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Two Days Later

Images from yesterday came running through my head, the sound of the crowd cheering every time I touched the ball rang through my ears like I was back at the stadium. The thought of the whole day yesterday brought a tear to my eyes, knowing that amazing chapter of my life was now over and the future was unknown but it was all done to me.

I opened my eyes to find myself staring at a light grey coloured wall, I let out a small sigh realising that I was still in hospital with my foot in plaster. You are probably asking how I did this! Well I got a knock in training late in the week, I only managed to play the last 45 minutes and it seems that I hurt it more during the match.

The door opened with my mum and Simon walking in with cups in their hands. I smiled st them both as Simon placed his lips on my forehead before getting comfortable on the blue chair.

"Here get this down ya" Mum smiled as she handed me the paper cup.

The cheap coffee aroma filled my nostrils, I shook my head and put it down on the table infront of me.

"Where's dad?" I questioned.

Mum froze making me nervous, I looked at Simon who let out a deep sigh. "He didn't come Yas" he said softly.

I suddenly felt a lump in my throat. My own dad didn't come to my last game, let alone come down after hearing that I am now injured.

It all got too much to me as I bursted into tears, Simon instantly jumped up and wrapped his arms around me and pulling me close to his chest.

"Your dad hasn't had it easy over the last couple of months" mum explained.

I frowned. "He hasn't had it easy? What about fucking me! The only two people who should have my back no matter what, have totally giving up on me and want to bring me down!" I spat. "Just go away" I whispered squeezing my eyes shut.

I heard her sigh and her walking out with her heeled boots, I reopened my eyes when the door closed meaning that she had left.

"I just want to leave" I pleaded.

He nodded. "I'll find the doc" he smiled then walked out.

I leaned my head back thinking that the next few months that I planned wasn't going to go as I originally thought. My trip to Disneyland with the girls, LA trip with the group and spontaneous days out were probably not going to happen with me. As I have to rehabilitate which will take at least 6 months depending on the fracture.

I was even more annoyed about my parents, I haven't ever had to deal with anything like this alone and I'm quite scared.


After I was let out of hospital I went back home after much persuading Simon that I would be alright alone and double checking that atleast two guys were in the building in case I needed someone.

I managed to get some alone time for around half an hour before the door bursted open with Mere walking in with two bags in her hands.

"Awe Yas!" She gushed as she dropped her things and jumped on the sofa next to me to give me a hug.

"Ok..I can't breathe" I said rather dramatically but it made her let go.

She rolled her eyes as she giggled. "So how are you?" She asked.

I shrugged. "I mean apart from being a cripple?" I questioned. "I fresh as a daisy" I smiled.

"Well I have decided to invite all the girls over and have a pamper night so you can relax and not stress yourself over the next few months" she stated as she unpacked her bags.

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