Chapter 35: Golden Cracks

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It has been an hour now and Yuuri hasn't arrived. I am getting bored here without (y/n). I stood up from the bench I'm sitting on and made my way out.

Yuuko and the others weren't behind the counters so I just went out. I grabbed my bike and made my way back to Yu-Topia. Maybe I should've just taken the day off with (y/n). Oh, how wonderful that is to just lay in bed, cuddling. Yuuri and I won't be skating today. But I'd do what (y/n) said.

As soon as I reached Yu-Topia, I returned the bike to its rightful place and made my way upstairs. I took a peek inside our room first to check on (y/n). She was sound asleep.

I slid the door open and walked in. I walked towards her and took a look at her. I sighed in contentment and kissed her cheek quickly. Even when sleeping, she still looks magnificent. How lucky I am to have her.

I went outside towards Yuuri's room. Don't tell me he's still asleep. I was about to knock on the door when I heard groans inside. So he was awake after all.

I slammed the door open, startling Yuuri. He was awkwardly standing on all fours, with a blanket covering his whole body. "Good morning, Yuuri," I said and flashed on a bright smile. "Let's go to the ocean."

He slowly turned around, "Okay..."

"Great! I'll see you downstairs," I said and closed the door. I headed downstairs and sat on the lounge, pondering about the words I'll say. I'm not really good with words. I'm better at demonstrating things. One wrong word can do something big.

"Oh gosh," I thought as I wiped my face with the palm of my hands. Soon, the doors slid open and Yuuri stepped out.

"Let's go!" I said and walked towards the bike I use. "You can use (y/n)'s one for now." Yuuri nodded and hopped on the bike.

"So, show me the way to the ocean!" I smiled. Yuuri drove off and I followed behind him.

What would (y/n) tell Yuuri at a time like this? But I bet she'd tell me, "Forget about what I will say, just say what you want to say," or "Speak your heart out." Okay, I got this.

We've reached the shore and we parked our bicycles. We went near the water and sat on the sands.

I looked up at the sky. It is still dark but it doesn't seem like it will rain again because there's already some of the sun's rays peeking through. Seagulls past my line of sight and I remembered St. Petersburg. Right, this may be a good starter.

"Oh, seagulls," I said.

"Black-tailed seagulls," Yuuri replied.

"Ever since I came here, I'm reminded of St. Petersburg when I hear the seagulls in the early morning. I never thought I'd leave that city, so I never used to notice the seagulls' cries. Do you ever have times like that?"

"There was a girl in Detroit who was really pushy and kept talking to me. One time, a rink mate got into an accident. I was pretty torn up with worry. I was in the hospital waiting room with that girl. When she hugged me to comfort me, I shoved her away without thinking about it."

"Wow, why?" I asked as a gentle breeze flew past us.

"I didn't want her to think I was feeling unsettled. I felt like she was intruding on my feelings or something, and I hated it. But then (y/n) came. She is touching my life in different ways. It doesn't feel like she's intruding or anything. It's like she speaks to my soul and she is watching me, waiting for me to grow."

"(Y/n) never looked down on anyone. She'd always look beyond what people say about a person, and see the good behind them. She always looks for that little sparkle of hope in the eyes of a hopeless person, finds her way in the broken spots, and somehow, help that sparkle shine brighter."

"How does she do that?" Yuuri asked, and looked at me. "You are lucky you have someone like her."

"And you are lucky to have met her. Only she knows how she does that, and she's good with it."

Silence filled the space between Yuuri and I. He's hugging his knees, and his chin rests above them. I gathered my thoughts as I looked at the view in front of us. Beautiful, like someone I know.

"Yuuri, you're not weak. No one else thinks that, either. What do you want (y/n) and me to be to you? A parent figure?"


"Siblings, then? Some friends?"

Yuuri just hummed in response. This may be the right time to joke around a bit, to lighten up the atmosphere. It's melancholic, as well as the weather today.

"Then I'd break up with (y/n) and be your boyfriend, I guess."

Yuuri jumped up in surprise. He faced me and waved his hands frantically in front of me. "No no no no no! I want you to stay who you are, Victor!"

I laughed and looked at Yuuri. Why would I break up with the best girl, and leave home?

"I've always looked up to you, and (y/n) as well. I ignored the two of you because I didn't want you two to see my shortcomings."

I smiled up at him, "Those shortcomings are just stepping stones. If (y/n) is here, she'll tell you to—"

"Make it up with my skating! I surely will! I promise I won't fail the two of you!" Yuuri cuts.

"Okay, I won't let you off easy, then," I said and stood up. I extended my hand to Yuuri. He grabbed it and shook it firmly.

I let go of his hand. I looked at the ocean one last time before speaking. "I think it's time to go," I said and turned around to walk away. Yuuri followed shortly.

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