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Two Days Later

Today has already been super productive and it's only midday. I woke up at eight and got both Simon and JJ up and had an hour and half run around the park, which they weren't too fond of it, even though last night they thought it was the best idea every. I came home made pancakes with Freya, then went to the training ground and had a work out with the trainer and finished of with the physio sticking needles in my leg.

I was home for around an hour when there was a knock on the door, I quickly put the kettle on and walked over to the front door hearing Sting barking from the other side.

"Hey darling" mum smiled. "Oo I love your hair!" She gushed as she pecked my cheek.

I laughed as I bent down to get on Sting's level to let him jump on me and lick my cheek excitable. "Why thank you"

"Hello baby!" I gushed as I picked him up and tucked him under my arm. "So how's dad doing?" I asked as I walked further into the flat.

"He is doing good, all things considered" she stated. "He has started his will and is talking about what he wants to do for his funeral" she explained.

I sat down on the sofa and scrunched my nose up. "You spoke about it?" I questioned. "I honestly don't want to think about that, I guess it just makes it a reality that he will be gone" I whispered as I leaned back and closed my eyes.

I heard her sigh then her hand appearing on my knee. "I know this is hard but we need to do this for your dad" she said softly. "You know I think you have really opened his eyes to it all, he felt awful hiding everything from you, the whole divorce and illness. You know what your dad is like, always wanting to look after you" she explained.

I let out a small sigh. "Honestly I kind of understand, I mean how hard would it be to tell the people close to you that you are dying" I said playing with my hair.

We both stayed quiet for atleast a minute, I kept my eyes on Sting who was chewing on his bone.

"So how long are you going to have your hair like this?" She asked running her hands through my hair. "It reminds me of Katy Perry from one of her music videos" she stared.

I shrugged. "Soon because I have a shoot for the new season, and I'd rather not have pink hair" I explained.

"It definitely wouldn't go with the royal blue" she joked making herself laugh way too much.

I rolled my eyes at her playfully. "It's going to be weird wearing blue instead of red" I sighed.

I picked up Sting and placed him on my legs making him lay on his back. "Ah I am so glad to have you back!" I said in a baby voice as I tickled his stomach.

@YasLloyd10: Sleepy pup. So glad to have him back 🐶❤️

 So glad to have him back 🐶❤️

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A few hours went by with both Mum and I putting up some photos on the wall around the house, also browsing on the internet for Simon's Birthday presents. Which my mum definitely wasn't as helpful as I first thought. We decided to go out and meet Simon at Nando's for a late lunch together.

"So has Yasmine told you her new plan?" Simon asked Mum.

She looked up and instantly looked nervous about what he was going to say. "No? What are you planning?" She questioned looking mainly at me.

I bite my lip and looked at Simon who raised his eyebrows at me. "We are going to try for a baby" I said quickly before Simon could say anything.

I looked at Mum whose mouth instantly dropped down to the floor, I tried to hold my laughter in but I failed and cracked up.

"W...What?" She questioned, looking inbetween us.

I shook my head as I leaned over to grab her arm. "I'm joking.... oh my god.... your face!" I laughed, with tears appearing in my eyes.

"You idiot! I thought I was going to have a heart attack" she whined pulling away from me.

Once I managed to recompose myself, I straightened myself up on the chair. "No, I am thinking of getting another dog" I stated.

"Oh" She nodded.

"You have a lot of names to go for, Cheryl or Shearer.... oh what about Mr Bean" he beamed.

"Or Jill Halfpenny" Mum joined in.

I frowned letting out small giggle. "Yeah...sure"

Before she could answer me, my phone rang making  me quickly slip it out my back pocket. I saw it was George's name lightening up.

"Hey Mr Webster" I said in a posh voice which made me laugh.

"Yasmine where the bloody hell are you!" He whispered yelled at me.

I could see both Simon and mum staring at me as they probably noticed my face drop.

"What do you mean? I'm just out for lunch with Mum and Simon" I explained.

He let out a frustrated grumbled. "Do you know how unprofessional it makes us both look when you don't turn up without a word!"

"George I have no idea what you are on about!" I frowned as I rubbed my temples.

He stayed quiet for a second. "You has a photo shoot with Nike today, Mere informed you. I don't care that you are both having family issues but I would expect you to be professional when it's about your career" he snapped.

"Meredith hasn't contacted me, I have checked my messages this morning and nothing was there" I frowned.

He stayed quiet and said something to someone who was with him. "I'll call you back, I'll try and get them to reschedule" he said quickly before he ended the call.

I got Mere's number up and dialled it, it rang a couple of times before it went straight to voice mail. I let out a frustrated sigh.

"What's happened?" Simon asked as he put his arm around the back of my chair.

"Mere has decided to not tell me I had a shoot today" I explained. "What the fuck is wrong with her!" I moaned.

"I'm sure it just slipped her mind" Mum tried to calm me down.

I shook my head. "Bullshit! She is doing this on purpose!" I spat. "She's throwing her toys out her pram and taking it out on my job!" I argued.

Million Reasons (Miniminter) Dove le storie prendono vita. Scoprilo ora