i knew you were trouble

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a new notch in your belt is all i'll ever be

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a new notch in your belt is all i'll ever be.


MAY 11TH, 2023.
4:01 PM.

Serena stared up at the high beam ceiling from her spot on the cold wood floor. It was considerably warm for May in New York, but that didn't mean the rain stopped coming.

Clouds fogged the high sky of the big apple, just enough to flush out the blueness of the frigid ocean.

The girl's first impression of New York was outright depressing. When the days were sunny, they were humid. When the days were cloudy they were wet and sticky. There were a lot of mentally ill people here though, so she'd fit right in.

She got everything squared away with the Mets front office a couple days ago. The girl got the job as offered, and started once the team returned from DC. This wasn't for almost a week.

Being in New York, there were a lot of people she was able to meet up with. Lots of former players and old friends heard about the girl jumping ship, and between the Yankees having teams home when the Mets were away, they all wanted to meet up — presumably to talk shit about the organization.

For example, she saw her fellow Canadian maple leaf Cal Quantrill a few days ago. He assisted her in moving her couch in. Although Cal was extremely dry, his strange humor got a laugh out of her. It felt like she hadn't laughed in days.

Serena missed when she was at peace. Now, she believed she was just too good at being sad. Her blue eyes were better glossy, and her music taste was much more varied when partaking in heartbreak hour.

It was comforting to know that even though she left her life behind in California, the people there still cared about her. She'd received a plethora of calls from most of the old team and a small portion of the staff wishing her well once more and wondering how she was settling.

The girl disliked lying to them. Saying she liked it when she was already sure she was falling under into a vicious cycle of depression from the lack of vitamin D and natural interaction.

Serena didn't want anyone to say they told her so by moving here. Maybe her issue could've been resolved, but even if it was there was still Fernando. It would be a lot easier to leave in shambles than stay in shambles.

Suddenly, her timer began to go off, which took her out of her glum daze. Thinking too hard and too long was a regularity since she arrived. It was already 4:30.

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