Chapter 29: Familiar Steps

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Aside from the delicious breakfast my boyfriend made for me, being in his arms feels so nice.

"Sorry I was annoying," I chuckled.

Victor chuckled and kissed my forehead. "I'm used to it."

I playfully punched him and stood. I tried to get the bowls and utensils we used but Victor held my hand. "I'll do it," he said.

I smiled at him and let go, "That's so sweet of you."

He smiled back, "Go get yourself prepared. I'm going to wash the dishes."

I pulled the ends of my nightgown a little bit upwards and did a curtsey, "Thank you, sir."

He placed his hand on his chest and bowed down, "No problem, my lady." He grabbed my hand and kissed the back of it.

I smiled and went back up to the room we share. I took off my nightgown, leaving me in my underwear. I folded the nightgown neatly and placed it on the bed.

I quickly entered the bathroom, removed my underwear and prepared the bathtub. I turned on the water and waited until the tub was filled. The temperature is not cold, and not warm. Just the right one, in my opinion.

I noticed that there were bath bombs inside the cabinet above the sink so I took one and dropped it in. I watch the bath bomb break apart. The scent of Rosemary filled the room.

Once the bath bomb has dissolved, I dipped myself in the water. I sat there for a minute, letting myself get fully embraced by the water. I closed my eyes and relaxed for some time.

I stood and let the water flow down the tub. I grabbed a towel and wiped myself dry. I wore a bathrobe and headed outside.

I let the door open so the scent of Rosemary would go out to the bedroom. Once I got out, I quickly put on my clothes. I wore a white tank top, under a royal blue jacket, with matching royal blue jogging pants, and white sneakers. I grabbed Sandra's bracelet on the bedside table and wore it.

I went down to see Victor waiting for me. "Let's go," I said. Victor looked at me and nodded.

We went outside and used our bikes to go to Ice Castle. I ring the bell of my bike once we passed the fisherman by the bridge. "Morning!" I greeted. The fisherman nodded and greeted back.

We reached Ice Castle in an instant. We parked our bikes outside then went in. The sound of chimes above the door filled in the room. We greeted the staff and headed to the rink.

I placed our bags on the bench and took Victor's skates out. I gave it to him and proceeded to wear my skates. I got in the ice and just skated around. I felt a finger tap my shoulder so I turned around. Victor has his hand stretched in front of him and his eyes on mine.

"May I have this dance?" He asked.

I smiled and held his hand. "Skate with me."

Hands still holding each other, we skated towards the center of the rink. We let go of each other's hand and stood in front of each other. Victor did a little bow and I did a curtsey. He held out his left hand and I gladly took it with my left hand as well. Our other arms were raised shoulder level.

We skated towards each other in a circular motion before lifting our right legs behind us. Victor then pulled me closer and placed his right hand on my waist from behind. We skated around the perimeter of the rink in the same position; left hands holding each other, my right hand placed above Victor's hand on my waist, and my right legs up. He gently takes my body with him as we skate around.

I removed my hand on Victor's hand on my waist, signaling for him to let go. He eventually let go and I did a toe jump. Victor skated behind me and held my hand. I raised my leg left up and Victor held it. He then removed his hand from mine and placed it on my waist then lifted me up. He quickly placed me back down after a few seconds.

As we were about to continue, the door suddenly flew open. Victor and I's attention turned towards the door. "Sorry! I overslept!" Yuuri said. His hands were on his knees and he was catching his breath. "U-um..."

Victor waved and greeted, "Good morning, Yuuri!"

"Only Aeroflot has kept us waiting as long as you have," I said.

Yuuri quickly went on the ice and knelt and bowed in front of us, screaming. "Oh, Japanese dogeza!" Victor said and clapped his hands. The dogeza is an element of Japanese etiquette which involves kneeling directly on the ground and bowing to prostrate oneself while touching one's head to the floor. It is used to show deference to a person of higher status, as a deep apology and to express the desire for a favor from said person.

"Resting is a part of work, too so please stand up and let's begin," I said. I grabbed Yuuri's hand and helped him stand. I pat his bag, "Take this off, and I'll put it on the bench." Yuuri did what he was told and gave me the bag. I made my way to the side of the rink and placed it down on the other side.

I skated back to them and then the music started. Victor and I skated with a good distance from each other. We skated together in sync. After a while, Victor and I did a move and Yuuri did not seem to get it so he stopped. Victor and I showed him how to do it and helped him do it.

It was now his turn. Victor and I watched him. He was going smoothly but he was not able to land his jump, causing him to fall. "Yuuri, focus. What are you thinking right now?" I asked.

"Yuuri, you tend to flub your jumps when something is on your mind," Victor stated. Yuuri bowed and continued to try.

Skate With Me (Victor Nikiforov x Reader)Wo Geschichten leben. Entdecke jetzt