Chapter 54: Universe

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"(Y/n)!" I opened my right eye to see who was calling me, and to see who dares to disturb me on my wonderful time by myself.

I saw a shadow from behind the tinted glass doors, and I already knew who it was. "Yes, dear?" I asked.

"I've been looking everywhere for you," he answered. I stood up and walked towards the edge of the spring. I stepped out and wiped myself dry using the towel on my head.

Victor continued to say some things about him looking for me and missing me and stuff, and that he wants a hug or something, but I couldn't quite hear them properly so I just continued drying myself.

I wrapped the towel around my body and walked towards the door. From the shadow I can see, he is standing in front of the door waiting for me to come out. I slid the door open, and Victor's talking came to a stop. He is wearing his usual green robe. His hair is wet and a bit of water drips off from it. I can tell that he also spent some time in the hot springs.

His eyes met mine and they slowly looked down on me. "Stop staring," my cheeks start to heat up. "Come here," I said and pulled his robe forward.

I pressed my lips on his. Victor was shocked at first but he eventually kissed back. One of his hands held my waist while the other touched my cheek.

Victor pulled away after a short while, only to reach for the door behind me and slide it close. He pushed me back towards the door and connected his lips with mine again. His lips seemed as soft and loving as ever.

It always feels like time, the world, the universe, everything stops whenever we press our lips together and share a loving kiss. I moved closer to embrace him tighter and deepen the kiss as well. Isn't it amazing how you feel the flames of your love sparking so bright deep within your hearts when you kiss the person you love?

We've been together for a long while now and it's wonderful that the flames still burn up to this day, up to this very moment that we share by the glass doors of the hot spring, in someone else's house, in his arms, in the place I call home.

If both of us didn't need air, then I wouldn't want this moment to end. We pulled away at the same time. I looked upwards towards his eyes, towards those eyes that showed me the beauty of the universe. His eyes that are as wonderful as the universe itself, and his eyes that hold a love deeper than the ocean for the girl he met when he was a child, and loved since the moment their souls held each other.

The room is filled with nothing else but the sound of two people chasing after their breathes as they look at each other's eyes and as their souls give each other a loving stare. And ever so slowly, time begins to run, the world begins to rotate, the universe continues to perform its duties, and everything goes back to normal.

We continued to stare lovingly into each other's eyes as reality began to seep back in. The room was silent but the silence feels good since we know that our souls are talking, whispering to each other loving words unknown to our physical selves. The slightest of sound would feel like a jar is falling from the countertop and creating a crashing sound that disrupts the beautiful silence.

It felt like a lump is stuck in my throat but I didn't let it get in the way of me speaking of my love. I swallowed and began to speak. "I love you..." the words came out hoarsely so I cleared my throat and continued, " much, to the ends of the universe and back."

Victor leaned in closer. I closed my eyes in thought that our lips might press into each other again and everything would feel warm again. But instead, I received a kiss on the forehead. I opened my eyes as my face met his chest into an embrace that held the universe together.

"I love you too..." he trailed off as he left soft kisses on my neck. "...deeper than all the secrets of the universe that will never ever be revealed."

And then we just stood there, holding each other. Holding together the shattered pieces of ourselves, putting back the broken pieces like an easy puzzle, and healing all the wounds unable to be seen by the naked eye. His warmth embraces every inch of myself and fills up the empty spaces of my world.

And darling, this is just one of the wonders of love. Love is amazing in all ways. It can hurt us, it can break us, rip our hearts apart, but when the right person comes, when that one person steps in our lives, our lives will change forever. We would forget about the lives we've lived before we met this person, and just become a completely new person. A better one, and someone who wouldn't have to walk on the surface of this earth alone.

"Let's go?" Victor asked. He pulled away a bit to look at me. "I got you your robe." He immediately let go of me and turned around to get my robe on the table.

He unfolded it before turning around again and placing the robe on my shoulders. "I'll wait outside," he said and gave me one of his most heartwarming smiles. His hand never left my shoulders until we reached the changing room.

Victor went outside to let me change. I slipped on my underwear and wore the robe. I combed my hair down to smoothen down and get rid of the remaining drips of water.

I immediately went out afterward. Victor stood beside the door, with his arms folded on his chest. "Let's go," I said and gave his sleeve a tug. I walked towards the lounge with Victor following closely.

"(Y/n)! Victor!" Minako called. "Hurry! Get some food and sit beside us! Yuuri would be up any moment now."

I gave her a smile and nodded. Yuuri's mom is behind the counters and she gave Victor and I a serving of pork cutlet bowl, Yuuri's victory meal. Victor thanked her and we went on to sit beside Minako.

Chitchats filled the room as we all wait for Yuuri to appear. It took quite a while though since Victor and I have now finished eating. He already placed the now empty bowls back to the counter and sat back and it still isn't Yuuri's turn.

But then all of a sudden, the reporter spoke, "Next, we have the skater Katsuki Yuuri who's thought to be the next leader of men's singles in Japan. Please, show us."

Everyone in the room stopped what they were doing and gave their attention to the television. Victor brought his arm around my waist and pulled me closer, making my head rest on his shoulder.

Yuuri stared at his board for quite some time so the reporter spoke again, "Um... Please show your theme for this year."

Still, he hasn't moved. For the second time, the reporter called again, "Skater Katsuki?" This time, Yuuri turned his board around and placed it on the table. He took the mic and began.

"My theme in this year's Grand Prix series is 'love.' I've been helped by many people in my competitive skating career thus far, but I've never thought about 'love' until now. Though I was blessed with support, I couldn't take full advantage of it. I felt like I was fighting alone. But since (y/n) and Victor showed up to be my coaches, I've seen something totally different. With the love that they show each other and the love they give to me, I start to understand. My 'love' is not something clear-cut like romantic love, but the more abstract feeling of my relationships with my coaches, family, and hometown... I was finally able to realize something like love exists all around me. Now that I know what love is and am stronger for it,  I'll prove it to myself with a Grand Prix Final gold medal!"

"When you come back, we'll burn that unfashionable necktie, Yuuri," Victor said. "Let's buy a new one before the Cup of China."

I couldn't help but let out a chuckle. It indeed is unfashionable. But let's not mind that. What's important is that Yuuri is out there, expressing his self.

Things now are so much different from how they were months ago when we came here. I don't regret any decision we made, because whatever outcome it had, good or bad, all leads us to the growth of this boy.

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