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For Josh's and Simon's Birthdays the whole gang went Go Karting, which we managed to keep secret from them until we pulled up at the course, when they started cheering in the car like it was Christmas morning for an excited child. Which was kinda cute!

We all had a course with loads of obstacles which we had to avoid while we were recorded, Ethan and Tobi were the best out all of us, I came in the middle not doing amazingly but not doing as bad as JJ and Nia who pretty much crashed.

After dinner we had a race between us all, I joined Harry while we went up against Josh and Nia, Emily and Freya and Simon and JJ, whose game plan was to ram us off the course. My plan was to just sit in the passenger seat with my hands over my eyes, but it very much ended in Harry and I singing Rihanna at the top of our lungs and shouting abuse at JJ. Until we won!

We didn't leave until around 4pm, making us be there for five hours and we definitely felt achy from it afterwards. And I very much regretted driving as fast as I did.


The Next Day

It was currently midday and I was still in bed with Sting asleep beside me as I checked some websites to hopefully find a new puppy. I was jotting down a lot of phone numbers from owners as I gushed at all the cute photos of the puppy dogs.

The sound of the buzzer rang around the apartment which made Sting jump up and run out the bedroom barking. I let out a small sigh as I put down my pen and jumped up. I looked at the montior and spotted G  standing there with her arms wrapped around her body, I could instantly tell that there was something up.

"Come on up babe" I said and opened the door for her.

I threw Sting a toy so he would stop yapping, I started the coffee machine and opened the front door just in time as she appeared.

"Hey darling" I smiled as I pulled her into a hug. "What do I owe this pleasure?" I asked as we pulled away.

"I had a meeting and thought I'd drop by" she smiled as I handed her a coffee.

"Wait?" I frowned as I pulled my hand away from her. "Should pregnant ladies drink coffee?" I questioned.

Her face instantly dropped as she changed her standing position to lean on the side. "I don't think I need to worry about that anymore" she whispered. "I had a miscarriage" she whispered avoiding my eyeline.

I put the cups down and pulled her into me which made her instantly cry on my shoulder as her arms loosely wrapped around me.

"How long ago?" I whispered.

"A couple of weeks ago" she shrugged as I wiped her face. "I know I should of told you, but you had so much going on with your father and your injury, I didn't want to add anything" She explained.

I rested my head on her shoulders as gave her a side hug. "You still should of told me, you shouldn't of gone through it alone"

She moved making her frown at me. "Sure you would of dropped everything in Newcastle to come with me" she said sarcastically. "Honestly it's fine, I mean I wouldn't of been a good mother anyway" she whispered sipping her freshly made coffee.

I bite my lip. "You know that's not true. You would...will be an amazing mother in the future" I smiled and kissed her cheek.

She shook her head. "You were right, it wasn't the right time for me. I need to concentrate on myself now, I need to leave JJ and just think about my health and career" she said casually.

I opened my mouth to say something but she instantly cut me off. "Can we just cuddle on the sofa and watch the Kardashians?" She pleaded, I nodded making her go and sit on the sofa and turn over the channel.

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