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"I need a favor."

"You wanted to see me?" Fernando asked, peering into AJ's office. BoMel was also seated inside.

"Yeah," AJ replied. He wasn't a fan of conflict. And, well... he wasn't sure how Fernando was gonna react to this. Hence why Bob was here. Fernando wouldn't try anything with Bob around, "Take a seat, kid." He instructed, his voice more firm than before.

"Alright." Nando replied, pulling out the chair before slowly sitting down in it.
"I'm not in trouble, right?" His eyes were big and nervous by now.

"No, no. You're fine." AJ assured, as Bob Melvin nodded to him in agreement.

"So what's up?" Fernando asked, after settling for a moment. He seemed chill and laid back, as usual.

"I just—" AJ nervously started.

"We just." Bob interjected, once again nodding to AJ.

"It's came to our attention that you've been a little off lately."

Fernando opened his mouth to argue, but Bob swooped in to back AJ.

"And we get it. You can only go back to the DR for a quarter of the offseason and you've been suspended. The pressures been crazy and you haven't been able to do what you've loved most... which is play baseball."

Fernando nodded. He wasn't wrong.

"Which is why it's came to our attention that we need to give you a little push. Get you back on track, alright?" AJ said, fraising his statement more like a question.

"What do you mean?" He asked.

"We want you to talk to someone."

"Like a therapist?" He spat, unable to hide the distaste in his words.

"No, no..." he trailed, "A sports psychologist. They basically make sure your mind is right and focused to perform well. And in your case, you really have to clear it." AJ tried to remain respectful.

"I'm fine, AJ. I can assure you everything is alright." Nando declared.

"You're fine but you're not the same." Bob argued, "We've all seen it, son. It's like being quarantined... but from baseball. You haven't been able to actually play in years. Not to mention, the media outlets that have been drilling and flaming your name for the past three months. You cant say you haven't changed after all this, right?"

"Well duh, but I don't need therapy!" Fernando argued, his tone more aggressive now.

"You can either go see the sports psychologist or be benched. Take this as a step towards regaining your spot and respect in this organization and team. That, or like I said, you're benched." Melvin wasn't taking Fernando's attitude, especially after everything that's happened.

Silence fell upon the office, and Fernando put his head in his hands.

"I promise you that you aren't going because you're crazy, kid. You just need to get back on track. Everyone sees the psychologist once in awhile." AJ tried to lessen the uptight mood.

"Just tell me when it starts and how long I have to go for." He murmured, his eyes were dark with resentment.

"You'll start tomorrow. And you go until you're released."

Fernando resisted the urge to groan. This was the last thing he needed in his life at the moment.

But he wanted to be on this team and within the organization more than anything. He needed to prove himself all over again to everyone.

"Here's her phone number. I'll forward you her email address. She's pretty responsive so I—" AJ started.

"She?" Fernando asked.

"Yes, she." Bob Melvin repeated back sternly, "As you were saying, AJ."

"Thank you," he mumbled, "Just make sure you contact her tonight. She knows you're coming but she has other people to see and she needs a time slot for you."


"Alright, all good?" AJ smiled, getting up from his desk, "Sorry I gotta rush outta here. Got a meeting with the marketing team at three." he apologized, walking quickly out of the office door.

"See you later, Sir." Fernando said goodbye to Bob Melvin. He began to go towards the door but was yanked back.

"Hey." his eyes were cold, "Best behavior, Junior. And I mean it."

Fernando nodded, stepping back to let Bob Melvin out the door first. He took a big gulp afterwards.

This was gonna be a long offseason. That's for damn sure.

republished 6/21/23

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