Chapter 104: Four Syllables

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"After the final, let's end this," Yuuri's voice filled the room. Silence followed after. The fast beating of hearts, palms moist with sweat, and eyes on the brink of another set of tears; that would be the best way to describe me.

"You've done more than enough for me, Victor, (y/n)," Yuuri continued. "Thanks to the two of you, I was able to give everything I had to my last season." He leaned forward for a bow. "Thank you for everything, Victor, (y/n)."

Before I knew it, a tear fell from my eyes to my feet. Yuuri must've seen it. He sat back straight and looked at me. "(Y/n)?" He asked. 

I was prepared for this moment. I had my heart ready for whatever happens tonight and after it. I played different scenarios in my mind. Some of which has Yuuri agreeing happily to my decision. Some have Yuuri begging for us to stay.

But tonight, it's far from what I imagined. The situation right now didn't go as I planned and thought it would go. Why did this outcome never come to mind before? If it had, I would've prepared for it. It wouldn't have to hurt this much.

Maybe the universe is playing my own game on me. To go beyond what people expect. I should be the first to know how to confront situations like this. Expect the unexpected. I should have been all the more prepared for the unforeseen. All I ever did was be the unexpected. I never paid attention to the fact that uncalled for events may happen to anyone including me.

"Damn," I whispered. My eyes felt like they were burning from tears. It'll be a pain waking up tomorrow morning. I still have to go to the rink early to personally talk with a few people. Yet here I am at Yuuri's room, bursting to tears once more.

"I'm retiring," Yuuri said. My eyes widened the moment those words graced my ears. I placed a hand on my chest in an attempt to keep my heart still. It's beating so wildly inside me that it felt like it an explode. I couldn't help but sob. My system was engulfed in sorrow. 

I know it. I got the point he was trying to get across earlier yet Yuuri continued to say those four syllables. Witnessing those words slide off from his mouth, and hearing it directly from him hits different. It hit harder. The words plunged deeper than they should have.

Why? Why must a story end just as it is about to begin? Why do you have to kill the flame before it gets warm?  Why would a legend in the making retire even before printing his mark in the book of history?

Victor wrapped an arm around my waist and pulled me closer. He pressed his lips on my forehead before turning to Yuuri. "I'm mad," he said in the calmest way he can yet the intensity of his voice sent shivers down to Yuuri's spine. Yuuri yelped.

"Didn't you both say earlier you were going in for a comeback?" He asked. "It made me very happy to have heard that. You don't have to worry about me—"

"How can you be happy with our decision to return to the ice while saying you're retiring?!" I protested. It was loud. I didn't mean to shout. It came off harsher than I wanted. My emotions are taking control of the wheel.

Was I a bad coach? 

Instead of pushing him forward, did I only drag him down?

His story is only in the rising action, preparing to turn into climax. Unlike Victor and I who are already on the falling action. So why now of all times would he retire? With that being said, I began doubting my own decisions. This was too much for one night. So much for a rollercoaster ride of emotions in such a short time.

Victor had enough. He couldn't bear seeing me cry. The three of us decided to each make our final decisions after the free skate.


"(Y/n) (l/n)!" The heads of the event exclaimed as I entered their office. 

This morning, Sandra sneaked me in the arena without attracting any unnecessary attention from the cameras. It will be a real pain if I'd get caught especially with the fact that Yuuri did not appear in this morning's public practice. A small glimpse of me and everyone would go on and on about looking for Yuuri.

After hearing about the events of last night, she made sure I'm going to have a good day today. "First! If you don't want to get yourself caught, you must..." she said as she rummaged through our suitcases. A second later, she showed me a bunch of clothes in her hand. "Disguise yourself!"

I went on to wear what she picked for me. "See? You don't look like (y/n) at all!" She exclaimed while running her eyes up and down my outfit. "In fact, you look so far from (y/n)." I chuckled before replying, "That's because I wouldn't wear clothes like this."

Sandra clapped her hands together, "Exactly!" I wore one of Victor's shirt. It was oversized so I had to tuck it in baggy pants so I wouldn't look like a walking rug. Victor's shirt alone falls above my mid-thigh that I can almost wear it as a dress. 

Sandra threw a jacket over my shoulder telling me to wear it for it adds an extra layer of disguise. She then placed sunglasses on the bridge of my nose before backing away a step or two to look at me. "Oh, we got to do something with your hair!" She exclaimed. My hair color might not stand out much but it won't hurt to be extra careful. Sandra carefully tied my hair into a low ponytail and placed a cap on top of my head.

Going back to the present, we were inside the office of the Grand Prix facilitators because I needed to have a personal talk with them. Even the familiar commentator and emcee were there too. 

"It's our pleasure to have you here this morning," the head man said. "Please have a seat." He offered Sandra and me the couch. He got himself a chair and sat in front of us, across the center table. "I assume you're here to finalize your plans for the exhibition skate."

"Yes, that is technically what I am here for," I replied. Soon after, I was able to tell them about my plans. As I was speaking, there was a bit of worry lacing my words because they might reject my proposals.

After telling them my thoughts, they gladly agreed just like what Sandra told me. After all, the exhibition skate gives the chance to skaters to let their hair down and perform more personality-driven routines. 

"In any case, is there something you want to say before your performance?" the head asked.

I was planning to let my program speak for me but when the head asked me that question, an idea popped into mind.


In the silence of the room, a voice spoke, "Okay... 3... 2... 1..." With that, the loud snap of the clapperboard echoed through the four corners.

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