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"Are you a fruit because you are a fineapple" Joe smirked making both Cal and I burst out in laughter.

"That was fucking awful" Cal stated.

We were currently using the last couple of minutes until the doors open for the Upload Event to start. I was currently putting the money into the till while the boys were well mainly messing around and trying to look busy.

"Yas, would that get you?" Joe asked making me look up.

I crinkled my nose up and shook my head. "Nope"

Joe walked over and leaned on the counter facing me with a massive smile on his face. "Ok this is my favourite one" he stated. "We're not socks, but we'd make a great pair" he smirked.

"Has that ever worked?" I frowned making Cal laugh.

Joe stood up straight and frowned at me which made me laugh. "Fine, you do better Airey" he sassed.

Cal walked over to Joe pretending they were in a club on a night out with Weller being the girl. I bite my lip as I watched the taller boy closely.

He pointed at his friend and called him over using his index finger, Joe walked over being extra feminine which made us all laugh. They instantly went back into character.

Cal smirked. "I made you come with one finger, imagine what I could do with a whole hand" He sexily whispered.

"Wow..." I breathed out. "Now I can tell why you are both single" I giggled making Cal nudge me playfully.

Simon and JJ joined us with us all chilling out for the last few minutes, which definitely felt like the calm before the storm. I could feel myself getting more and more nervous as the time got closer, I don't know why as everyone there weren't coming to see me, so I don't know how the guys were feeling.

"WE'RE OPENING THE DOORS" we heard the security shout as they walked through the corridors.

"Have fun and I'll see you later" I smiled and kissed both JJ and Simon.

"If you need me, text me and I'll come to the VIP room" Simon whispered as he pecked my forehead. "Weller, Airey look after her!" He demanded as he pointed to them.

I watched as they both walked out the room then turned around to Cal and Joe who were already closer to me than they were a second ago.

"I'm so excited to spend the day with you both" Cal smiled and he hugged his both under his arms. "TEAM YWEEZY" he shouted and pulled us into a group hug.


It was currently midday which meant I was allowed a break, I decided to meet up with Freya and Jesse and go down to the canteen to get some food. I ordered some hot chocolate and a plateful of chips for the three of us. We took a seat in the corner so we were by the door in case we needed to run away quickly.

"These are so cute" I cooed at the beach chairs which was around a ikea pop up table.

They both nodded in agreement as they got themselves comfortable. "I know I think we should just stay here for the rest of the day and leave the others at the stall" Freya suggested.

Jesse laughed making me look over at her. "So how has your day been as a VIP Youtuber?" I smirked.

"It's been good, I've just been doing meet ups. I've got a panel show later today which I'm nervous about" she explained as she popped a chip in her mouth.

"I'll swap you" Freya suggested. "I'm sick at Fifa" she smirked.

I looked at her giving her a questionable look. "Are you forgetting I won 6-0 against you?" I laughed.

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