Chapter 24: Desire to Stay

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After Yuuri and Yurio picked their costumes, they quickly went to bed.

"You're not going to sleep yet?" Victor asked as he saw me walking with towels in my hands.

I shook my head. "Sandra and I will relax at the hot springs for a while."

"Okay, but don't stay late."

I nodded and left the room. I went downstairs and saw Sandra waiting for me.

"Let's go," I said as I gave her a towel. She quickly accepted it and we walked towards the hot springs.

We stripped and wrapped ourselves using the towel and went to the hot spring.

"Whew, this is relaxing," Sandra said.

I nodded and smiled at her.

"Are you okay?" She asked.

"Yea. I'm fine."

"No, you're not."

"I'm fine."

"Don't lie to me. I know you."

I sighed and looked at her.

"What's the problem?" She asked.

"If Yurio wins, we'll get back to Russia. If Yuuri wins, we'll stay."

"What's wrong with that?"

"If Yurio wins and Victor goes to Russia... I want to stay here and be Yuuri's coach."


"I'm the only one who can understand Yuuri. We've been through the same things. But I don't think Victor will let me."

"Maybe he... No. Not maybe. He doesn't want to lose you again. What if something happens and he's not there for you?"

"You're right. I'll give it time. Oh. By the way, when will you return?"

"Right after the competition."

"That was fast"

"Yakov saw me getting Victor's costume. He asked me why and I told him. He told me to go get Yurio after the competition."

"Well, it'll be long until I see you again."

"It's okay, (y/n). I understand. For now, keep the bracelet and look at it when you miss me."

Sandra and I smiled at each other and continued talking about different kinds of stuff, catching up with each other.


We had quite a hard time getting inside Ice Castle. There was already a crowd of people. One of Victor's arm is wrapped around my waist as we made our way inside Ice Castle. Pulling me closer every time somebody jumps in front of us.

"That's a lot of people," I said once we got in. "Yea, they seem excited," Victor replied.

We went inside where the rink was. Some men were putting cameras at different angles as well as reporters broadcasting. Yuuri and Yurio went before us. They are now warming up on the rink.

Victor and I went inside the changing room to prepare. I walked towards a vanity desk. I fixed my appearance and put on some powder and lip tint. I ran a hand through my (h/c) hair and also on my shirt. A little bit of powder dropped on it. I wore a beige shirt covered with a beige cardigan and a black scarf. I also wear black jeans and brown boots.

"Aren't you going to skate with them before the competition starts?" Victor asked.

"Ahh, yeah. I almost forgot about that." I quickly walked towards Victor. He held out my bag to me. I grabbed it from him and pulled my skates out. I quickly wore them. I also removed my cardigan and put it in my bag.

I left the room and went to the rink. Yuuri quickly noticed me, "(Y/n)!" This caused Yurio to turn around and skate towards me.

"So how do you feel?" I asked them.

"I feel a little nervous," Yuuri answered.

"It's okay, Yuuri. You'll get through this. Remember your Eros. And, oh! Don't forget the feelings," I replied.

"Tch, I'll beat that pig," Yurio said.

"It's good that you have confidence, Yurio but don't be too full of yourself. We'll never know what will happen," I replied.

"Yuuri, Yurio!"

We turned around to see Victor calling the two Yuris. "It's time to get prepared!" He said.

The two Yuris went to the changing room while I stayed on the ice. "Hey, (y/n)! Skate some of your programs!" Sandra said. I looked at her over my shoulders. She was sitting on one of the audiences' seats.

"There's no more time," I replied. Sandra pouted and looked away. "It's okay. We'll skate together again." Sandra smiled at me and I smiled back before going to the changing room.

Victor held my hand as I got off the rink. "This is it," Victor said. "Yea," I replied. We went inside the changing room.

"The people are entering now. You two will have a short interview later," Victor said. The two Yuris nodded and got ready.

I sat on one of the benches and removed my skates. I guess I didn't have the time to skate with them and talk to them properly. I frowned while I grab my cardigan and place my skates back in my bag.

"Why are you frowning?" Victor said as he sat beside me, "It doesn't look good for a beautiful lady like you to frown."

"I just didn't have the time to skate with them. I talked to them a bit, though," I replied.

"It's okay," Victor said and placed his hand on top of mine. I was surprised by his actions so I looked at him. When I did, his face was so close to mine. Our noses were almost touching. I felt the heat spread to my face.

"They'll be fine. They can do it. And whoever wins, we'll coach them together," Victor said. He slowly leaned closer. Our lips were almost meeting each other when "Victor! I got the kimono you requested!"

The voice startled me so I quickly pulled away and looked at the person. It was Minako. She is carrying a blue and white kimono with her, a sash, and a fan. Minako seemed to be surprised as well.

"I-I'll leave this here," she said as she placed the stuff on one of the benches and quickly left.

"What's that for?" I asked.

"Oh, that's what I will wear for the interview. We'll also be interviewed later," Victor answered.

I stood and wore my cardigan. That was quite awkward. I hope Minako forgets what happened. Victor stood as well and wore his kimono.

We sat back down and waited. Both of us lost in our own worlds.

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