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Three Days Later

The last couple of days have been tough, Simon somehow found out about the kiss with Joe and obviously he wasn't happy about it. We had a little argument and he walked out and I haven't heard from him since. I found out I was being rested for the next game against PSG ladies as it isn't as important as our next match against  Birmingham, so I decided to take a trip up north to see all the family and Seana, as I haven't seen her in ages.

I packed a few clothes for the couple of days, I set the security alarm in the flat and gave my keys to my next door neighbour so she could give it to my landlord and gave my second pair to Lux so he could keep an eye on it. I strapped Sting in the seatbelt in the back seat with one Randy the Raccoon. I took a quick selfie and uploaded it to Snapchat with the caption. Few days off, going back to the Toon ❤️. Then set off for the four hour car journey to get back home.

I stopped off when I was in Manchester to let Sting do his business and give him some food and water, I went into the service station and brought some McDonald's because why not and ate it in the car. I checked my phone and saw I had a text from Joe.

Weller: I have just heard about you and Simon falling out about the kiss, I'm sorry and if you need anything let me now as this is kind of my fault too

Me: Thanks Joe but it was my fault too even if we were both drunk

Weller: I'm in London today, I'll try and talk some sense into him. You are both good for each other and I won't forgive myself if you split up if it was my fault. Do you want me to pop in?

Me: Well good luck, he seemed to have made up his mind that he doesn't want to talk to me right now. I'm on my way back to the toon, need to clear my head. Send my love to everyone x

I locked my phone and turned on the radio and carried on with the two hour and forty minute journey.


Simon's Pov

I woke up finding myself in a room that I didn't recognise, I went out last night with the lads to get my mind of things that has recently has happened. The last few days i couldn't help but taking my mind off the fact that Yasmine kissed Joe, it doesn't matter if she was jealous or upset that I was spending time with Diana or if they were both drunk. She still kissed him.

I could feel an arm wrapped around my waist, I turned my head to see Diana asleep with her long blonde hair falling down her shoulders as she laid their topless. My heart instantly sank, that I have slept with her. I felt bad for Yas, two wrongs doesn't make a right. I climbed out of bed instantly and grabbed my clothes which were thrown carelessly over the floor from the night before. Once I was dressed I grabbed my keys and ran out the front door, I walked down the corridor towards the elevator, I suddenly heard a familiar voice which was obvious it was Caspar's, I hid behind the corner and waited for him to walk past as he was talking on the phone. As he was gone, I quickly ran into the elevator as the doors were open and quickly pressed the doors so he wouldn't see me.

My heart started to calm down as I hopped into an uber which was going to take me back home and take me away from this nightmare. I was praying that all the boys were still asleep so I didn't have to tell them what I have done, I knew I had to tell Yasmine and I was regretting it massively, the way I acted to her kissing Joe, she'd be super pissed with me fucking Diana.

As soon as I got home I ran upstairs to my room and jumped into the shower wanting to get her scent off my skin and every trace from that night. As I got out the shower I spotted in the mirror that I had a dark purple mark on my collarbone. Fucking great. I grabbed my clothes as but on a high necked shirt which would cover it up.

I've been trying to concentrate on filming videos but I couldn't stop thinking of Yasmine, and her strong fruity smell that lingered in my room. My phone bleeped making me quickly pause my Batman game which I was currently playing and grabbed it hoping it was her but it read Diana.

Diana: Had fun last night, if you want round two give me a shout xx

I rolled my eyes and instantly deleted it. I opened Snapchat and saw that she was heading to Newcastle to clear her head and spend time with her family. I opened my contact list and stopped at Mere and pressed call.

"Hello?" Her strong Geordie accent appeared after a few rings.

"Hey, can I talk to you?" I asked awkwardly as I swayed in my chair.

"Um sure, I'm with G at the moment but go ahead she is wants a break anyway" she said with a small giggle.

I let out a deep sigh, this is a now or never opportunity. "I...I've fucked" I whispered.

She stayed quiet for a few seconds. "What have you done?" She asked confused. "Oh my god, are you in jail and you want me to bail you out?" She asked a little bit excited. "Cause honestly id be honoured, I've always wanted to that" she mumbled.

"What? No I'm not in jail" I shook my head making her tut. "Well you probably know that Yas and I had an argument because she kissed Joe after the game" I stated.

By her reaction it seems that she already knew about the whole situation. I mean why wouldn't she, she is her cousin and they are pretty close with each other.

"Anyway, I haven't spoken to her for a few days and I went out last night with the boys and I might of slept with someone" I said whispering the end of the sentence.

"What do you mean you might of?"  She asked sounding annoyed.

"I slept with Diana"

She let out a deep sigh. "What the fuck Simon! You know what Yasmine thinks of her! Was this just to give her a taste of her own medicine?"

"No! No ofcourse not, I just got too drunk, I was angry with Weller and Yas and she was just there"

"And that makes it alright? Honestly Simon that is fucked up, Yas was in the wrong yes but she instantly regretted it" she said then paused. "You can't hid it from her, she will find out and it will make it so much worse" she added.

I ended the call and felt worse about myself than I did before, I decided to leave the filming and hopped into bed and relaxed watching some Fresh Prince episodes.


Oh Simon, he has messed up. What will happen with them?

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