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Ever since I was a little girl I was always wanted to be a footballer, I remember the first time I went to watch my local team with my dad and loved the impact of the people with the teams. I always loved watching James Milner, Andy Carroll and Alan Shearer all play for Newcastle and I remember going into the garden after the matches and try to recreate the goals and running around celebrating like I scored the winner.

My mum bless her always wanted to have a 'mini me' and take me ballet lessons, but I wasn't ever interested. I used to turn up twenty minutes late to the lesson with mud all over my tights with messy hair. She wasn't too happy. But both my parents have been nothing but supportive ever since they realised my dreams and I will work hard towards it.

Ten years later and I am a striker for the Arsenal Ladies and last years Woman's Super League champion. Which was honestly super insane and to win it with the bestest group of girls was just even more better.

I was currently at the training centre for media day which is not my favourite day of the week, if I can get out of it I always try to. Media day is just full of interviews with the magazine, interviews for the club YouTube channel, photo shoots for the new clothing and signing loads of items for the fans. Of course it's a good way to give back to the fans and it's good to let the fans know you on the personal level but for me I am rather shy infront of the camera when everyone's attention is on me. I would rather let my football do the talking.

Nevertheless I had a whole three tables infront of me filled with jerseys that I needed to sign, which luckily for me my autograph isn't as mad as some of the other girls. It's simply Y.Lloyd10x

"Yas we are needed on the pitch to film" Georgina appeared as I finished the last jersey which has made my left hand ache.

Georgina or George aka G is one of my best friends in the team along with a few others. G and I both arrived at the same time and we just gelled together and helped each other fit in. Plus as she is a central midfielder we have linked up acouple of times and managed to score amazing goals which the fans love.

"Alright" I let out a sigh as I picked up my water bottle and linked arms with her.

We made our way outside feeling the cool January air as we made our way towards the secluded pitch. As we walked on I instantly spotted coach speaking to two guys looking like they were in deep conversation. Pedro is the nicest man possible and he could honestly talk for Spain.

"Ah here comes the girls" he smiled at us widely which was covered by his greying beard. "Girls this is Simon and Josh" he introduced making me smile at each one.

Simon was a tall lanky guy with dirty blonde hair, blue eyes with an award winning smile which showed off dimples in both cheeks. Josh looked much older with most of his face covered in his long black beard.

"I'm Georgina and this is our little super star Yasmine" She smirked at them both making them chuckle and put their hands out so we could shake hands.

"Ok I will leave you guys to it, please don't get them injured we need them for the next game" Pedro explained cheekily then walked off with his clipboard under his arm. I swear that guy never goes anywhere without that thing.

"So what we doing?" I asked putting my hands on my hips.

"Ok we will explain, let us just turn the camera on" Josh said walking over to the camera which was on the tripod just out side the d.

We all stood in a line smiling at the camera with me next to Simon and G, with Josh the other side of Simon.

"Alright guys so today I am joined with Josh and two of the Arsenal Ladies Yasmine and Georgina" he explained making me awkwardly wave to it. "Today we are going to be doing the ultimate crossbar challenge, why is it called the ultimate crossbar challenge you ask" he said looking around at us.

"Why is it called that Simon?" I asked being the only one who got that's what he wanted.

He smiled at me then looked back at the camera. "Glad you asked. Because you have three chances to hit the crossbar using your strong foot, your weak foot then a trick shot" he explained making us nod at him.

He clapped his hands and rubbed them together. "Guests first, Rock Paper Scissors it" he stated.

We faced each other and done the actions with me losing showing paper. The other guys walked behind the camera so I was just in shot. I walked towards the balls and put my right foot under the ball and chipped it up making it directly hit the crossbar. I instantly went to the left ball and chipped it up with my weak foot making it skim the bar, then I quickly crossed my legs over each other making it a rebona kick making it just go over. I turned to the camera and done a dab.

"Two out of three, beat that" I laughed as I walked behind the camera as G past me as it was her turn.

The whole filming session went well, we ended up doing three videos, one for Simons, one for Josh's then one for the Arsenal Ladies channel. The whole thing was so much fun as the boys were so easy to get along with and we joked around with each other a lot. It was as if we knew each other for years and we were just at a local park practising.

"I'm excited for them videos" Simon gushed once we finished up. "Thanks again girls" he smiled and hugged G then me loosely.

"No worries, we enjoyed ourselves" I smiled.

"That's a complement on Yas' terms, she hates doing these sorts of things" G laughed as she explained to the guys.

"Well we are glad you enjoyed it" Josh laughed as he ran his hands over his beard.

We said our goodbyes and made our way back indoors while Pedro rejoined the guys to thank them and to show them the exit.

"They were nice" she smirked as she wriggled her eyebrows at me, I nodded my head slowly not really sure where she was going with it.

"I think Simon liked you" she smirked.

I let out a sigh. The thing with G she tries to set me up with everyone. She doesn't seem to understand that I am happy being single.


Georgina is Behati Prinsloo

First chapter done! This took so long because I had two ideas for a story and I didn't know which one I wanted but it's now done!

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