Chapter 107: Silver Medal

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The atmosphere around the three of us lightened and I couldn't be any more grateful than I am. We're still sitting by the kiss and cry with Yuuri sitting between Victor and me. I rest my head on Yuuri's shoulder as I gave a small smile at the cameras. I'm hugging one of Yuuri's plushies close to my chest.

My eyes felt heavy and sure enough, crying felt exhausting. To me, at least. It made me feel sleepy too. It felt like I could snooze off at Yuuri's shoulder right now. I didn't even have the energy to hand Victor my phone for the pictures. 

"Oh, please take our picture with this phone!" Victor cheerfully said. He took his phone out of his coat's pocket and gave it to the cameraman in front of us.

My gaze shifted towards the rink just in time for Chris's quadruple salchow to, unfortunately, turn into a single. "Hang in there, Chris!" I said mentally, not having enough voice to even croak a whisper. 

"Allez!" Yuuri cheered. "Chris!" Victor cheered after. Chris looked at us wide-eyed. But eventually, it turned to a frown as his eyebrows furrowed. Chris got too used to having Victor in front of him that he pretended not to notice the discomfort of being surpassed by another. But he can always fan the flames of regret within him!

Do you see? Victor stepping down as coach gave way to a number of things such as Yurio being more determined and motivated than ever, and Chris being true to his feelings as a skater. 

Triple Axel.

A lone triple axel? Chris changed his program to make a jump into a combination in the second half.

Triple Axel, Single Loop, Triple Salchow.

His final jumps were successful! He brought a combination he usually does in the first half into the second instead. He received a standing ovation with such enthusiasm from the audience afterward. His final pose was perfect!

"Chris!" Minako screamed. She waved one hand in the air as she held a rose flower crown in the other. I could hear her from across the rink.

Due to the fact that Chris and his coach, along with Masumi would be taking their place at the kiss and cry shortly, we were ushered to the lobby where Yuuri will have a short interview. "Congratulations!" a lady congratulated him as she held a mic in front of Yuuri.

Victor and I stood on one side away from Yuuri as he is the star of the interview and not us. My back leaned against Victor who leaned against the wall. His arms were wrapped around my waist, and his hands settled on top of my stomach. His nose rests on top of my head.

At the corner of my eye, I saw a glimpse of blonde hair. Craning my head, I saw Yuri. He's with Yakov, too! And Lilia. I gently shook free of Victor's arms. He gave me a questioned look. "Yakov just passed by. I think right now's the best time to tell him about our comeback," I said. 

We ran after the three Russians and soon enough, we caught up to them. "Yakov," Victor called as we turned a corner. Yakov craned his head sideward and stopped in his tracks. Yuri And Lilia walked ahead, leaving Yakov a little behind. "We want to talk to you about something," I said, walking closer towards them. 

"Right now? Tell me later," Yakov said with just the right amount of coldness in his voice. "It's almost Yuri's turn!" By this time I now stand in front of Yakov. "I grabbed both of his hands before saying, "We'll go back to skating."

"Pair skating," Victor added as he pulled my hands away from Yakov's.

Yakov gave us a look of disbelief. "What?!" He exclaimed. "You're coming back?!" He said it loud enough for Yuri to turn around to look at us, but not too much to attract other people's attention. 

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