Chapter 67: Future Preparations

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My skates glide gracefully across the ice. Small drops of sweat fly away as my body moves at a fast pace. "Time for the spin," I thought.

I slide across the ice a few more times to prepare for the last spins. I raised my leg left upward and bent my body forward in order to rotate properly. Soon after, I brought my leg left down. To finish with a scratch spin, I angled my left leg 45 degrees between the front on the side as I rotated. I brought my left knee up and in front, crossed above the knee and eventually brought it down tightly.

I finished with my hands raised to my sides. I stayed in a position like that, breathing heavily, disrupting the silence of the place. I held my last pose for a few more seconds before relaxing my body and taking a bow.

Making my way out of the rink I thought, "A few more polishing and then it's good." I grabbed my stuff and placed them neatly in my bag. I carried my bag and made my way out of the building, locking the front door on my way out.

Victor stands at the bottom of the staircase waiting for me. I jogged down in order to reach him faster. He stretched out his hand as I was climbing down the last steps. I gladly held his hand as he pulled me closer to him once I reached the ground.

"How was it?" He asked. We began our walk back to Hasetsu. The streets are dark and empty. The dim light of the streets and the moon guide us back on our way home. 

"Things are turning out better than expected. Although I couldn't choose which finishing move I'll do. I'm still pondering whether doing a jump or a spin," I replied, not wanting to reveal what my real thoughts are.

I'm actually thinking of trying to do a spider lunge. I'm more than sure I can be able to execute it properly thanks to my flexibility and not to mention, I've done it a couple of times during competitions. I can also do a split jump but I don't think I would still have the stamina to execute it on the last parts of my program.

Victor heaved a sigh and smiled at me. As if knowing that I wouldn't give any hints about my program, he said: "You're really not going to tell me anything about it, aren't you?"

I chuckled in return and gave him an innocent smile. "Nope," I playfully said and then tapped his nose. We carried on chatting mostly about the stuff that has happened yesterday as we walk.

"Rostelecom Cup will be in a few days and I am excited," I say.

"Not to mention, the two Yuris are going to face each other there. I wonder what turn of events would take place there," Victor replied. "Also, it's going to take place in Moscow, your hometown."

My eyes gleamed at the mention of Moscow. It's been long since the last time I went to visit my family. Even after quitting figure skating, I decided to stay in St. Petersburg with Victor.

"I hope Donik's home when we arrive there," I said. "I hope we wouldn't be too busy so I'll have time to meet up with the fam," I doubt it though. I'm pretty sure we won't be able to stay there for long most especially if Yuuri gets in the top six. We'll need to return back to Japan as soon as possible for the necessary training needed until the Grand Prix Finals.

"Ah yes, I also want to see your parents soon. It's been long since we've last met," Victor said. In my mind I say, "Ohoho, why do you want to meet with my parents? You're going to ask them for my hand?" Eventually, I brushed that thought away. I don't want to stick my nose in Victor's decisions.

"One of the things I miss most about Moscow is Nikolai's pirozhki!" I squealed. I remember back then when Nikolai would bring Yuri and I pirozhkis whenever he visits us by the rink during practice. Every time, he brings a pirozhki with a different filling from the ones he brings before. "I really hope I'd get to taste his pirozhki one more time. I wonder what new filling he has in store."

Before getting Yakov to coach me in St. Petersburg, my coach who used to coach Victor and I was the same coach who helped debut into the women's singles. I stayed in Moscow with him til Yakov decided to take me to his team.

"You've mentioned those pirozhkis before several times," Victor said. "Yuri did too."

"Yes, his grandpa makes the best pirozhkis. You should try it someday." I replied.

Before we know it, we have already arrived at Yu-Topia. The lights are off meaning everyone's already asleep. Victor slid the door open revealing a sleeping Makkachin who was awakened by the sound of the door sliding. "Woof!" He barked.

I bent down to pick him up and shushed him. "Shh, baby, everyone's asleep," I said before stepping inside. We quietly made our way upstairs into the room where I placed Makkachin down for him to run free.

Setting down our bags, we went on to change into our sleepwear. I wore a white pajama dress that has thin vertical black stripes. I love this dress because it has a button-down collar that makes the upper part of it look a little formal. Once changed, got onto the bed and had a little conversation before we sleep.

"We only have one day left which is tomorrow to prepare. The next day, we'll be flying to Russia. Any plans for tomorrow?" Victor asked.

"Sleep all day," I said and turned my back on him. But just as I turned, I quickly turned around again to face Victor. "Just kidding. Come with me tomorrow."

"Where are we going?" Victor asked.

"Let's look around for some souvenir shops. I want to have some presents for my family in case I get the chance to see them. If not, I'll just have Sandra give it to them."

"That sounds nice. Okay, I'll go with you. It's a date, then?"

"It sure is," I said and pecked Victor's lips. "What do you think should I buy?"

"Hmm let's see. Your dad loves to drink tea, right?"

Oh, yea, come to think of it, dad loves tea. He has this stock of tea in our house, some of which he ordered online and was shipped from different countries just so he could satisfy his craving. "That's a great idea! I'll get him a lifetime supply of matcha," I agreed.

"Wow, lifetime supply," Victor said in disbelief.

"Just kidding, just kidding. I'll go get him a month's supply of it, or two so that mom could also have some if she wants."

Victor gave a yawn in return. "Well we need to sleep now so we can wake up early tomorrow to go shopping," he said. He kissed my forehead goodnight and wrapped his arm around me.

"Okay, goodnight, love," I replied before brushing my nose against his.

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