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A/N So everybody knows about the whole KSI vs Weller fight, I want to know who you guys are backing AND who do you think Yas would back? As she has a good relationship with both the guys & I personally can't decided who she would back!

Two Days Later

"I can't believe I'm actually doing this" I whispered as I hide my face in my hands.

"Don't worry you are in good hands, plus you are going to look amazing" Freya smiled as she gently brushed my hair.

I was currently sitting in the bathroom about to get my hair dyed by Freya and Jesse, I decided I wanted to experiment even if it was just a semi permanent colour.

"You are going to look wonderful darling" Jesse smiled as she mocked Edna Mode's voice from The Incredibles.

I started to look through my emails as the girls started getting the solution ready to put in my hair. One email stood out as it said CONFIRMED. I quickly clicked on it and browsed through the message which made a small smile appear on my face.

"What's got you smiling like a Cheshire Cat?" Jesse questioned as she raised her eyebrows at me.

I looked over at Freya as she dramatically put on the gloves making us both laugh.

"I just got confirmation for Josh's and Simon's birthday party" I smiled.

Freya instantly shrieked as she jumped up and down. "Oh my god! I cannot wait to see their faces!" She gushed.

"Birthday party? What you doing for it?" The American asked.

I shrugged as I locked my phone. "That's a secret but you and Doobie are invited, they won't know what's hit them?" I smiled coyly at her.

She let out a sigh and walked behind me and started combing my hair again before Freya joined her.

"Don't worry I'll get it out of you before the day comes" She whispered as they started parting my hair into different sections.

Jesse and I have only met yesterday when I came back from Newcastle with Simon, we instantly clicked and we are already close like we have known each other for years. She is so down to earth, relatable and sucha funny girl that I instantly knew why Simon and her are so close.

As they were dying my hair Jesse set up her vlogging camera on the side getting us all in. We were just gossiping and talking about normal girl things along with football, which would make a good part of her vlog.

Once every part of my head was covered we went into Simon's room and watched Josh and him film for his channel, we were all sitting on the sofa in fits of giggles at them trying to pronounce words backwards so it would come out the app on their phone toward. But they were both equally failing which just made it hilarious to watch.

"That was awful" Jesse laughed as Simon jumped up and turned off the camera.

"I'd like to see you try and succeed" Josh pointed out making us laugh.

I got pulled up off the sofa by Simon. "I think we would do better than Si-moN" I laughed coping the way her tried to say his name.

"Try and say your name" Josh suggested.

Jesse automatically got out her camera, I thought for a second as all their eyes were on me waiting for me to probably fail miserably. Josh handed me his phone so I could record it.

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