Chapter 75: The First Home

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"Let's go!" I said as I made my way out of the house, dragging my suitcase behind me. "Someone's very excited," Victor chuckled. "I can't wait to be home!" I exclaimed. I stopped in front of the whole body mirror placed beside the doorway and looked at my appearance.

I'm wearing a short-sleeved orange button-up shirt that has a keyhole design that's why a part of my chest is exposed, tucked in a navy blue sailor trousers, and brown and blue wedge sandals. As Victor passed beside me to exit the house, I pulled him by his wrist, "Hey Victor look!" I said and pulled him beside me. 

He looked at his self in the mirror and then at me. "I look cute," I said. "You always look cute," he said and kissed my cheek before heading outside. I bid my goodbye to the rest of the family then we rode a cab to take us to the airport.


The plane has now taken off and we are on our way to Russia. As usual, I sat on the window seat. Victor was beside me, and beside him is Yuuri. "Hey, Yuuri!" I called. He hummed in response before leaning forward a bit to look at me.

"Do you know the name of the Moscow airport we're heading too?" I asked.

"Uhhh, no," Yuuri shook his head. "What is it?"

"It's the Sheremetveyo International Airport," Victor answered.

I nod in agreement, "Say Sheremetyevo ten times, Yuuri."

"Sheremetyevo, Sheremetyevo, Sheremetyevo, Sheremetyevo, Shere..." He said and stopped. I laughed in response. "That was so hard to pronounce, (y/n)," he said and pouted. "It is, indeed. But to the native Russians, it's easy as cake," I replied.


"We're here!" I exclaimed as I ran down the airstair. "Hey, be careful!" Victor said behind me. I slowed to a stop once I reached the ground. I turned around to look at Victor as he descended down. "Hurry!" I said.

Once he was down on the ground, I held his hand and waited for Yuuri to come down. "Hurry, Yuuri, let's go!" I said. I'm so happy to be back! I can't wait to go home! Maybe I'll go straight to the house. I might even spend the night there instead of the hotel.

Yuuri reached the ground and then the three of us walked inside the airport. Once there, the familiar workers at the airport were waiting for us. "Welcome back, (y/n)!" They said in unison. Back when I was competing, I always use this airport to get home back to my family to spend time with them before going back to St. Petersburg for training. I'd take a different plane from the rest of the team and go straight here to Moscow.

"It's been so long!" I said. "I miss this airport, I miss you all." I used to always use this airport that almost all the workers were familiar faces. We took a picture with the whole staff before going on our way. We sat on one of the benches to discuss what we're going to do. 

It's currently dawn so we still have plenty of time because the competition will take place later at night. I still have the day to spend with my family. "I'll go home now. You keep Yuuri company to the hotel," I said.

"But don't you want me to take you there?" Victor asked and pouted. 

I chuckled in response, "I'll be fine on my own. Besides, I know this place from my heart. I wouldn't get lost here or anything. I'll be by the hotel before the competition."

The three of us agreed to what is planned. We stood outside waiting for a vacant taxi to pass by. "Aren't your parents fetching you here?" Victor asked. I shook my head no, "I want to surprise them."

 The boys waited until I was able to get a taxi that will take me to our house before they went on their way to the hotel. I rode the taxi in excitement. I can't help but look outside the whole time. A lot of things have changed but one thing remains the same: my family will always be waiting for me. I smile as I think of their faces while I give them the presents I got from Japan.

The driver turned on the radio as we drove, "Out national hero, Victor Nikiforov together with the queen of the rink, (Y/n) (L/n) has returned to Russia as coaches in the Figure Skating Grand Prix Series." Wow, it's big news already, we just got here.

Before I knew it, the taxi came to a stop in front of our house. I paid the driver and thanked him as I got off the car. The driver helped me take my bags out before he drove away. I stood in front of our house admiring the view I haven't seen in a while. Our house is small but it has a big yard. 

I once told my parents I want to expand the house to make use of the big yard but they insisted on just letting the house be as it is. After all, we aren't a big family. It's just my parents, Dominik, and I. They said that one day, Dominik and I will get married and eventually have a house of our own which leaves the rest of this house to them.

I carefully opened the picket fence gate and closed it once I got inside. Our house is surrounded by a picket white fence. As I walk down the stone pathway that leads to the porch, I pass by my parents' white car and I noticed that there is another car beside it which was definitely not there before. It must be Dominik's.

As I neared the porch, I saw mom's pots of flowers lined up around the perimeter of the porch. One fact about my mom is that she loves gardening. It is one of the reasons she doesn't want to expand the house. She wants to make use of the lawn for gardening.

I walked up the three-step staircase that leads up to the porch. The upper half of our door is made of glass which grants me access to peek inside. I saw my mom sitting on the couch below the staircase, sipping a mug of what I guess is coffee.

I gently knocked on the door. She looked up and saw me standing by the door. I smiled at her and waved my hand. She quickly stood off the couch and placed her mug on the table and walked towards the door. She opened it and embraced me. "Mom!"I exclaimed as I melt in her embrace.

"Oh, (y/n)! It's good to have you back!" She said. We stayed in each other's arm for a while before we let go. Mom kissed my cheek as she held my hands. She still looks as beautiful as ever. "Come on in!" She said. I had two suitcases so I took one first. "Two suitcases, wow! What do you have in here?" She said as she took the second one inside. 

I made my way towards our couch and sat there. Mom sat beside me. "You didn't even tell us you'll be home! Look, I haven't cleaned the house yet," she said. I gave out a chuckle, "I wanted to surprise you, mom! The sixth event takes place here in Moscow and I'm taking this opportunity to drop by."

"By the way, mom. Where's Donik and dad?" I asked.

"They're in their rooms, still asleep," mom replied. "By the way as well, young lady. You didn't tell us you'll be going to Japan."

I gave out sheepish laughter as I rubbed the back of my neck. "I'm sorry," I said.

"Your dad and I talked about it and I was like 'Look at your daughter going places without even telling us!' But your dad said 'Let her, she is already a young adult, she can handle herself.'"

We sat there in the living room catching up on things. I told her everything, starting from that time Victor and I saw Yuuri's video up to the present.

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