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I was currently in the gym having my last work session for the game tomorrow, I was on a running machine upping the levels of speed every five minutes.

"Hey Yas" G smiled as she jumped on the space one beside me, I smiled at her then carried on looking at the little dashboard on the machine.

"So I know we haven't been close lately" she stated as she begun to walk.

I nodded in agreement. "Yeah because you are being buddies with Hannah" I stated.

She sighed. "Hannah isn't bad once you have got to know her" she suggested making me roll my eyes at her.

"Really? You have been friends with her for at least a month and you are talking like you have known her for two years" I shot at her.

"Well looks like even if I did know someone for two years you can still be shocked how bitchy they are" she shot back.

"I'm bitchy?" I questioned. "No I'm looking out for myself because I can see through her pathetic act, she is only friends with you to get the better player out in her"

She let out a small laugh. "You mean like you did with me?" She smirked.

"Wow I didn't realise how much you let her sink her venom inside you. I feel sorry for you G" I told her.I slowed down the machine then grabbed my water and walked to the next equipment piece which was weights.

I was quite hurt by the what she said, I guess it's true that you don't really know someone as much as you thought you did. Everyone used to tell me that G was jealous of the way Sav and I got close, she tried to befriend each other but they never really liked each other properly.


I was sitting in the lounge area watching the girls play FIFA, I opened Twitter and looked through the feed to see what everyone was up to, I favourited some fans tweets wishing the team well and replied to a few as well.

My phone suddenly started to ring with Simons name appearing on the Caller ID. I got off the sofa and walked out on the balcony to answer so there wasn't a lot of background noise.

"And what do you want?" I laughed as I put my phone to my ear.

He didn't laugh back he just let out a small sigh. "Hi Yas, you alright?" He asked in a calm voice.

I could tell something was up with him which made me nervous. "Yeah I'm good, what's up Si?" I asked as I turled a piece of hair around my finger.

"I don't know how to tell.." he said with a slight pause, I hummed in response. "So I was at Tobi's place and Harry came walking in leaving the door open.."

"Yeah..." I said prompting him to carry on.

"And Sting ran out, Harry left the door to the stairs open and the door to the carpark" he explained.

My mouth instantly went dry and I didn't know how to respond to him.


I took in a deep breath as I pinched the bridge of my nose trying to think of something quick. "You've lost Sting?" was the only thing I managed to get out.

He stayed quiet at the other end of the phone for a few seconds then a sudden burst of laughter filled my ear.

"Oh...my...god!" I shouted. "This is a prank isn't it?"

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