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HELLO MY PUMPKINS! I am back, had a few days off but I am back to business 😀 Hopefully the next chapter should be out tomorrow x

I was currently in bed staring up at the ceiling as I could hear the chirps of the birds out the window, which was somewhat soothing.

I wasn't able to drop off to sleep as my mind has been over running for the past six hours, I have been making up every possible situation in my head about the next few weeks which was making me more anxious and less able to fall asleep.

And having Simon fast asleep beside me cuddling my side just made me want to punch him in the face, his warm breath on my skin annoyed me and no matter how much I moved away from him he always found me and we were back in the same position.

My phone suddenly started to ring with it lighting up the room, I quickly grabbed it and saw it was my Dad. I got out of bed and grabbed Simon's jumper and made my way into the bathroom.

"Dad? Is everything alright?" I answered the phone nervous about what he was going to tell me.

"Oh I'm good, I just found a newspaper article about my own daughter moving to Chelsea, apparently she doesn't have to tell her parents before telling the whole world" he said in a jokey way but it was obvious he was pissed.

"Do you want to move or has George made you do it?" He jumped in before I could answer him.

"Ofcourse it was me" I bite at him, not wanting this conversation so early in the morning.

"Because you hear about managers pushing their clients so they get a good price" he stated. "It isn't too late to get out of all of this" he added.

"Can we not have another 'George isn't a good agent' argument" I mumbled as I hid my face in my hand. "I know whatever I do you are going to disapprove because you think it's all his idea, but honestly I can look after myself and I know George has my back 1000%" I argued.

He let out a small sigh. "I don't disapprove of your choices I just don't want you to do something then regret it because you will be spending most of the time on the bench because Chelsea have a better team than Arsenal"

"Right thanks for this wonderful phone call this morning dad, I appreciate it." I said sarcastically then quickly ended the call.

The most annoying thing about my dad how 'half glass empty' he is with the way of life, he never sees the good in anything. He could give him millions of thousands of pounds and he would ask you loads of questions before he finally takes it.

I put my phone down of the side and looked at my reflection to see my eyes were slightly red with massive dark circles underneath my eyes. My bottom lip was chapped from all the nervous biting on it I did during the night.

My dads words spending most of the time on the bench because Chelsea have a better team than Arsenal stuck in my mind. What if I do think this is a good move but then find out I hardly ever play.

My legs collapsed beneath me, I pulled my knees up to my chest as his words circled in my mind. It felt even more shitter as it came from someone who should be my number one fan rather than a daisy downer. Anyone else's parent's would say 'you are better than any of the players right now' or 'they have nothing on you' or 'you are clearly the Ronaldo of the team' BUT ofcourse I get the 'spending most of the time on the bench'

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