gold rush

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"but i don't like a gold rush

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"but i don't like a gold rush."


"Outfielder Wil Myers and the Cincinnati Reds are in agreement on a one-year, $7.5 million contract, a source tells ESPN."


Fernando frowned as the twitter notification popped up in his feed.

Nando rarely checked twitter, but word had been circling around the club that Wil had found a new home, and unfortunately it was very far away from sunny San Diego. It was in foggy, miserable, overcast, Cincinnati, Ohio.

He hadn't spoke with Wil since he happened to see him and his wife at breakfast downtown.

Wil had always been nice. No, they weren't as close as they were when Fernando first got called up... but Wil was one of those dudes that didn't hold grudges. He didn't make excuses for bad decisions or behavior, but he also didn't hold those types of things against you either.

Wil had the Tony Gwynn attitude. Maybe he wasn't destined to be greatest like Tony, or the next in line after him... but he arguably was the most influential person around here inside of the organization during this era in Padres baseball.

If you had a problem, you would talk to Wil first. Not because Wil had a solution, but because he cared.

As soon as the news came through that he'd taken PEDs, before any of the team meetings... or interviews... Wil texted Fernando. He tried to call him too. He told him something along the lines that he's so pissed off right now that he could drill him in the ribs with a line drive and laugh about it, but afterward admitted he was there for him. No matter what, Nando could call him, message him, visit him... whenever.

Fernando ultimately knew that it was little moments like that, that would make him miss Wil a little more. He'd especially miss Wil on Sundays. Wil sure did rock those camouflage uniforms.

Through all the reminiscing, in a blink of an eye came what could be a gold rush. For him, however, a living hell...


"Shortstop Xander Bogaerts and the San Diego Padres are in agreement on an 11-year, $280 million contract, a source familiar with the deal tells ESPN."


"Oh f#ck."

"You realize it's 5am here, right?"

"You said I can call you whenever, remember?" he shrugged.

"Alright, just cut to the chase. I got a lot to do today." Serena sighed. She was exhausted. Miserable, too. As much as she wanted to use the "heartbroken" analogy, she was feeling more like her soul got completely sucked out of her after the news came through that Myers was a Red.

"Fine. Did you see the Bogaerts news? The 11 year deal? The $280 million dollars. All that... for another shortstop? I mean, I don't get it Serena!"

Now this, this definitely was not what she thought Fernando was calling about. She assumed it would've been a given since the ending of last season that Fernando was basically gonna be an outfielder and get time at short here and there. Why was he so a$$ed up? "Well," S had to stop herself before she said something super out of pocket. Even though it felt as if she wasn't on the job right now, she was, "I haven't really been keeping up with free agency," she lied, "What happened? Why did they sign him?"

"I don't know. They wanted a power bat, but I never got any word whatsoever they were replacing me. I mean, for him too? Bogaerts, out of all people? Isn't he like 70 years old?"

"I'm gonna have to stop you there. I thought you and Xan were friends? And also, there's no need to be dogging your new teammate." the blonde frowned.

"Serena he isn't even that great. Just because he's some island boy that has nice eyes doesn't mean he gets to waltz on in her-" Fernando rapidly stopped himself as he realized the perplexed look on Serena's face.

She looked confused. Out of it. Almost withdrawn.

"Are you even listening to me?"

"Yeah. I'm just tired. Keep going, but there's no need to criticize Bogaerts. It's not his fault AJ gave him a contract."

"But he knows Dr. Lense, he knows me. He knows my family. He knows I'm the shortstop. If he really cared he would've said no." The boy whined.

Honestly, Serena felt more like she was on the phone with a best friend complaining about a boy, not on the job with an "emergency appointment". The fact Fernando called her though was a step in the right direction.

"Maybe you should check in. Call Bob later and ask him what's going on. I don't know why they haven't communicated this to you, but things are changing, obviously. It's up to us to navigate how you adjust." Serena asserted, she didn't want to deal with this right now.

As much as Fernando wanted to argue because of how worked up he was, the most he could muster up was the saddened expression of a frown. He felt betrayed. Not only by Xander, but by the club all around. The sense of anger and frustration toward AJ he had right now was burning red.

He'd explained to Fernando that the agreement was he goes to Serena and wins his spot back, not he goes to Serena and gets replaced.

Slowly, he felt like he was fading away. He was going to become just another player on their field. He wasn't going to be the all-star electric shortstop he once was. He was going to be nothing more than a mediocre liar. He wasn't the gleaming, twinkling, rush-of-gold trophy boy anymore.

That was Xander now.

republished 6/21/23

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