Chapter 9: First Dance in a While

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*Kriing!!! Kriiing!!! Kriiing!!!

I woke up to the sound of my phone ringing. I removed Victor's arm around me and reached for my phone above my head. It was Sandra.



"Why the hell would you call at 3:00 in the morning?"

"Huh? It's 9:00 PM here."

"Ah yeah. Russia's 6 hours behind Japan."

I stood and made my way out of the room not wanting to wake Victor up.

"So how are you doing?"

"Fine, I guess. There was a massive snowfall here yesterday"

"Oh. How about today?"

I looked out the window. The ground was not covered in the snow anymore. I felt a wind blow and it sent chills down my spine.

"Well, it stopped. But it's still quite cold."

"Hey, it's big news here in Russia that the two of you are gonna coach Yuuri!"

"Yes, someone told me. The people here are very shocked."

"Hahahah, they better be! The skating legend of the female division, (y/n)(l/n) is there! Not to mention, she is also good at pair skating!"

We talked for about 30 minutes. Sandra said she has to sleep since she needs to be early tomorrow. I sighed and placed my phone back in my pocket. I stretched my arms up in the air.

Suddenly, I remember that I need to work out with Yuuri. I walked towards his room and stood in front of his door. "Yuuri! Wake up, Yuuri! We still have to go jogging!" I shouted for him to wake up.

I heard a grumble and a thud. I think he fell. Then the door opened revealing a sleepy Yuuri. "Good morning, Yuuri!" I greeted him cheerfully. "You better get dressed now, or we'll never be able to coach you," I added.

Yuuri looked startled and ran back inside. "I'll see you downstairs!" I said. I went back to our room to change. Victor's still asleep. I don't wanna wake him up so I moved quietly.

I opened one of the boxes that have my name written on it. I took out black knee-length leggings, a white shirt, and a blue jacket. I looked around to find the box that contains my shoes. Once I found it, I took out my black rubber shoes.

I quickly wore them. I tied my (h/c) hair into a high ponytail. Before leaving, I walked towards the sleeping Victor and kissed his forehead. I walked downstairs and saw Yuuri.

He is wearing a gray jacket, black jogging pants, and black rubber shoes. "Looking good, Yuuri!" I complimented him. He blushed and thanked me.

I walked towards the door and opened it. The cold breeze brushed on my face. I turned around to look at Yuuri. "Let's go!" I said and walked out. Yuuri followed and closed the door behind him.

"Where's Victor?" He asked. "Victor? He's still sleeping. He'll wake up at around 7:00," I answered.

We walked out of the house and to the streets. "So Yuuri, where can we jog?" I asked him. "Around this block, I guess," he answered. I started jogging and he followed.

We jogged and jogged and jogged until my phone ringed. I stopped at my tracks and took my phone out. "Let's stop for a while," I told Yuuri. He was panting heavily. "Thank God," he said.

Victor was calling.

"(Y/n), where are you?"

"Hey, Victor. I'm jogging with Yuuri just around the block."

"Is that so? Okay, meet me in front of the house."

"Okay, we'll be right there."

I ended the call and placed my phone back in my pocket. "Victor wants to meet us in front of your house," I told Yuuri. "E-eh?" He said between breaths. "Yes. Let's jog back there," I said and started jogging. "W-wait up!" Yuuri said and followed me.

Once we reached the house, Victor was there waiting for us. I noticed two bikes beside him. "Victor!" I called out. He looked at us and I ran towards him.

I hugged him for a while and looked at the bikes. He noticed me looking at them. "Hop on," he said. I looked at him and smiled.

I took the red bike and rode it. Victor took the yellow one and rode it as well. "How about Yuuri?" I asked. "Oh, he will jog so he will be able to lose weight," Victor answered.

Yuuri's eyes widen. "You can do it, Yuuri!" I said to cheer him up. The door suddenly opened and Makkachin ran towards us. "You're coming with us, boy?" I asked and he barked in response.

"So Yuuri, where do you skate? Take us there!" Victor said. "I-it's across that bridge," Yuuri said and pointed towards a nearby bridge. "Let's go!" I said and started biking. Victor followed me on his bike while Makkachin and Yuuri ran.

Once we reached the bridge, we saw a good view of the ocean. "Wow, it's breathtaking," I said. "Indeed," Victor replied. "But you know what is more breathtaking?" He asked. "What?" I asked him. "You," he said and smiled. I feel my face heat up and I looked away. Victor chuckled at my reaction.

A few minutes later, we've reached the rink. "ICE CASTLE" was written in front. There was a bunch of stairs leading to the entrance. Victor and I got off our bikes and carried them up. Once we got up, we placed our bikes beside the wall.

We entered. There was a woman, a man, and three young girls that look alike. "Hi! I'm Victor Nikiforov," he said and waved. "And this is my girlfriend, (y/n)(l/n)," he said as he flung his arm around my shoulders. I smiled and waved at them. "We'll be Yuuri's coach from now on," Victor and I said.

Their eyes widened in shock. "Huh? What? What?!" They screamed in unison, "Victor and (y/n) are going to be Yuuri's coach?!"

I chuckled and answered, "Of course!" I looked around. "Come this way!" The man said and motioned towards a door. We followed him and entered.

We saw the rink and it made Victor and I smile. "Victor, do you have my skates?" I asked him. "Ahh yes," he answered and placed his bag down on the bench beside us.

He opened it and took out my light blue skates. He handed it to me and I thanked him in return. I removed my jacket and my rubber shoes then wore my skates. Victor did the same.

I walked towards the entrance to the rink and waited for Victor. He walked towards me and held his hand out. "May I have this dance?" He said and smiled.

It's been so long since Victor asked that. When we were still skating together, he would always ask that. "Skate with me," I replied and smiled. I took his hand and we went to the ice.

Skate With Me (Victor Nikiforov x Reader)Where stories live. Discover now