Chapter 60: Love and Pain

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I came across Georgi as I walk around looking for him. "Georgi!" I cheerfully said as I walked towards him.

"Hello, (y/n)," he said. As soon as I got closer, I couldn't help but laugh which made Georgi raise his eyebrows at me. "What's so funny?" He asked.

I pointed at his face, trying to tell him but my laughter is so uncontrollable. Oh gosh, he looks so funny. A few seconds later, my laughter began to die down and I sighed.

"Your make up looks funny up close," I said.

"That's it? That's why you laughed?" He asked. I couldn't help but laugh again at his reaction.

"Shush, darling, this is art. This is the art of heartbreak..." he stopped at his sentence because he knew I couldn't understand him because I'm laughing.

"(Y/n)..." he said and gave me a look that tells me I'm crazy.

"Okay, okay, I'll calm down now," I said as I slowly catch my breath. "Anyway, congratulations, Georgi!" I gave him a short hug in which he returned.

"Thanks, (y/n). Congrats to your student as well for landing first place," he replied.

"Of course, (y/n) (l/n) is one of his coaches," I chuckled.

"Wanna go have a snack?" Georgi asked. Ahh, yes, there is a cafeteria sort of thing in this building which is nice.

"Sounds cool," I replied and we made our way towards the said place. We walked past the lounge where Victor and the others are.

"Oh hey, don't you wanna watch?" I asked Georgi as I stopped.

"There's also a television in the cafeteria, we can watch there," he replied. "Okay," I said.

Victor's eyes were on the screen but then he saw me walking together with Georgi. "Georgi!" He said as he stood in front of us.

"Victor," Georgi replied as they shake each other's hand.

"Congratulations on landing second place."

"Thank you, I'll carry out your name."

There was an awkward silence for a moment until Georgi cleared his throat. "(Y/n) and I will just catch up on each other as we take a snack in the cafeteria. Don't get the wrong idea," he said.

"I know, it's okay. Just take care of her, and yourself, okay?" Victor replied. He knows that Georgi and I are friends since the day I went after him. I also trained under Yakov. Things were of course, awkward whenever Victor and I got close around each other back then.

I couldn't get to speak to him as well, my heart would shy away. We only used the language of averted eyes. I'd run towards Georgi and hide from Victor's sight.

I'm that type of person who just goes with the flow. I go against it at times necessary to do so. But I didn't know I was running from it until Georgi knocked some sense into me. "That doesn't sound like you. It's like you're not (y/n) at all. (Y/n) would either go with the flow or go against it. You are running away from it."

Georgi nodded in response and we both continued to walk. I smiled at Victor and waved at him. He smiled back then looked back at the tv.

"You better stay loyal to Victor. He'd been with you for a long time now. Don't be like Anya," Georgi said.

"Hey speaking of, you never told me you and Anya are over already," I said.

"Oh, that..." he began. "I found out you decided to be a coach so I didn't tell you yet. I know you'll be as busy as Yakov."

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