Chapter 50: One's Motivation

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I exhaled the air I didn't know I was holding in the whole time. "Since when did choosing and ordering been this hard?" I asked as I sank in the chair.

"Did you know all the dishes you've ordered?" I asked. He probably does.

"I picked and did what I knew," Victor chuckled.

I sat straight again and had a little chat with my love as we wait for our orders. I placed my elbows on the table and leaned forward.

"Hey, you know what, I have something to tell," I spoke.

Immediately, his beautiful light blue-green eyes met mine, "What is it?" He took one of my hands and held it.

Simple gestures can be the sweetest. "So, as I was walking around the building, I came across two skaters. They were twins."

"Did you get their names?"

"Oh, I forgot," I frowned. "But hey, they are under the training of pair skating, I guess, and they are a fan of us!"

"That is cute."

"One more thing, they had like matching phone cases. My all-time favorite costume was the design of the girl's while the boy had your costume from your last competition. That violet one, aaand they have like papers at the inner part of the phone case so they'd ask for our signatures if they ever have the chance to meet us. Well, your signature is the only one missing now."

"I'd love to sign those someday."

"Oh, I hope I'd see them again. Such cute little sweet fans of ours."

The waiter then came with our orders. He placed them in front of each of us before saying thanks and bowing his way away.

I can feel my stomach grumble and I didn't know I was hungry until now when I see all this food in front of me.

"Itadakimasu!" I placed my hands together before taking the first bites on my food. One of the best things is when you feel so hungry and then you take the first bite of your meal which makes your taste buds so happy.

It didn't take too long before we finished eating. That's just how hungry we were. We sat there for a couple more minutes to let the food go down before we begin walking back to the rink.

"My stomach is satisfied," I sighed and patted my stomach.

Victor was about to take my hand again when his phone beeped. He took it out of his pocket to look at whoever sent him a message.

"We need to go back," Victor said as he placed his phone back in his pocket.

No questions, I stood and we made our way out and back to the rink. It's time for another round of preparations.


"The Chugoku, Shikoku, and Kyushu Figure Skating Championship's men's singles free skate is about to begin. All eyes are on skater Katsuki Yuuri and his coaches (y/n) (l/n) and Victor Nikiforov."

Yuuri is sitting on the couch while Victor and I stood beside him, waiting. "Hi!" Victor waved at the camera.

"Katsuki ended yesterday's short program in the first place by a large margin. Scoring a personal best of 94.36. In his free skate, he will attempt three quads."

"Yuuri is the hot topic right now," I whispered to Victor

"Are you sure about lowering the difficulty and only do one quad?" he asked.

I looked at him, "You don't trust me?" I raised my eyebrows intimidatingly.

"Of course I do!" Victor smirked.

"I'm gonna try a quad, too!" I heard someone say in the distance. I looked around until my eyes fell upon Minami. He is together with the other competitors.

"Seriously? You've never landed one, not even in practice!" One of the competitors said.

"I'll try one, too!" The other one said, supporting Minami.

"Okay, I'll try, too." The first boy went with the idea.

I tapped Yuuri's back to get his attention. He looked up at me and I told him it is time to go. He stood and the three of us walked inside. We settled at one side of the rink.

"Ladies and gentlemen, we'll now begin the senior men's singles free skate event. Will the competitors please take the ice for your warm-up? You have six minutes," The host from last night called.

Yuuri drank one last time and gave me his drinking bottle. Minami quickly turned his head to look at us. I stared back and Yuuri did as well. Minami raised his fists as if sharing his enthusiasm with the nervous little Yuuri.

Yuuri quickly looked away and well, he walked away. Both Victor and I were a little bit shocked at his reaction. Minami looked down in disappointment.

Victor quickly followed Yuuri. I walked towards Minami to pat his head. He quickly looked up and he is surprised. I smiled at him before walking away.

When I reached Victor's side, Yuuri already got in the rink. We watched his warm-up, and then in the blink of an eye, six minutes have passed. Yuuri is now making his way back to us.

"Yuuri," Victor called as soon as Yuuri got out the rink. "How can someone who can't motivate others motivate himself? I'm disappointed in you."

Victor slammed Yuuri's blade guards down, surprising me. He picked up the Makkachin tissue holder and walked away, leaving me together with Yuuri.

I shook my head in disapproval of Victor's actions. He just destroyed Yuuri's motivation. He usually gets carried away when he is upset.

A sigh escaped my lips and I turned around to face Yuuri, "Don't overthink it. Victor is just upset, but he's not mad at you." I placed my hand on his shoulder and motioned for him to follow me towards the bench.

I linked my arm with him, it's my way of telling someone I'm here for them. "Don't worry much about it." Yuuri nodded in response and looked at the rink.

"Representing Hakata Skate Club, please welcome Minami Kenjiro-san," The host spoke. The audience gave a warm round of applause.

My eyes went towards the side where Minami's coach is giving him some last reminders. Minami skates towards the center of the rink. He shakes his hand and gives out a big sigh. The guy is nervous.

Yuuri removed his arm from mine and stood. "Good luck, Minami-kun!" He shouted. Minami, who was feeling nervous a while ago, seemed as if the nervousness crawled out of his body as he looked for the owner of the voice. "Good luck!" Yuuri shouted again. He looked at Yuuri with tearful eyes.

Well, that surely fired the boy up. Yuuri gave Minami a bit of motivation. Like what Victor said, by motivating others, he can motivate himself.

A smile was visible on my lips as Yuuri walked towards the edge of the rink to watch. I looked to the side to see Victor sitting on another bench, smiling.

The music started playing and it was fast. It kind'a gives me some kind of jazz, old school, country vibes. Due to his popularity, the audience clapped along with the music as Minami began to skate. He is firing up the crowd right off.

Boy, I gotta admit, this little guy looks cute. He did a triple axel. He did it perfectly fine. Next, he did a quadruple toe loop. Again, he did it perfectly fine, earning him another round of applause from the audience.

He attempted to do another one but unfortunately, he slipped. He is a bit inconsistent, which reminds me of Yuuri from before.

Even so, Minami is undeniably good. He already has the necessary skill set to compete in figure skating. The audience never got tired of applauding. He is the star of the rink. For now, that is. Let's wait for our little Yuuri. He does his final moves and finally waves to the crowd.

I didn't wait for the announcement since I noticed that Yuuri is gone. I turned my back from the rink and walked around to look for that little pig we all love that's going off somewhere at this time.

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