⌖ wasting your honor

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i never had the courage of my convictions

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i never had the courage of my convictions.

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serena stared out her window with a deep look of sorrow on her face. she wasn't sure what she was about to do. she knew once she did it there was no going back. and she also knew how much she'd regret it once it was done.

she hesitantly fished the crinkled business card out of her leather jacket with a deep breath. her hands shook slightly as she observed it with sad eyes.

serena took a large inhale. she assured herself if she called and checked in, it didn't mean she would go. she didn't have to go if she didn't want to. she just wanted a backup plan.

it could really piss some people off though.

the girl let out a sigh, shakily dialing the queens area code. she paced back and forth across the room as the call pinged.


"hi there, may i speak with billy eppler?"

"this is he."

"oh, hi! this is serena lense," she greeted, plugging her ear that didn't have the phone on it from the static of the airflow. she had her windows and front door propped open to welcome the gorgeous weather.

"dr. lense! how are you?"

"i'm good, i was just calling to ask about your recent job offer."

"oh, i see. schowalter informed me you weren't interested though. change your mind?"

"my wheels are always turning."

unbeknownst to serena, a familiar figure had entered her townhouse. it was quite routine for him to show up and enter without warning. he enjoyed seeing her face light up when he made time in his busy day to bring her food and eat lunch with her before he had to head to the ballpark.

"if you want, we can schedule you an interview as soon as you can get to new york. how's that sound?"

"i'm in," she half-smiled cheerily.

the boy that slipped into her kitchen froze. she still hadn't noticed him come in, she hadn't noticed his heartbroken expression either.

he watched serena hang up, standing statically by the counter. the boy tried his best not to sway from his achy legs and the sick feeling he was starting to attract.

serena cocked her head over to the kitchen, eyes widening as fernando was looking at her like he'd just seen a ghost.

fernando looked down in his palm, dropping the #23 necklace he was going to surprise her with back in his pocket. the dinner around the diamond gala was supposed to be tomorrow, and it was important to him to have it custom made for her.

there was a sorrow distaste in his brown eyes. they didn't look warm. they were stony and rough.

"i brought you food," he uttered with an unfriendly tone.

serena watched his frosty actions closely. he slowly started back over to her wide-open door.

"feel free to eat it on your way to new york," fernando muttered frigidly, stepping out the door and shutting it softly.

"feel free to eat it on your way to new york," fernando muttered frigidly, stepping out the door and shutting it softly

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