Chapter 34: Japanese Cuisine

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Victor slid the door open for me. As soon as we stepped in, the smell of good food rushed to us, making my stomach grumble. We entered and turned the corner towards the dining room.

Yuuri and his family were sitting at one table. Food is spread in front of them. Yuuri's mom smiled and pointed the table nearby. I smiled and thank them before making our way to the other table. Like Yuuri's table, food is also spread across the table.

I sat on one side, and Victor sat on the other. In front of us were four bowls and one plate placed on top of a square placemat.

Located on the lower right, of the placemat was the main dish: hamburger steak. To the left of it were the brown rice and Hijiki No Nimono, and above was the miso soup with tofu and wakame, and onion salad.

I'm starting to get used and get familiar with the way the Japanese serve their food. As far as I've observed, a meal is served in one course, but with several dishes. There is a soup, which is usually miso soup, and at least two dishes. In Russia, rice isn't a staple part of our meals, but here in Japan, it is the central point of the meal.

I looked across at Victor and see him picking some of the black strips of hijiki using his chopsticks. "What is this?" He asked, looking at me with curious eyes. He raised his chopsticks eye level to him, observing the food.

I picked some myself and raised it as well. "This is hijiki no nimono," I answered. Victor looked back at me, "What is that?"

"A hijiki salad."

"What's hijiki?"

"Hijiki is a type of seaweed. From what I know, it is some sort of a super vegetable from the ocean."

"Ohhh," Victor said, amusement filling his eyes. I chuckled at his reaction. "It is a side dish and a good accompaniment for rice," I said and picked some rice together with the hijiki and ate it.

A mixture of saltiness and sweetness spread across my mouth, but the rice balances out the flavors. "Tasty," I said. Victor did the same and agreed.

"You already know a lot," he said.

"I do my observations and research," I replied with a smirk.

We finished our meal and thanked Yuuri's parents for it. We made our way upstairs with Makkachin trailing behind us.

As soon as we got into our room, I released my hair from the ponytail and dived onto the bed, my face buried on the pillow. "Goodnight," I said and surprisingly, I fell asleep quickly.

*The next day...

"Hey love, wake up!" I hear Victor say as I feel his arms wrap around my waist. He nuzzled his face in my hair.

A wave of laziness hit me. I groaned, "Can I have a day off?"

"If you'll have a day off, I should too," Victor said.

"No no no, Yuuri needs help!" I replied.

"What am I supposed to do with Yuuri?" he asked.

"Go talk to him."

"He'd listen to you more."

"He'd listen to you as well! Give him some encouraging words."

"How do you do that?"

"Just speak your heart out. I want to sleep more. It feels like I haven't slept in centuries. Go take care of Yuuri for me."

Victor sighed and sat up. "Where do you think we can have a good talk?" He asked.

"Ocean..." I replied lazily, trying to doze off.

"Okay then. I'd be back at lunch."

"I might still be asleep at that time. I feel like I could sleep for a day."

"Okay then, get all the necessary energy you need. I'd go take care Yuuri," Victor said and kissed my cheek. I was only able to nod because I really want to go back to sleep now.

Victor's P.O.V.

It's one of (y/n)'s lazy days. This reminds me of the good ol' days back then.

As usual, I got myself prepared then it's time to go to Hasetsu. I took out the bike I use and noticed the one (y/n) uses. Well, this is going to be a long day without her.

I made my way to Hasetsu. I reached the bridge and looked out into the ocean. It is so calming. So calming like (y/n), the tranquility after my storms.

I parked my bike as soon as I reached Hasetsu. I went inside and was greeted by Yuuko standing behind the counter, "Victor-san! Good morning!" I smiled and greeted her back.

Her triplets' head peeked above the counter. "Where is (y/n)-san?" One of them asked.

"It's her day off today," I answered.

The one wearing purple sighed in disappointment, "Aww man, I was about to show her the move she was teaching me!"

"Me too!" The other two agreed.

"(Y/n) teaches you some moves?" I asked.

"She does when she has nothing to do with you and Yuuri," the one wearing a light blue jacket answered.

"I see. That's why she disappears from the rink sometimes," I said as I placed a finger on my chin.

"She's good at teaching!" The one in pink said.

"Of course, that's my (y/n)!" I said and made my way towards the rink. The rink feels pretty empty without (y/n). It feels like that time I switched to individual skating for the first time, but I did it for the better.

I walked in the rink and skated around, doing jumps from time to time, reminiscing some memories from the past.

*Start of flashback...

"You know once you switch, it'll be hard to go back again," our coach speaks as I sit down in front of the window. I try my best to keep calm, but I can't help the tears from escaping my eyes.

"And you know what (y/n) would feel about that. Would you just leave her there? Without any words? You should at least speak to her before you leave. You—"

"I can't!" I cut in with my voice raised. I inhaled deeply then exhaled before speaking again. "I can't stand going to the hospital and seeing her in pain. I couldn't help but just blame myself for it! I'm afraid to put her into something like this again. I-I just couldn't..."

I couldn't speak any longer. I just started sobbing helplessly. Our coach sat beside me and placed a hand on my shoulder. "Well then," he began and sighed. "If you think this is for the better, I recommend you to a fellow coach."

I wiped my tears and looked at him. "Stay strong, okay? Show that to (y/n) and so she will follow your lead. I would take care of her while you're away," he said.

I couldn't say anything else so I just gave a nod. "This won't be the last of us, (y/n). I'm sorry. Please understand what I must do," I tell in my mind, wishing that somehow, it would reach her.

*End of flashback...

I opened my eyes and looked at the wall clock. Yuuri should be arriving any minute now.

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