! (Y/n)! I did great, right?" He asked with a big smile as we wait for him to come close.

I gave a nod and the next thing that happened also took me by surprise. With all the happiness, flowing in my chest right now, and all the tears streaming from my eyes, I jumped into the rink, into Yuuri's arms. My actions startled the boy. I was able to see a hint of worry that he might not be able to catch me before I land on his chest.

Time seemed to have slowed down as my face hits his chest and as my arms wrap around him, clinging onto him tightly as if he was my life source. Yuuri fell back into the ice.

I lay on top of him, crying my heart out as I felt a weight on my back. Victor had joined in on the fall, and now both of us are both laying down on the ice, embracing Yuuri.

I looked up at Yuuri and apologized. "Sorry for tackling you down, Yuuri. That was the only thing I could think of," I said as I sniffed my nose.

"You continue to go above and beyond our expectations," Victor said.

"You continue to soar high above the tallest mountains, and we, your coaches, are so proud of you. Keep that in mind," I said.


Phichit, Yuuri, and Chris stood on the podium, each of them having a bouquet of flowers. Phichit won gold, then Yuuri got silver, and Chris had bronze.

After their memorable moment on the podium, Phichit called the other skaters and the coaches to come to the rink and take a selfie. Phichit held his phone up. Leo and Guang-Hong stood happily beside him. Yuuri had his arms up in the air behind Phichit. Chris had a duck face and he stood beside Yuuri. Victor and I hugged each other and made peace signs while the rest of the coaches stood behind all of us.

The group went on their separate ways afterward. Once Yuuri got out into the lounge, reporters were already swarming around him. Victor pulled me along as he joined in. "Now that Yuuri can do a quadruple flip, he'll definitely win at the Rostelecom Cup and advance to the Grand Prix Final," he said.

"Victor and I are both looking forward to going to Russia as his coaches!" I cheerfully said and threw my arm on Yuuri's shoulders.

"Victor, (y/n), what should skating fans around the world expect for Yuuri in the upcoming Rostelecom Cup wherein he is going to be competing against his rival, Yuri Plisetsky?" A woman asked.

"Oh," I said as I remove my arm on Yuuri's shoulders and brought them down to my sides. "Hmm, let's see. By now, I know that both Yuris have grown so much since the face-off in Hasetsu. I can say that we shouldn't underestimate any of them. Both skaters have been taking on the world by surprise. What do you think, Victor?"

"I'd say, we all need to expect the unexpected. Yuuri here continues to soar high above (y/n) and I, and everyone's expectations," Victor replied.

A few more questions were answered before the three of us went on ahead. Before we got back to the hotel, we planned on taking out some meals from a fast-food chain but received a text message from Minako saying that she already got us some food.

Once we've reached the hotel, the four of us gathered around the table and had a little chat as we ate. "Yuuri, you did the quadruple flip all of a sudden, I wasn't even able to grasp the sight of it," Minako started.

A few more topics popped out as we all ate. After eating, like always, we went on to pack the things we've taken out, leaving only the clothes we will wear for tomorrow.

Before going to our room, Victor and I bid Yuuri and Minako goodnight. "Yuuri, make sure you get enough sleep tonight, okay? Getting insufficient sleep would ruin your beauty," I said before stepping in our room.

I changed into my sleepwear and jumped on the bed. "Careful, dear we do not want to pay for this bed if you cause any damage on it," Victor said as he lay down next to me.

"I'm not as heavy as those first times we were couching Yuuri, I wouldn't break this bed or something," I replied. I turned over to the other side, facing away from Victor. He got up and turned the lights off but left the table lamp on. He wrapped his arms around my waist.

As I stare into the dim lighting of the room, I looked back at the events of this day. I reminisced that moment back in the parking area and I couldn't help but feel uneasy.



I slowly turned around to face him. His eyes were closed and the light behind him made it uneasy to look at his facial features.

"I've made up my mind," I said.

Victor hummed in response. "I made up my mind too."

"What's your decision?"

"Let's sleep," he replied as he threw his arm around my waist. I looked at him in disbelief, and I can feel my eyebrows twitch.

"Doublethink your decision, have no regrets," Victor added.

I sighed as I moved closer to place my head on his chest. His heart is beating evenly. "It is my passion, Victor. I know I wouldn't regret it."

"Just like how it leads me again to you, I know it's going to lead me to something great again," I added.

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