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Right I want you guys to write a chapter for me. It can be about anything BUT not something too big that will rock the whole story, NO cheating on Simon.
It can be a whole Yasmine/Simon chapter, It could be all about Yasmine or Yas with the girls. ANYTHING!
If you are interested contact me so we can decide where to slot it in, if not no pressure just thought it could be fun.

I woke up quite early this morning with the girls and decided to go food shopping so the house was all stocked up when the others arrived. We walked around the shop with us all picking up items from the large list that we all made up yesterday. After two hours we left with five carts of food and drinks, we ordered three Uber's so we could all take it back home.

Once we got home only Josh and Manny were awake, we all put everything away then Freya, Mere and I decided to make everyone a fry up for breakfast. Once we dished up Joe, Sav, Gee, Lux and Sarah arrived from the airport.

We all sat down around the dining table and ate our breakfast which everyone seemed to enjoy. Simon sat opposite me, I could feel his eyes on me but I ignore him. I peered up at G who was mainly playing with her food, her face looked quite pale and looked like all the colour was drained.

"You alright G?" Freya questioned obviously noticing it as well.

She looked up and put on a small smile. "Yeah, I'm good. Just tired" she explained.

She quickly put her hand to her mouth and jumped up and ran out. "Yas go see if she is alright, please" JJ pleaded.

I shook my head as I picked up another piece of toast. "She'll be alright" I stated then stood up and walked outside.

I went to the pool and placed my foot in the warmish water, I placed my hurt leg on the side and laid down. I heard the door open, I decided to ignore whoever it was as I felt them sit beside.

"Simon and Freya went to check on G" Cal spoke. "What was that back there?" He asked.

I let out a sigh and squeezed my eyes shut. "What was what?" I questioned.

"Oh come on, usually your the first on by G's side when she is in need" he stated.

I could feel his stare burn the side of my face, I opened my eyes and looked at him. "Exactly and what do I get in return? A fucking slap in the face"

He furrowed his eyes. I let out a sigh as I sat up making my sit right beside him. "Why bother with someone who doesn't give you what you give to them?"

"Maybe she doesn't realise that you are feeling like this, I'm sure she isn't meaning to hurt you" he stated.

I shrugged. "I'm over it"

"And you and Simon?" He questioned making me look over at him. "You just don't seem as sickly loving as you usually do" he joked.

"He has been so off lately, one minute he is like super horny and the next really defensive" I spoke mainly to the pool. "I guess it's just the honeymoon period is over" I shrugged.

I felt his hand go on my thigh making me look at him. "I'm not really good with relationships of girls or girls in relationships but I know one thing and that's Simon adores the bones on you" he smiled.

I rolled my eyes at him playfully and gently bashed myself into his side. "That is so cringey Freezdog" I laughed.

"Freezdog really?" He frowned showing the lines on his forehead.

"Don't frown you'll get wrinkles" I laughed as I slapped his cheek softly.

His face softened then went back into a frown. "You are SO lucky you have that cast on because I would of thrown you in the pool and drowned you" he playfully threatened.

The sound of the door opening made our attention more from each other to see Mere, Manny and JJ walk out.


Most of the day I managed to avoid both Simon and G, the gang managed to keep us separate as they knew tension was high and they didn't want to sit in awkward silence when we were together.
When the evening came we all decided to have a games night, we had a game of snooker/pool which I didn't understand the game but ended up just hoping that I would hit a ball in. I ended up giving up because there is so many times Lux and push the ball in for me.

Harry, Sav, Cal, Freya, Gee and Ethan all decided to play beer pong, it was just our excuse to get more drunk.

The songs were blaring with Freya and I standing on the coffee table grinding on each other, we were up there for a few songs until my leg suddenly gave way making me fall. I felt strong arms grab me so I couldn't hurt myself.

"Careful you don't want to go hurting your other leg" Josh laughed.

"Thanks" I smiled.

Simon came walking over and grabbing the drink out of my hand and handing it to Josh who gave me a sympathetic look before walking off leaving us to have our upcoming latest domestic, which we have been having a lot in the month go by. One minute we are both happy and laughing then the next we could be having a petty argument about whether the sky is blue or grey looking that day.

"You are such a spoilt sport" I frowned at him, probably sounding like a two year old but I didn't care.

"No I am trying to not get my girlfriend in another cast" he stated.

"Oh you mean the same girlfriend who you called a cow just the other day?" I questioned.

He suddenly grabbed me and flung me over his shoulder, he walked through the house with me hitting his back and me calling him a dick and to let me go, before he put me down and closed the door.

"Look I'm sorry" he said as he stepped towards me and put his hands on the back of my neck. "I'm sorry" he whispered,

Before I could answer him his lips attacked mine making them more insync, I moved my hands and trailed them down his chest.

I instantly remembered that I was in a mood with him and I didn't want to give in on him and let him sleep with me. After a monthful of arguments and him saying the famous two words 'I'm sorry' then we are fine for the next two days before doing it all again.

I pushed him away from him. "No" I shook my head sounding more sober. "I can't do this Si" I said before I rushed out.

I walked along the corridor and stopped at the door, I could see the light coming from under the door. I tapped on it with his voice appearing then he opened the door as I smiled up at him as he opened the door wider so I could go in.


WHO HAS YASMINE JUST SPENT THE NIGHT WITH? Will Simon tell her what is on his mind??

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