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Two Days Later

Today was the first game of the four game tournament which we were starting with Manchester City, which is supposedly the easiest out the others as we know their weakness and how they usually play. But then of course that's the same with them.

We were currently warming up as the stadium slowly filled with the two sides of supporters, as the kick off time got nearer the louder and louder they become. I had mixed emotions about the game, I felt there was a hole missing as I could see Mere, Henry sitting in the normal seats, middle of the stand right in line with the half way line. I spotted Ethan and Emily sitting a couple of seats down, waving at me and giving me thumbs up as they saw me looking. I couldn't help but look for my dad even though I spoke to him just an hour ago and they were very much at home.

I was also of course excited about being back on the pitch and I wanted to show the fans what I had to bring to the team and show that the coach was right to buy me. But I knew if I didn't have a good game how quickly the fans can turn on you and make you feel all the pressure in the world.

As I looked around the stadium I couldn't help but feel that everyone's eyes were on me, as if I was a performing monkey and they were ready to see what I was going to do next. My eyes met with the coach as she was questioning if I was alright, I quickly turned away from her as I noticed a young teenager seated at the edge of the pitch with a camera snapping photos. As she flicked the shutter with a small flash appearing it was as if I could feel my whole body shudder from it.

The whistle from the coach snapped me back, I started to run the length of the pitch with a small course he made up for us to do. As I finished my eyes wandered around again and it felt like I could hear everyone around me much louder as if they were right on top of me. As if all the hundred people in the stadium was on top of me and shouting in my ear.

"LLOYD" I heard someone shout making me look to side to see a small boy wearing a Chelsea shirt.

I gave him a wave as he put his pen up into the sky and aiming it at me, I checked the girls who were now making their way through the tunnel. I walked over to the small boy who was there with his father or uncle or someone.

"Lloyd welcome to Chelsea" he spoke in a strong Liverpool accent which took me by surprise.

I smiled and quickly scribbled my signature on his shirt next to Willian's and Lampard's.

"Hope you enjoy the game" I whispered and gave him a quick wink before hugging the father.

I ran down the touchline and ran down the tunnel, I could feel my chest become at ease as I came further away from the field.

Maybe I was rushing into the comeback and I should just tell coach that I should wait till the beginning of the season like she said. The only reason I am playing is because Eni got injured, there can be a number of players to replace me.

"Are you just gonna stand there or are you going in?" A voice appeared behind me as I stood infront of the dressing room door.

I turned around to see a ginger girl with loads of freckles filling her face, she was wearing sporty clothes along with a bib that had 'water girl' written on it. I looked down to see her carrying a large basket full of water bottles. I grabbed one without losing eye contact with her before walking in with her following behind me.


After another twenty minutes of tactics being told to us and getting strapping on my leg for support, kick off was slowly approaching.

As I made my way to the tunnel I could hear the crowd becoming more alive and excited for the next 90 minutes of hopefully a game to write home about.

I ignored the 11 girls that were lined up beside us and concentrated on my breathing hoping to not throw up everywhere. I took my mascots hand who gave my hand a small squeezed and  gave me the biggest smile, as if I just brought her a dog she has been asking for. We walked out and was instantly deafened by the crowds reaction by the sight of the players.

Once we shook everyone's hands and chosen what end we were attacking in the first half, we all got into our starting positions.

I was stood in the middle circle with Carney who had the ball under her foot as she barked orders at everyone. My eyes glanced up to where the others were sitting but as soon as I got to Mere she wasn't there. Just a spare seat. I felt my heart become faster. Never in my life have I had a football match without any of family in the stadium. Of course I had Henry, Emily and Ethan but there weren't really my closest friends either, which would make do as subs.

The whistle blew with Carney tapping the ball to me, suddenly everything around me was going in slowly motion. I turned and hit it back to Fara Williams before jogging to my spot.

From the very start of the game it was very much high intensity which got the crowd going as there was a lot of silly fouls and a lot of direct attacking.

Millie won the ball back and started running down the right side, I quickly started to follow her and keep the same pace, she crossed it over to me, I quickly got it under control and started to run into the box. I felt Scott and Houghton approach trying to  put pressure on me, I stayed calm and carried on running until I got to the edge, I looked up and saw Kirby and Dunn just entering the box. I booted the ball over to them as soon it left my foot I felt contact which made me tumble and fall off the field and on all fours.

I stayed in the same position trying to catch my breath,I saw some fans sitting in their seats waving the small Chelsea flags with the Chelsea badge painted on their face. A little girl was being held by her dad as they both cheered together, I couldn't help but smile as it just reminded me of my dad and I.

I heard the crowd all groan which made me look over to seethe ball was now on the top of goal, which meant we missed a pretty decent chance. I spotted someone walk over to me and put their hand out to help to my feet. I jumped up and ran off ignoring them. I ran down the pitch ready for the long kick from the goalkeeper.


It was now the 44th minute, Manchester City lost the ball, we quickly throw it back into play and started playing quickly. Dunn got it and started down the middle with both Kirby and I on either side of her. I had Scott infront of me, I called for it and played one touch with Dunn before I was clear on goal and coolly slotted the ball in the back of the net. The crowd irrupted into cheers as I started to run to the corner camera and kissed the badge as the others joined me and hugged me.

"Welcome to the club" Ji So-yun smiled before kissing my forehead.

I looked up over at Mere who was jumping up and down like a dancing rabbit. I blew her a kiss which she done back.

Great way to make the debut.

The game finished 3-2 which was pretty tight during the whole 90 minutes and it could of easily went either way. As the final whistle went I instantly ran over to Kirby and engulfed her into a hug which Claire quickly joined in as we were the two goal scorers.


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