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I suddenly got woken up by something soft and fluffy hitting my straight in my face, my eyes popped open nearly giving me a heart attack by getting attacked. I saw Hannah standing with the pillow in her hand as Henry held his phone while the other hand was trying to contain his giggles.

"Arseholes the lot of you" I grumbled as I turned around pulling the covers over my head.

I felt the bed go down then a heavy weight jump on me. "That's not what you were saying last night" Henry said groggily which clearly meant he hasn't been up long himself.

"Urgh there's one thing about having to hear it but another being in the room while you talk about it" Hannah grumbled. "I'm gonna make breakfast, if you are going to go for round two please be quiet" she said walking out.

"Round three!" He called making Hannah pretend to vomit, I lifted up and raised my eyebrows at him before hitting his arm making him chuckle. "I'll go help with the breakfast" he said quickly.

I laid in bed for another half an hour just listening to the two Mancunians in my kitchen either arguing or singing at the top of their lungs. I managed to get myself out of bed and pull on a hoodie, I unplugged my phone to see I had a few messages from the Groupchat. It was mainly from Freya asking who wanted to be apart of Secret Santa, I replied that I wanted to. As long as I didn't get Simon, I'll happily get anyone else a shit funny present. A few messages came through from the boys that it's way too early to start thinking about Secret Santa but agreed to be apart of it anyway.

I walked out my room to see the table filled with three plates of bacon maple syrup and waffles. Henry was playing with Shearer while Sting was asleep in the kitchen where Hannah was standing making up jar of coffee.

"Bon appetite" Hannah smiled as we all sat down.

"So this what all that noise makes?" I smiled.

"Han was being a bitch as usual"

I love their relationship it was almost like they were siblings as they were so comfortable around eachother, one minute they could be messing around then the next be talking about something deep.

"Anyway, I heard last night that apparently Tobi and Meredith have split up" Hannah changed the subject.

"Really? No one told me"

She nodded as she shoved a mouthful in her mouth. "I don't know the reasoning, Tobi joined us before Sav could tell me, but he seemed pretty heartbroken" she stated. "She's gonna be at the baby shower tomorrow so you can talk to her then and maybe make up"

I shook my head as I picked up Shearer and put him on my lap. "I'm not going, I don't think George even wants me there to be honest" I shrugged.

"Why would you say that?"

"When was the last time he reached out to me? He only texts me my calendar so I know what I need to do, apart from that he doesn't care" I explained. "G was right, he only cares about you when people are talking about you or want you to work"

"But what about Claire?"

I stayed quiet for a second. "I'm looking for a new agent, it's either carry on the way we are being strangers or sack him and stay friends" I admitted.

"But he has been good to you since... well recently don't you think you should give him the benefit of the doubt" Henry stated.

He was right, George has been really supportive and has gone above and beyond for me but since I moved from Arsenal to Chelsea, I feel like he has concentrated more on Savannah and G, it is rumoured that Sav wants to move and is getting offers from clubs while G is being linked to be called up for international duty. Which obviously leaves me on the back burner.

"Anyway I've got a meeting with someone today" I said as I played around with the dogs ears who was now fully asleep on my lap. "Nothing is for sure but I need to keep my options open" I quickly added.


After a long meeting which took longer than expected as the man wouldn't stop talking, I pretty much came out of the cafe knowing his whole personal life and what his favourite food and drinks are.

I decided to go food shopping as it was actually Halloween tomorrow and wanted to get some sweets, for the neighbours children who would come knocking but mainly for me. When I was younger I wasn't too keen on trick or treating down my road, no one really answered their doors or they used to scared us and it scarred me for life. I picked up a few essentials and got some donuts for the boys as I was going down to the house to see JJ, because he talked me into a filming a video.

As I arrived at the sidemen house I noticed an unfamiliar car on the driveway. I parked up on the street and walked towards the front door. I knocked on it which seemed like forever since I did that as I usually just walk in, but it just felt too weird to do so now. Josh answered talking on the phone and eating something, he gave me a small hello as he let me inside before pointing upstairs and disappearing.

I put the donuts in the kitchen cupboard, I heard someone walk in making me turn around to see Simon standing their in a white hoodie and his red basketball shorts, his hair was in a messy state but still managed to look good. I saw a blonde stand beside him which I automatically recognised her as Talia Mar, she has a YouTube channel where she sings covers and does make up tutorials.

"Oh Hi" I smiled mainly looking at Talia.

I couldn't get over how beautiful she was, I mean I have seen a few of her videos before but she looked even more stunning in person.

"Hi I'm Talia, you must be Yasmine" she smiled, sounding really bubbly.

I nodded as I looked over at Simon who was standing awkwardly between us.

"I'm here to see J" I said trying to explain why his ex was standing in his kitchen. "I don't want to intrude on, Well whatever this is so I'll just go up" I said awkwardly.

I walked past them feeling Simon's eyes on me, I closed the door and let out a small sigh which I didn't realise I was holding in. I ran upstairs hoping to not see anyone else, I walked into JJ's room to find him laying on his bed with all his attention on his phone. I stayed quiet and laid beside him and rested my head on his chest with him automatically hugging me back.

"I'm guessing you saw T?" He whispered as he ran his fingers down my arm.

"T? You've already got a nickname?" I looked up at him frowning.

"I know you wont be too fond of her as she is dating your ex, but she is a nice girl" he paused. "Just like I would tell Simon that Henry was a sound guy"

I let out a small grumble and pulled away. "Can we just get on with this shitty video so I can get home"


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