☽ prologue ☽

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it's only been t-shirt weather for a couple weeks

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it's only been t-shirt weather for a couple weeks... but your skirts are getting short


on the corner of pomona and miguel sits a quiet beachside bungalow. it was usually empty and unoccupied, but just recently a new girl had moved in.

she was easygoing and peaceful. simply minded her own business and did her own thing.

some of the neighbors may even dub her a mystery. they were always curious about what she did after her early-morning surfs and how a woman as young as her could afford such a lavish area.

she could also frequently be seen sitting on her front porch with her bengal cat by her side as she read up on psychology and complexities of the mind.

most people observed how in-tact she was with the world around her. it was remarkable how she never seemed to take anything for granted, and cherished the little things.

when the girl spoke she kept her head down but her voice loud, which probably defended her against the nosy people on her street. it definitely preserved her enigma as well.

the sun highlighted her faded blond hair, that was once dark brown when she moved in. her ever-changing appearance made her almost unrecognizable to anyone who actually knew her - but not necessarily in a bad way.

the only recognizable thing about her were her eyes. alluring and beautiful, yet so frigid and impenetrable.

she saw right through the speculation. the girl knew everybody talked, but it was of her importance to keep to herself and lay low for a couple weeks.

it was almost unfathomable as to why she would be hiding in her own city. maybe she just wasn't sure what to say when she saw her family again.

the girl knew how hard it would be to explain to everyone that she watched the barbie movie and decided to essentially restart her entire life.

well, maybe the barbie movie was just the tip of the ice berg. but, credits to margot robbie for real. she was somewhat happy again.

the dirty blond misunderstood her screwy reasoning that pertained to her return. all she knew was coming home from the movie, going to sleep, dreaming about this city, and then booking a flight to it the next day.

the moving arrangements were a living hell, and quitting her job was also a nightmare... but everything came around.

everything worked out because it was supposed to.

this was where she belonged

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