Chapter 12: Puppy Love

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I ran up as fast as I could but no, Victor ran faster than me. He reached the top first. "Dang, what would he want me to do?" I thought as my running slowed down.

When I got to the top, I asked him. "What do you want, Victor?" I asked him. He hummed and held his chin.

"Something sweet and loving," he answered and smiled. I already know what he meant. A kiss. I grabbed his collar and pressed my lips on his.

It was not long when he kissed back. I removed my hand from his collar. His arms wrapped around my waist, pulling me closer. I rested my hands on his chest. My heart beats fast whenever we kiss.

After a while, we pulled away from each other. Victor chuckled and I raised an eyebrow at him. "I was going to ask for chocolates. They're sweet and a lot of people love them," he said. I laughed and pushed him away.

I walked towards a bench and sat. Victor sat beside me. The view looks nice. We can see the river from here and houses on the other side of it.

Suddenly, a wind blew and it made the cherry blossoms' petals fall. Some even fell on my head. I reached for my hair and tried to remove them. Some fell away but some seem to get stuck.

"Oh my gosh, I can't remove it," I said. Victor chuckled and gently pulled my head closer to him. I tilted it towards him. He started removing the petals.

He removed the last petal and said: "There you go." I straightened my back and combed my hair with my fingers. "Thank you," I thanked Victor. I lay my head on his shoulder and admired the view.

Yuri ran towards us and stepped up and down the bench. Suddenly, Victor asked, "Do you have feelings for Minako?" I removed my head on his shoulder and looked at Yuuri.

Yuuri suddenly stopped and looked at us. "What?! No way!" He said. "Do you have a girlfriend?" Victor asked, "No," Yuuri answered. "Any ex-girlfriends?" Victor asked. "N-no comment," Yuuri answered.

"Let's talk about me! My first girlfriend was—" Victor said but was stopped by Yuuri. Victor sighed and placed his head on my shoulder.

"His first girlfriend..." I thought. A memory of the past suddenly got into my mind.

Victor told me to go to the changing room after the competition. So here I am, walking towards it. Cameras were flashing and there were people congratulating me.

"Congrats, (y/n)!"

"(Y/n) and Victor won the championships again!"

"We love you, (y/n)!"

The screams stopped once I reached the changing room. I knocked and called Victor. I opened the door and entered, closing it behind me. Victor was sitting on the couch but quickly stood when he saw me.

I walked closer to him and asked, "What is it, Victor? Why did you ask me to go here?"

"(Y/n), I-I know we're fourteen and stuff b-but," Victor managed to say. He bit his lip and looked down. "I like you," he said.

My heart skipped a beat and a red tint crawled on my cheeks. "V-Victor!" I said in shock.

Victor sighed. He raised his hand but kept his gaze down. "You probably don't like me back but, yea. I like you."

I suddenly laughed. Victor looked at me in confusion. "After all the hugs I gave you, you think I don't like you back?" I said and continued laughing.

Victor's eyes widened and he smiled, "T-then, be my girlfriend?"

My laughter stopped and I looked at him. He was blushing furiously. "Victor," I said. He looked at me.

I jumped and hugged him. "Why don't we try this puppy love?" I asked and laughed. Victor chuckled and hugged me back.
*End of flashback...

We were in a relationship for a year. He tried to avoid me when the accident happened. He was afraid of hurting me again.

But we crossed paths again and I approached him. We became close again.

I was driven off from my thoughts by Makkachin. I looked at him. He was barking to the castle behind us. I turned around to get a full view of it.

"Yuuri, what's that castle over there?" Victor asked. "Oh, that's Hasetsu Castle. Inside is a ninja house," Yuuri answered.

Victor gasped. "Really? Ninjas?!" He asked out of shock. I was also surprised. I saw ninjas in the movies and stuff, but I never imagined being this close to a ninja house.

Victor took out his phone and handed it to Yuuri. "Yuuri, take a picture of us!" He said. Victor grabbed me and Makkachin. We ran closer to the castle. Victor seems to be pretty excited.

I carried Makkachin while Victor wrapped his arm around me. His other hand formed a peace sign. We smiled at the camera until we heard it click.

I placed Makkachin down and Victor got his phone back. Victor quickly posted it on Instagram with the hashtag #ninja.

We got down from the same stairs and just simply walked around. Victor saw a shop that rented motorcycles. He quickly ran to it, dragging me with him.

He rented one and rode it. "Come on, (y/n)!" He said and flashed me a grin. I chuckled and hopped behind him. He wore his sunglasses so I also wore mine.

I leaned closer and hugged him. He started the motorcycle and drove around. I looked around, admiring the surroundings.

We got back to the shop and returned the vehicle. We continued to walk around and stopped in front of the river.

"Hey, Yuuri, take a stolen photo of us here!" Victor said and gave Yuri his phone. We turned around and admires the view. Victor wrapped his arm around me again.

Once we heard the camera click, Victor took his phone and posted it on Instagram. "Wait, I want one on my phone as well," I said and gave it to Yuri.

I don't want a stolen one so Victor and I both smiled at the camera. His arm on my shoulder, and my arm on his waist.

Once I got my phone back, I posted it on Instagram as well with the caption "Exploring Hasetsu with him!"

We quickly went back home. It was quite tiring since Victor was very excited and he dragged me around. It was fun though.

I scrolled through the net and saw news and pictures of Victor and I popping around the net. Stolen shots.

"So the paparazzi have found us," I said, "Pictures of us, all around the net."

I sighed and placed my phone down. I lay beside Victor. He wrapped his arm around me. I turned to him and placed my hand on his chest. "It was fun!" He said and laughed.

"Shh, I wanna sleep," I said and quickly drifted off to sleep.

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