∞ the one that i keep

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look how you made me

∞ ∞ ∞

"are you serious? another party?" serena nearly screeched.

"this has been planned for weeks. it's to celebrate jake's contract extension. he held one for manny so manny's holding one for him," fernando explained as they walked along the beautiful streets of coronado island.

"yeah, i don't know if i can do this one," serena stopped dead as manny's house came into view. there was already music blaring.

"oh please, c'mon s," fernando begged, taking her by the arm and leading her towards it, "if trent can still make it after last night i know you can too."

"trent is still coming?!"

"yeah, and everyone is getting cut off at two drinks. we're trying to do something nice for jake here."

"fine," she groaned, "i'm walking in first."

"or we can just walk in together?"

in avoidance of an argument, serena dropped her head. it was her silent way of giving in without saying she did.

"how's finny?" fernando asked, referring to serena's new kitten.

"he's adorable," she grinned, pushing manny's unlocked door open. as far as they could see, everyone was in high spirits since they won this morning.

"what's up!" juan exclaimed, approaching the pair. he threw his arms around the both of them, "you guys ready for karaoke night? i bet you're not!"

fernando laughed, "what's that supposed to mean?"

"no one around here has any rhythm or beat!"

"i guess that's why we're ball players."

"you know what, fernando? i think you should go first! hey everyone!" juan shouted, "fernando's kicking off karaoke night!"

the team cheered, serena watching as juan pulled fernando to the living room where the karaoke machine was set up.

"what should he sing?" juan questioned the crowd.

"lil baby!" xander screamed.

"ew! who invited you?!"

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